Throughout American history drug laws and policies have impacted the research of controlled substances along with our justice system. Leung, Lawrence. This can further complicate their already deteriorating essay about marijuana. Lobby groups have even been making efforts to push for legalization of marijuana. Myers, L. html Cauchon, Dennis. A schedule II drug has medical value, but it is still a high risk for abuse in our society, so it should be seen as a medicine in the social lens.
Why Marijuana Should Be Legal Essay
Special offer! Promo code: SAVE Are you writing an essay, essay about marijuana, speech or presentation about why marijuanas should be legal? Here is a sample argumentative essay on the subject. It outlines the pros and cons of legalizing marijuana. If you want to write a high quality paper, you should carefully consider these arguments and make them your main focus. There is an ongoing tension between the belief that marijuana effectively treats a wide range of ailments and the argument that it has far-reaching negative health effects. There has nevertheless been a drive towards legalization of the drug in the United States with twenty nine states and the District of Columbia having legalized it for medical and recreational purposes.
Major public health concerns are being prompted by this rise. This should however not be the case essay about marijuana marijuana has health benefits and should thus be legal. Marijuana slows and stops the spread of cancer cells. A study found that Cannabidiol can turn off a gene called Id-1 and can therefore stop cancer. A report by researchers at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco also indicated that the spread of cancer may be prevented by Cannabidiol. In their lab experiment, the researchers were able to treat breast cancer cells with this component Nawaz, The positive outcome of the experiment showed that Id-1 expression had been significantly decreased.
Marijuana also helps with pain and nausea reduction for people going through chemotherapy. Cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy suffer from severe pains, appetite loss, vomiting, and painful nausea. This can further complicate their already deteriorating health. Marijuana can be of help here by stirring up the appetite, decreasing nausea, and reducing pain Nawaz, There are also other cannabinoid drugs used for the same purposes as approved by the FDA. It was additionally shown by a study that the use of marijuana can control epileptic seizure. In about ten hours, the seizures had been stopped by the drugs Nawaz, It was found that the seizures were controlled by the THC which bound the brain cells responsible for regulating relaxation and controlling excitability.
Some scientists claim that marijuana is addictive, essay about marijuana. According to them, one in ten marijuana users become addicted over time. They argue that if one stops using the drug abruptly, they essay about marijuana suffer from such withdrawal symptoms as anxiety and irritability Barcott, However, essay about marijuana, the same argument could be applied to cigarette smoking, which is notably legal. There essay about marijuana need for more studies to be conducted into this claim being spread by opponents of marijuana legalization. It is also argued that marijuana use decreases mental health. Those opposed to the legalization of recreational marijuana like to cite studies that show that users of the drug suffer from memory loss and restricted blood flow to the brain.
They also argue that users have higher chances of developing depression and schizophrenia, essay about marijuana. However, these assertions have not yet been completely ascertained by science Barcott, Essay about marijuana claim about depression and schizophrenia is particularly not clear because researchers are not sure whether the drug triggers the conditions or it is used by smokers to alleviate the symptoms. It is further claimed that marijuana use damages the lungs more than cigarette smoking. It is presumed that marijuana smokers inhale the smoke more deeply into their lungs and let it stay there for longer, essay about marijuana.
The likelihood of lung cancer, essay about marijuana to this argument, can essay about marijuana increased by this deeper, longer exposure to carcinogens. However, the argument touches not on the frequency of use between marijuana and cigarette smokers Barcott, It neither takes into account such alternative administration methods as edibles, tinctures, and vaporizing. Legalization of marijuana would lead to improved quality and safety control. Purchasing the drug off the street provides end users with no means of knowing what they are exactly getting. This would certainly work in the marijuana industry just as it is working in the tobacco and alcohol industries. Users would be able to know what they exactly get in exchange for the money they offer.
Additionally, essay about marijuana, there would be no risks of users taking in unknown substances mixed in marijuana sold on the streets. Marijuana should also be legal because it has a medicinal value. Public health would be improved and the healthcare system would experience less of a drain if medical cannabis products were made available to those suffering from the mentioned conditions. Consequently, more public funds would be available for such other public service initiatives as schools and roads. Among the major arguments against marijuana legalization is often that legalization would yield an increase in drug-impaired driving. This argument holds that even now when the drug is yet to be fully legalized in the country, it has already been cited to be a major causal factor in highway deaths, injuries, and crushes.
It was found in yet another study that It however beats logic why marijuana is illegalized on the ground that it would increase drug-impaired driving while alcohol is legal but also significantly contributes to the same problem. As the discussion reveals, legalization of marijuana would have many benefits. The drug is associated with the treatment of many serious illnesses including the dreaded cancer. Legalization would also save users from consuming unsafe marijuana sold by unscrupulous people. There are also other health conditions that can be controlled through the drug, essay about marijuana.
Arguments against its legalization based on its effects on human health also lack sufficient scientific support. It is thus only safe that the drug is legalized in all states. Barcott, B. Weed the people: the future of legal marijuana in America. New York, NY: Time Essay about marijuana Entertainment, essay about marijuana. Caulkins, J. Marijuana legalization: what everyone needs to know. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Essay about marijuana, W. Trends and age, period and cohort effects for marijuana use prevalence in the US National Alcohol Surveys. Addictionessay about marijuana, 3 Nawaz, H. The debate between legalizing marijuana and its benefits for medical purposes: a pros and cons analysis.
Munich, Germany: GRIN Verlag. Why We Should Not Legalize Marijuana. In CNBC. Legalization of marijuana would have many benefits. com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse range of subjects and disciplines. We understand that studies are the foundation of success; yet they can be quite a challenge without extra help. Ours, essay about marijuana, therefore, is to pick up where your lecturers stop by providing you with a reliable process for meeting your academic needs. Do My Essay! Do not waste time.
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Several countries, particularly in Europe, and the United States have legalized both medicinal and recreational marijuana. Their move to legalize marijuana was based on medical reports that showed a variety of health benefits linked to the drug Noonan, Research shows that marijuana can reduce seizures in epileptic persons. Several studies have also proven that the drug indeed has a variety of health benefits. For instance, Charlotte Figi, who is now aged 10, used to have more than seizures every month at age three, but since Colorado legalized medicinal and recreational marijuana, her parents started treating her with the substance, and today her seizures have significantly reduced Noonan, Marijuana has as well been proven to reduce nausea in cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.
Owing to this medicinal value, state governments should consider legalizing the drug. Additionally, marijuana has been proven to be a stress reliever. Consumption of the drug causes excitement among its users enabling them to forget about troubling situations. Unlike alcohol which is likely to aggravate stress and depression, marijuana works wonders in alleviating anxiety and depression Sanger, There are many health and social effects associated with stress, including mental disorders and violence against others Sanger, To avoid cases of stress-related violence and mental disorders, state governments should make marijuana consumption legal. There are many misconceptions about marijuana in the world today.
People have continued to ignore the health benefits linked with this substance and have instead focused on citing yet-to-be proven misconceptions. Owing to the ability of the drug to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals, governments should seriously consider its legalization. The legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from sustaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption. So far, there is more than enough evidence proving that marijuana has lots of benefits to individuals, the society, and the government, and therefore should be legalized. Head, T. Markol, T. Marijuana Reform. Noonan, D. Scientific American. Owen, P. New York Times. Sanger, B. Thesis: Marijuana should be legalized as it is more beneficial that it may be detrimental to society.
There are many misconceptions about marijuana existent in the modern world. People have continued to ignore health benefits linked to this substance citing their unproven beliefs. Owing to its ability to stop seizures, nausea, and stress in individuals governments should highly consider marijuana legalization. Its legalization will also help state governments reduce expenses that result from maintaining suspects convicted of marijuana possession and consumption. com is a leading academic writing service that is dedicated to providing extra support and help to students all over the world. Through our website, students can request for help in a diverse range of subjects and disciplines.
We understand that studies are the foundation of success; yet they can be quite a challenge without extra help. Ours, therefore, is to pick up where your lecturers stop by providing you with a reliable process for meeting your academic needs. Do My Essay! Do not waste time. Get a complete paper today. Order essays, research papers, term papers, book reviews, assignments, dissertation, thesis Read more…. Argumentative Essay On Marijuana Legalization Published by gudwriter on May 27, May 27, No Bullshit!! It was found that the seizures were controlled by the THC which bound the brain cells responsible for regulating relaxation and controlling excitability.
Some scientists claim that marijuana is addictive. According to them, one in ten marijuana users become addicted over time. They argue that if one stops using the drug abruptly, they may suffer from such withdrawal symptoms as anxiety and irritability Barcott, However, the same argument could be applied to cigarette smoking, which is notably legal. There is need for more studies to be conducted into this claim being spread by opponents of marijuana legalization. It is also argued that marijuana use decreases mental health. Those opposed to the legalization of recreational marijuana like to cite studies that show that users of the drug suffer from memory loss and restricted blood flow to the brain. They also argue that users have higher chances of developing depression and schizophrenia.
However, these assertions have not yet been completely ascertained by science Barcott, The claim about depression and schizophrenia is particularly not clear because researchers are not sure whether the drug triggers the conditions or it is used by smokers to alleviate the symptoms. It is further claimed that marijuana use damages the lungs more than cigarette smoking. It is presumed that marijuana smokers inhale the smoke more deeply into their lungs and let it stay there for longer. The likelihood of lung cancer, according to this argument, can be increased by this deeper, longer exposure to carcinogens. However, the argument touches not on the frequency of use between marijuana and cigarette smokers Barcott, It neither takes into account such alternative administration methods as edibles, tinctures, and vaporizing.
Legalization of marijuana would lead to improved quality and safety control. Purchasing the drug off the street provides end users with no means of knowing what they are exactly getting. This would certainly work in the marijuana industry just as it is working in the tobacco and alcohol industries. Users would be able to know what they exactly get in exchange for the money they offer. Additionally, there would be no risks of users taking in unknown substances mixed in marijuana sold on the streets. Marijuana should also be legal because it has a medicinal value.
Public health would be improved and the healthcare system would experience less of a drain if medical cannabis products were made available to those suffering from the mentioned conditions. Consequently, more public funds would be available for such other public service initiatives as schools and roads. Among the major arguments against marijuana legalization is often that legalization would yield an increase in drug-impaired driving. This argument holds that even now when the drug is yet to be fully legalized in the country, it has already been cited to be a major causal factor in highway deaths, injuries, and crushes.
It was found in yet another study that It however beats logic why marijuana is illegalized on the ground that it would increase drug-impaired driving while alcohol is legal but also significantly contributes to the same problem. As the discussion reveals, legalization of marijuana would have many benefits. The drug is associated with the treatment of many serious illnesses including the dreaded cancer. Legalization would also save users from consuming unsafe marijuana sold by unscrupulous people. There are also other health conditions that can be controlled through the drug. Arguments against its legalization based on its effects on human health also lack sufficient scientific support. It is thus only safe that the drug is legalized in all states. Barcott, B. Weed the people: the future of legal marijuana in America.
New York, NY: Time Home Entertainment. Caulkins, J. Marijuana legalization: what everyone needs to know. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Kerr, W. Trends and age, period and cohort effects for marijuana use prevalence in the US National Alcohol Surveys. Addiction , 3 , Nawaz, H.
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