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Ethnographic essay

Ethnographic essay

In the mountain villages, land is the primary commodity that is held in the highest regard as a symbol of status, wealth and power, ethnographic essay. Ethnographic essay from ieee. Geneally, ethnographic essay, the club is semi-fomal in natue with… references to popular culture. Conversations with anthropological film-makers: Melissa Llewellyn-Davies. Women in Film Noir Teaching is in many ways a solitary profession: A teacher in his or her own classroom ethnographic essay hours in contact with students but often relatively little time talking to other teachers and educators. John Bowen argues that the main impediment to the anthropological study of monotheisms is that these religions do not fit well in the normal ethnographic model.

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Ethnography In seven weeks, I conducted seven separate field observations in two different gym settings. Amid the clanks of weights, metal on metal, and the grunts and groans of young men, ethnographic essay, I conducted detailed observations and compiled a series of field notes. My research focus was on differences between age, gender, and socio-economic class with regards to attitudes towards working out, gym culture, and the use of supplements including steroids. Ethnographic essay of the research settings ethnographic essay Dean's Gym in Murrysville.

The other gym was the Power Center at Duquesne University. At both places, ethnographic essay, my role was as active participant-observer. As a member of one of the gyms and a former member of the other, I had an in-group status but was also able to objectively seek information from demographic cohorts different from my own. Informants ranged from young to old, male to female. One of the primary research questions I…. There is plenty of time to re-resent petty humiliations or wince over ethnographic essay own stupidity or insensitivity. riting ethnography is a purgatory ethnographic essay pensees d'escalier Metcalf.

Everyone is a ethnographic essay of some type of culture, and this culture is open to interpretation by any ethnographer. Our cultures are ethnographic essay shapes who we are, and how we react to a given circumstance. These cultures many times have beliefs and practices that are several centuries old, and have stood the test of time. Conclusion Ethnography is a method of sociology research which explores the ways of life of ethnographic essay culture. There are a number of different types of ethnography, and each sociologist must decide the method to employ in their research.

hile there are many different cultures throughout the world, we all share the common thread that we are part…. Works Cited Ethnographic Research. accessed 18 November, Lassiter, Luke Eric. The American Indian Quarterly. Metcalf, Peter. Ethnography Le Petit Cafe in Brighton Beach is a Russian-owned pastry shop managed by my father Oleg Reyngach. ith a clientele that consists almost entirely of Russian immigrants living in the local community, Le Petit Cafe offers a wonderful opportunity for an ethnographic study. hat the patrons lack in terms of ethnic and linguistic diversity, they make up for in terms of socio-economic class and gender diversity.

Blue collar and working class individuals commingle with white-collar young executives. The ratio of females to males is about equal, and age is also varied. hat makes Le Petit Cafe a rich ethnographic field study is the way the organization lends insight into the way globalization has affected the immigrant experience. Themes related to multiculturalism and hegemony also become clear, as the Russian community thrives by sticking together while at the same time enjoying the fruits of enculturation and assimilation. As a participant-observer…. Works Ethnographic essay "Culture and Power, ethnographic essay. Chapter 1 "Mapping the block" Assignment, ethnographic essay.

The culture industry, which is centered in cities, thus robs the individual of their freedom to participate in the culture-at-large, forcing them into the role of pure consumer, ethnographic essay. The unity of style as it manifests itself in cultural products is an expression of social power. The greatest artists thus have a mistrust of style, as the hierarchies of power have constructed it; their greatness thus lies in their inherent flaws, which are truer to life. By suggesting that the forms of real life are fulfilled via their aesthetic derivatives, art and culture thus position themselves on the same platform as ideology. Those who fall victim to the ideology of the culture industry are inevitably the poor and working-class; and as the ideology of the culture industry is contingent on the capitalist myth of success and failure, it is those same individuals who are enslaved by such an ideology who subscribe….

Works Cited Fischer, Claude S. To Dwell Among Friends: Personal Networks in Town and City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, The results of the study indicated that the presence of uncles in the lives of African-American male youth identified as at risk, fostered successful transitions into young adulthood, positive adolescent development, ethnographic essay, and the informal social controls that served to keep youth violence and delinquency in check. The data the study generated, according to Richardson, may serve to provide an alternative approach and perspective in understanding the numerous forms of African-American fatherhood.

ecause much of the sociological research ethnographic essay African-American families continues to be approached through a Westernized perspective, the multifaceted familial unit that is in many ways the African-American experience is continuously deemed deficient. Until such time as a genuine and unbiased view of the…. Bibliography Burton, L, ethnographic essay. Ethnographic perspectives on social context and adolescent development among inner city African-American teens, ethnographic essay. Jessor, A. Shweder Eds. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Coleman, J. Foundations of social theory. Cambridge, MA: Harvard. Ethnogaphy The Young Republicans goup meets evey Thusday ethnographic essay campus, and they allow non-membes to attend meetings.

Theefoe, ethnographic essay, fo the puposes of this study I chose to analyze the goup ethnographic essay and pattens of this specific club. Although the club lists foty official membes, the political club meetings usually contain fewe than twenty people. About seventy pecent of the student membes ae Caucasian; the emainde ae East Asian and Afican-Ameican. Usually men outnumbe women about thee to one. The meetings ae patly social in natue, with food and beveages seved duing a chat time, afte which political issues ae fomally discussed. A few of the membes ae goup leades such as the pesident and secetaies. These leades guide the discussions and oganize goup activities outside the meetings.

These activities include collective lette-witing and attendance of political allies and lectues in the aea. Geneally, the club is semi-fomal in natue with…. references to popular culture. During the formal portion of group meetings, order is maintained voluntarily; no rules are outwardly stated. However, on one occasion, a few members conversed amongst themselves while the main speaker ethnographic essay a speech. Several other members of the group glared at them to pressure them into silence. In conclusion, ethnographic essay, the ethnographic research performed for the purposes of this study yielded pertinent information about the group dynamics of a politically-motivated campus club. As part of a large national organization, the Young Republicans ethnographic essay a strong sense of group identity and cohesiveness, ethnographic essay.

There is a ethnographic essay of "us-versus-them," as many of the Young Republicans feel outnumbered by liberal-minded students on campus. Therefore, ethnographic essay, a sense of camaraderie develops over this perceived group isolation. On several occasions I overheard members talking about their professors in a negative manner. The belief systems of the group members are similar, because of the nature of the club as a political organization. Members are from similar socio-economic backgrounds, and hold similar beliefs about public policy, ethnographic essay. The group is relatively non-diverse, with only a handful of minorities present at each group meeting.

Women are underrepresented, but their position is not inferior to that ethnographic essay their male counterparts. In fact, gender equality is a salient group characteristic. An interpersonal interaction between group members varies greatly. Because some of the students are good friends outside of the meetings, while others do not associate at all, there is a wide range of communication methods. However, for the members who only see each other at meetings, interactions are slightly stiff but still informal, ethnographic essay. Peer pressure becomes evident in the lack of time spent on dissenting beliefs in group meetings and a focus on hierarchy within the group, ethnographic essay. The president and other group leaders lead the discussions and initiate activities more than other members do.

Junior members generally keep quiet throughout the formal part of the meetings. Having experienced firsthand the reprieve his profession offers, the barometer of his success is simple, if there was no pain and no lingering side effects, ethnographic essay, then there was success. Surgical Technologist I was also able to interview the surgical technologist. She occupied many of the duties I had always believed were held by the head nurse. In fact the role of the surgical technologist entails not only having a detailed knowledge of the procedure in order to assist, but also an ability to anticipate a surgeon's need for different tools, set up the table of tools in precise order, and ensure that in the event of an emergency access to the necessary corrective instruments and supplies is as close to immediate as possible.

After the insight I was provided with about the function of the surgical team I was excited to hear how she would explain the meaning in her…. More than one example would support the author's ability to make generalizations about gender related power struggles within the community. Stack conducted a formal quantitative study in Appendix A Stack, p. The statistics that she found through a study of AFDC case studies supported the assumption that the families she portrayed did represent typical scenarios in the community. Stack addressed the stereotypical image that portrays the ghetto black as hopeless and powerless found in other literature.

She defends her position that the image is incorrect. Both the quantitative and qualitative evidence supports her theory that the black family in ethnographic essay urban areas has a formal support network. She debunks the myth that there is no way out through many examples that she found in her studies. One of the key shortfalls that can be…. Works Cited Borges, J, ethnographic essay. Accessed May Gregory, S. Black Corona: Race and the Politics of Place in an Urban Community. Princeton: Princeton University Press,

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To mention a few:. We have full confidence in our writers and can authoritatively say to our writers that all their ethnographic essays can be handled to their expectations. There is no limit to the number of ethnographic topics one can come up with. However, factors such as relevance and accuracy remain the most important considerations in coming up with a suitable topic. Below is a list of some researchable topics to consider for your ethnographic essays:. There is no limit to essay questions in this segment. Some of the common questions are listed below:. The dream of attaining the highest marks is paramount to all students.

Our team is here to assist you in achieving this dream. Here are some simple ideas you need to consider when writing your ethnographic essay:. Ethnographic essays are often very challenging to write and may pose serious problems leading to unintended failures. We are here to help you avoid such frustrating ordeals. There are no…. Even while a primary school pupils children are sometimes…. It is often difficult to choose the exact topic since…. Home Blog Essay Topics 30 Ethnographic Essay Topics 30 Ethnographic Essay Topics Author: George Lynch.

Share this post:. Share on Facebook Tweet this Share on Messenger. Khermouch, G. Littlejohn, S. Theories of Human Communication. CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. ethnography of fictional individual who wanted to enter the medical field. The paper starts off with a 2-page assessment of a pseudo-interview that will form the structure of the entire ethnography. The interview and the analysis followed all exhibit the different social, ethnic and cultural aspects of the fictional character. Ethnography The fictional character constructed for this paper is Sara Bench. Sara is a foreigner who moved in from a European country with her family when she was 15, right after her grandmother's demise.

She is a very strong and intelligent individual, one who is determined and dedicated to becoming a nurse and chooses to open and run an adult facility in later years when given the opportunity. She is a happy-go-lucky girl but one who is willing to work hard and long hours when it comes to her work. In the interview below, we see the personal and social…. References Anker, R. Theories of occupational segregation by sex: An overview In: Martha Fetherolf Loutfi. Women, Gender and Work, What is equality and how do we get there? ILO, Geneva. Foster Care. Facts for Families. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, The Gender Pay Gap: a research review Equal opportunities Commission. Hakim, C. Key issues in women's work: female diversity and the polarisation of women's employment Glasshouse.

The rooster in the story is warning the dreamer of the dangers of focusing on the wrong things. In the story, the man is failing to concentrate on his physical needs, but the author's purpose in the passage is to point out that spiritual salvation is man's critical need. Furthermore, the passage utilizes providence by specifically stating that one who seeks the Kingdom of God will have his needs met. Finally, the author concludes his passage with an argument in the form of a short epilogue, recapping what he has said throughout the rest of the passage. He warns the reader, "Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.

Sufficient for the day is its own evil" Matt In other words, he tells the reader that anxiety is not going to solve the problems. He makes a vague reference to the simple life,…. Works Cited Aphthonius of Antioch. Ethnography Experience The author of this brief reflection has been asked to reflect on a recent assignment, how it went, how it was structured and so forth. To be specific, there was an ethnographic interview and observation and the author is to reflect on the structure and experiences that came along the way as part of that process. The resources that were present as part of the process will also inform what is said, why it is said and so forth.

What happened during the Final Immersion Project experience was very useful and there is a lot to be said about it. While there are so many directions that the author could take when it comes to the experiences that were had, there are some in particular that could and should be aid. Body If there is one thing that the author learned about the process of ethnography and its…. References Archer, J. Intersecting Feminist Theory and Ethnography in the Context of Social Work Research. Qualitative Social Work: Research And Practice, 8 2 , The use of ethnography in social work research. Qualitative Social Work: Research And Practice, 13 1 , Ethnography in social work practice and policy.

Lukens drives home the idea that the problem of non-Islamic anthropologists trying to define and place boundaries on the faith to be able to compartmentalize it will always view it from a non-Islamic mindset, therefore will be unable to fully grasp or understand its origin or its current evolutionary processes. Part of the answer to the anthropologist's question "What is Islam? For instance, are local spirit beliefs, saint's shrines, and festivals Islamic? To deal with these issues more effectively it is necessary to take a step back from Islam. The problems encountered by anthropologists studying Islamic societies are also faced by anthropologists studying other monotheistic societies. John Bowen argues that the main impediment to the anthropological study of monotheisms is that these religions do not fit well in the normal ethnographic model.

The texts and…. References Lukens-Bull Roland, "Between text and practice: considerations in the anthropological study of Islam. Eickelman, "Mass Higher Education and the Religious Imagination in Contemporary Arab Societies. Ethnography of Communication in High School Film The EOC ethnography of communication is the analysis of communication within a culture, and practices of speech of a number of community. The EOC refers to the discourse analysis in linguistic drawing the anthropological field investigating the use of speech, their meaning or interpretation as being found in human groups or particular communities. The normative and cultural are two important concepts in the ethnographic communication analysis, which are used to analyze language, cultural norms, and situation context that influence communication among people.

The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the concept ethnographic of communication using the film titled "High School" directed by Frederick Wiseman. Part 1 of Project The study uses the film titled "High School" to illustrate the concept ethnographic communication. High School is an American film directed by Frederick Wiseman in High School is an ethnographic film depicting Northeast…. Reference Gudykunst, W. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Knippenberg, D. London: Sage Shimanoff, S. Communication rules: Theory and research. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Organizational Psychology Qualitative research is conducted according to several different philosophical orientations, one of which is phenomenology.

The science of phenomenology studies the consciousness of individuals according to a first-person point-of-view. Experience is structured by meaning and intentionality toward something or some object, and phenology is the effort to describe the meanings of the lived experiences of individuals. That is to say that, the first person accounts of individuals constitute meaningful, authentic qualitative data. Ethnography is a form of qualitative research in which the investigator becomes immersed in the context in which the inquiry is taking place ouleau, et al. An ethnographic researcher essentially indwells in order to obtain thick, rich data about individuals in a population and about the environment in which they live their lives ouleau, et al. The field of ethnology requires the researcher to be at once acutely tuned-in to the individuals in the….

References Rouleau, L. From the ethnographic turn to new forms of organizational ethnography. Journal of Organizational Ethnography, 3 1 , Unravelling learning within multinational corporations. British Journal of Management, 18 3 , EBSCOhost Accession Number: AN Ethnography This ethnographic observation comprises two separate visits to a NHL hockey game, during the regular season. Both of the observations took place at an evening game, which began at 7PM. There are several predispositions of how I believe people will look and behave in this setting. For example, I believed that men would outnumber women. I also believed that about half of the people at the hockey game would be with groups, and especially with families. I believed that roughly half of the attendants would be wearing a hockey team jersey, and that a quarter of the fans would have purchased beer from the stadium kiosks.

Shouting and other signs of fan participation and enthusiasm was also expected. I have been to several NHL hockey games, as well as minor league games. This is why I have some expectations of the game but still tried to keep an open…. References Cherry, K. The three types of psychology research. Introduction to Research Methods. htm Munro, C. University of British Columbia [Thesis]. Noto, C. The ethnography: What it is and how to write it. html "Writing an Ethnography," n. On the other hand, this return to a people made largely more recognized by Turnbull's first ethnography does suggest something about the ethnography itself where anthropological purpose is concerned. Namely, the degree to which the people of the Mbuti tribes may have been exposed to the larger intersection with the modern world as a result of Turnbull's first work is illustrative of the way that research can actually interfere with and alter the course of its subject's experience.

To an extent, the ethnography may be a double-edged sword, with its apparent benefits through immersion taking on troubling implications where the researcher's immersion itself becomes a factor in shaping data and outcomes. In addition to distorting intended findings, this also calls into question various ethical concerns where scientific examination is concerned. It is conceivable to argue that an ethnography such as that crafted by Turnbull may have eschewed proper ethical considerations…. Works Cited: Garson, J. Ethnographic Research. North Carolina State University. Online at. Turnbull, C. The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation. Thomson Learning. Ethnography There is no such thing as a time machine.

Ancient history can only be understood by modern peoples through the cultural documentation that was left behind. ritings from the period of the New Testament exist but they do not provide information into every aspect of everyday life. Consequently, historians and scholars must analyze the documents that are in existence in order to gain a greater understanding into the world's past. One technique that makes it possible for current populations to understand ancient texts is the use of literary ethnography. This procedure is the endeavor to use qualitative means to learn about and to better understand various cultural documentation and ideology which mirror that culture's society.

Particularly of importance to ethnography is the ways and means of knowledge acquisition of a culture and also the system of meanings and which dictate that culture, such as language and the roles of…. Works Cited: Aphthonius of Antioch. Paul Atkinson hen it comes to the apparent pollution that has occurred hen it comes to the topic of auto-ethnography and the definition of the same. At the onset, Atkinson is lauding the ork of fello scholar Anderson and that person's critique of the "tendencies" and patterns that are occurring hen it comes to ho auto-ethnography is defined, encapsulated and analyzed. Analysis As stated in the introduction, Atkinson gets to his point about ethnography and auto-ethnography up front.

He feels, per this…. work cited by Atkinson is older rather than newer. The result is clearly that Atkinson wants to clarify and redefine the field in its modern context and he clearly disagrees with the opinions on the subject that others have Atkinson, Conclusion The work is significant because the scholars of today do indeed define the direction that the field goes in. If people glom onto what Atkinson is saying, there will be a shift back to the definitions of more recent years. If they disagree more of the time, then the current shift will continue or things will at least remain the same. Only time will tell which of the two will prevail but at least some modicum of change and evolution is inevitable.

References Atkinson, P. Rescuing auto-ethnography. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 35 4 ,. However, the Kolenda text is somewhat prescient in identifying some of the ways that Indian society has adjusted to change as modernization has become a matter of inevitability. Indeed, Kolenda denotes entering into the discussion that "the shape of India emerging will be different from the shape of modern estern societies. Caste in its new transformations will be an important contributing factor to determining that shape. Conclusion: Ultimately, one is left with the sense that a subject such as this would best be explored in a study with a more current context.

They may not be overtly trying to keep blacks down, but I have noticed they it is important in this company to keep whites at the top of the ladder. For example, my manager, a Caucasian, has been with this company for 20 years, he earns a salary in six figures and has no college experience. It shows. In fact under his supervision our department is collapsing. There is a supervisor who is African-American who tries hard to cover up for his boss's errors of judgment and wrongheaded decisions. He should be the one running our department, but he hasn't been promoted or compensated -- or even given credit for the yeoman's work that he does.

The black supervisor has been with the company as long as the white manager, and the black supervisor has two master's degrees, but he can't catch a break in the company pecking order. My tolerance springs from my rootedness in the Los Angeles media culture and my experience as an actor, in my off-beat sense of creativity, and in my sociability. These qualities stood in particular contrast to New Yorkers' abruptness, skepticism and more frequent use of sarcasm. I came to realize that even simple things that I took for granted like my love of the beach, wide-open spaces, good tacos, and fast cars well, when cars aren't backed upon the highway, of course in LA all marked me as classically West Coast.

Unlike my New York friends, the idea of spending most of my time on narrow city streets, breathing in fumes, or sitting in a tiny studio apartment is not my idea of a good life. I was able to find beauty in Europe, staring at the monumental architectural structures from ages past. To strike another contrast between my perspective and…. Ethnographic Perspective: Guests of the Sheik Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village -- analysis Elizabeth Fernea's book "Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village" provides readers with a complex description of women in Iraqi village during the s. The text is meant to enable people to abandon stereotypes they might have considered when coming across Iraqi women.

The book should not necessarily be understood as a form of criticism with regard to society's understanding of this particular community, as it is actually meant to inform readers and to make it possible for them to employ more open-minded attitudes with regard to the group. The fact that the writer provides a personal account regarding Iraqi women during the s contributes to the overall authenticity of the manuscript. The book is based on Fernea's experiences in Iraq during her stay there with her husband, an…. Works cited: Warnock Fernea, E. Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. The provincial capital of Enga is Wabag. The two other main centers of population are Wapenamanda and Laiagam.

Porgera, at the western edge of the province, is home to a gold mine operated by Barrick Gold. Enga is unique among the provinces in Papua New Guinea in that it has only one major linguistic and ethnic group: Enga speakers. Although dialects of the Enga language vary greatly from Laiagam in the west to Wapenamanda in the east, Engans' shared ethnic identity overshadows the existence of other ethnic groups in the province, such as Ipili speakers around Porgera and Nete speakers. Porgera, the giant gold and copper mine in the far west, has brought about rapid change for some, but most people still grow cash crops -- coffee, pyrethrum and cool-weather European vegetables -- in their steep mountain gardens.

Porgera is all but spent, but other nearby mineral finds mean that…. References Feil, D. Women and men in the Enga te. American Ethnologist, 5: 2: Meggitt, M. Oceania, Waddell, Eric. How the Enga cope with frost: Responses to climatic perturbations in the central highlands of New Guinea. Human Ecology. Speech by Mr. Gari Baki, OBE, O. J, DPS, Commisioner of Police. First Constable Martha Taian. PNG National Woman's Day. Hideaway Hotel, National Capital District. LABB School I chose the LABB School because it seems so innovative. They have a preschool program designed for children with special needs, but they also enroll children with no difficulties. Because of this, preschoolers who attend The LABB School get both specialized services and the normality of attending preschool with children who have no disabilities.

I was very curious to see how The LABB School makes this concept work. When I went in I expected to see the children with disabilities separated in some way from the children without disabilities. I also wanted to know how well both groups progressed. I observed in detail and interviewed a teacher, an occupational therapist and a teacher aid to gather information. I did not ask to interview a parent. The LABB School is spacious and set against woods. The rooms are airy and bright. They have a playground that is brightly colored…. Ethnography The 's were the bubble years, the dot. com era, or whatever euphemism suits to describe the booming years of Silicon Valley, all Street and Internet businesses. They were years that created millionaires literally overnight.

Businesses that began in basements and garages by college kids, suddenly appeared on the trading boards of the Stock Market Exchange. It seemed that anything to do with computers turned to gold. American life became high-tech. Suddenly everyone had cell phones, from professionals to soccer moms and teenagers. And personal computers became a fixture in American homes. The Information Superhighway was up and running and Americans were encouraged, not only by advertisers, but even by the government to travel it. It was "American" to log-on and surf the eb. The computer world was the darling of all Street and the express train to wealth and happiness for the American public.

Moreover, it was an era…. Works Cited Chait, Michael. Dot-com Era Start-Ups Still Feeling Woes. html Oberberck, Steven. Fidelity Executive Looks Back on Dot-Com Crash at Salt Lake City Lecture. Kahn, Jeremy. What You Can Learn From the Dot-Com Crash. Ethnography From an Artistic Point-of-View One of the most intriguing things about art is that it pervaded all cultures, regardless of the conditions present in some communities. Values that seem absurd for some cultures can be especially appreciated by others and vice-versa, considering the complex nature of the contemporary society. Napoleon A. Chagnon's article "Doing Fieldwork among the Yanomamo" provides readers with a first person understanding of the Yanomamo tribe and with the opportunity to understand why the community's members take on attitudes that the masses might be inclined to criticize.

The writer emphasizes the extreme aggression present in the Yanomamo culture and the fact that these people actually consider this to be one of the most important values in their community. hat was even more surprising is that they seemed to be enthusiastic about it and that this induced feelings related to brutality and unfairness in Chagnon. As most…. Works cited: Chagnon, Napoleon, A. Ethnography Collecting Women's Knowledge through Ethnography Siemens was interested in contrasting his findings from an ethnographic study of the Azande in Southern Sudan with those from a much earlier study that took place between and The earlier researcher limited his study of the Azande to what the men had to say about their beliefs and culture, whereas Siemens was interested in collecting this information from both men and women.

In order to achieve this goal, Seimens conducted his field work very close to the location where the earlier study was conducted. Although Zande women were at first distrusting or indifferent, under the assumption that men have little interest in the roles and opinions of women, once they learned that Siemens was genuinely interested in what they had to say they had no problem discussing their lives and culture with him. According to Siemens , the main difference…. References Siemens, S. Access to women's knowledge: The Azande experience. Marti Eds. The Other Fifty Percent: Multicultural Perspectives on Gender Relations pp. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press. Ethnography Little Odessa, the predominantly ussian-speaking enclave of South Brooklyn, has been a thriving community for decades that achieved political power on its own.

Subsequent waves of refugees from ussian-speaking areas of Eastern Europe, Central Asia, and ussia -- about 50 countries in total -- have poured in, lending the community a multi-ethnic and vibrant character. Since the s, about , more refugees and immigrants from former Soviet republics have streamed into New York City and most have congregated in Brighton Beach Miyares, In the s, Soviet emigration policies started to become even more lax, enabling the inflight of more refugees from the Soviet Union, most of whom were Jewish.

For a while now, Brighton…. References Belenkaya, V. Little Odessa: A Russian mecca that smells just like home. NY Daily News. Dec 3, An economic snapshot of Coney Island and Brighton Beach. State of New York Comptroller. pdf "Little Odessa," html Litvinskaya, A. Linguistic landscape of 'Little Russia by the Sea. Phenomenology, meanwhile, takes into account lived experiences as basis for analysis and interpretation of an event or phenomenon. It takes these experiences in a collective manner, and determines the nature and dynamics of the phenomenon through these collective experiences. Grounded theory is theory development based on different stages of analysis, starting from the identification of data points which will become codes for the researcher.

Codes will then be developed into concepts, and concepts would then be grouped and determined under different categories. This method takes note of everything about everyday life, from the mundane and trivial to the extraordinary and significant. In determining which…. ethnography of the local Traditional Catholic community which practices at a nearby church. This group is very dissimilar in appearance and behavior from the surrounding neighborhood, even from the surrounding mainstream Catholic or "novus ordo" Catholic community, as the Traditional Catholic community calls it. This difference is rooted in the belief system that the community holds, which informs their practices, behaviors and modes of dress. Their main concern is with being "traditional" in all things.

Thus, their appearance has a very dated look to it a kind of s style of dress among the men and women and their worship is very Old World in terms of being in Latin and having lots of statuary in the church. However, they are easy to talk to and they seemed to have a sincere interest in converting me, which was flattering in a way. This paper discusses these people, their culture and…. References Schensul, S. Initiating Ethnographic Research: A Mixed Methods Approach. UK: AltaMira Press. customer's source] states that there are various types of qualitative approaches to research including the education filed approaches which includes the ecological psychology approach, the holistic ethnography approach, the cognitive anthropology approach, the ethnography of communication approach and symbolic interactionism.

In the field of nursing, qualitative approaches to research are inclusive of phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography, and historical research. Also used in the field of education are anthropological perspectives, sociological perspectives, biological perspectives, case studies, personal accounts, cognitive studies and historical inquiries. In the field of sociology and nursing the grounded theory, ethnography, phenomenology, life histories, and conversational analysis are used. In the field of nursing used are phenomenology, ethnography, ethnoscience, and grounded theory. Ibid, nd, p. Information generated is based on personal history and experience, and can therefore be as detailed as the researcher would want to i.

Case study, meanwhile, also displays the specificity that is evident in narrative research. While narrative research is purely exploratory and descriptive, case study can be useful in counterterrorism study in that it can provide also an analysis of a specific case, which could be an individual, group or entity described and later on analyzed for the reader's understanding of the specific phenomenon. In both cases, the reader of counterterrorism benefits from the details and wealth of information that both approaches provide. On the opposite end of the…. ole of Theory in Qualitative esearch Five Approaches and Theory Compare and contrast the role of theory in the five main qualitative approaches: Ethnography, case study, narrative, phenomenology, grounded theory Although all five major approaches to qualitative research embrace theory to some degree or another, not all of them value the use of theory to the same degree.

Broadly speaking, some cultural 'theory' is usually demonstrated within an ethnography, either through a comparative approach; an attempt to understand the culture on its own terms; a theory that seeks to understand the multiple layers of meaning within the culture in a symbolic fashion; or even a universalizing construct like feminist or Marxist theory. The extent to which this theoretical approach is emphasized will depend upon the anthropologist conducting the study. Some studies may mainly focus upon observations and detail unique aspects of a foreign culture while other studies might largely subsume….

References Ethnography. Colorado State University Writing Guides. ethnological investigation and analysis, is centered on cultural and religious activity in a contemporary community situation. Essentially, the aim of this research was to observe various cultural and social behavior patterns as they pertain to religion and spirituality in society. Two faiths were observed over a period of time. A Western religious faith such as Catholicism was compared to an Eastern faith such as Buddhism. This topic was chosen for a number of reasons. In the first instance religion is a central facet of all cultures and societies. The search for a larger and more existential meaning to life is a cultural trait that can be observed in every culture throughout human history.

It is therefore a subject that is central to cultural life and which has enormous ramifications in terms of its influence on other dimensions of cultural activity. However, religion per se is a very broad and somewhat…. htm Ethnographic fieldwork. What is Ethnography? htm Humanist profile: John Dewey The Humanist, Social Construction of Aging in Nursing Homes Aging is socially constructed. Using the perspective of symbolic-interactionism, it is possible to show the precise processes whereby the social construction of aging takes place inside specific institutional contexts, like the American nursing home. The American nursing home offers insight into the culturally constrained concept of aging, for attitudes towards aging bodies and aging as a philosophical concept are informed by cultural milieu, worldview, and value construction.

Biological aging is not social aging. The positive aging movement and the harmonious aging movement offer counterpoints to traditionally antagonistic and negative views of aging. Especially as the population of the United States and other industrialized nations shifts towards the older end of the age spectrum, it becomes important to reconsider the biological, psychological, and social processes and functions of aging. The nursing home offers the opportunity to examine aging from a multidisciplinary perspective, while using…. References Bengtson, V. Theories of aging and social gerontology. In Gerontology: Changes, Challenges, and Solutions. Featherstone, M.

Images of positive aging. In Images of Aging. Gergen, K. The new aging. Social Structures and Aging. New York: Springer. pdf Katz, S. Cultural Aging. Canadian Journal of Sociology Online, Jan-Feb This is perhaps another interesting aspect of Herodotus's objective level of discussion: his interests go beyond history and simple ethnography to give larger descriptions of additional themes such as geographical location. These can also help in determining and explaining the development of certain ethnography. His objective approach can also be seen in the descriptive manner in which he goes into the people's traditions. One such example stands out in ook 1, paragraph , when he proceeds with an enumeration of the established customs, keen to show both religious and laical customs.

His description is, again, very detailed. One of Herodotus's clear interest on both subjective and objective levels is that for religious conceptions. However, from the way he minutely examines the different traditions, beliefs, and cults, one could point out that he simply objectively notes some of the ways that these cultures and people practice some of their religious beliefs. Bibliography 1. The Histories. Translated by G. Barnes and Nobles Classics. New York. Although every research setting will be unique in some fashion, there are some generalities involved in content analysis that can be followed by novice researchers. For example, according to Riffe, Lacy and Fico , "Usually, but not always, content analysis involves drawing representative samples of content.

The data collected in a quantitative content analysis are then usually analyzed to describe what are typical patterns or characteristics, or to identify important relationships among the variables measured" p. Narrative analysis. This research methodology considers the narrative stories provided by narrators as representing their authentic social reality Etherington, According to Etherington, "Narrative analysis views life as constructed and experienced through the telling and re-telling of the story, and the analysis is the creation of a coherent and resonant story" , p. Narrative analyses is not intended to identify commonalties or conceptual themes among narrative accounts, but rather relies on the….

Correlational research. This type of research identifies and evaluates the natural relationship that exists between different variables. According to Groat and Wang, "This characteristic means that it is particularly appropriate in circumstances when variables either cannot be manipulated for practical reasons or should not be manipulated for ethical reasons" , p. Developmental designs. This type of research is used to measure changes that occur over lengthy periods of time Developmental research, For example, a developmental design would be suitable for analyzing the differences in academic and social development in low-income vs.

high-income neighborhoods. This research design is most common when working with children as subjects and can be undertaken using several methods: longitudinal, cross sectional, and cross sequential Developmental research, Survey research. According to Grinnel and Unrau, "It is essential, therefore, that survey research procedures produce data that is accurate, reliable, and representative so that findings can be generalized from a sample to the larger population or to different research situations" p. One of the main strengths of survey research concerns its flexibility for data-gathering purposes. De Vaus notes that, "A survey is not just a particular technique of collecting information: questionnaires are widely used but other techniques, such as structured and in-depth interviews, observation, content analysis and so forth, can also be used in survey research.

The distinguishing features of surveys are the form of the data and the method of analysis" p. This main strength, though, is offset somewhat by the constraints that are inherent in the approach, but these constraints are frequently related to. nd their hypothesis made fully testable experimental predictions -- using a process that has previously shown to increase the degree of liking between strangers, how much does this process affect the number of complied-with requests vs. The methods section should follow from the hypothesis, clearly laying out the exact tests, procedures, and participants used in the study. The methods section should not be lengthy, but should allow any reader to replicate the study if they seriously question the results.

Most importantly, it should walk the reader through the study step-by-step, without getting too wrapped up in the details. Data on numbers of participants and demographic variables are important for controlling sampling errors between replications and reducing the chance that results will be overextended to all populations. ny instruments or manipulations borrowed from previous literature should be cited in the Methods section. Burger, J. As an illustration, consider this statement of the hypothesis in a study done by Burger et al. comply with a request for money if they are given a "free gift" to increase liking. The authors were careful to draw attention to the negligible, marginal character of the degree of liking -- going so far as to call it a "mindless heuristic" -- suggesting that a null outcome for this study was perfectly conceivable, if in fact the increase in liking had no direct effect on compliance with a request.

And their hypothesis made fully testable experimental predictions -- using a process that has previously shown to increase the degree of liking between strangers, how much does this process affect the number of complied-with requests vs. Any instruments or manipulations borrowed from previous literature should be cited in the Methods section. The Effect of Fleeting Attraction on Compliance to Requests. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, setting with a focus on one specific EMS unit that will participate in the CDP training program. This setting was selected because it offered a snapshot collection of data that could be valuable based on the outcome of the training provided by the CDP program.

The researcher will conduct pre and post-interviews with the members of the EMS unit as they start and complete the program. One of the benefits of this style of approach is that it allows for the gathering of qualitative and quantitative data. A mixed research study design provides the researcher with hard, numerical data on feelings, thoughts, beliefs and perceptions. The organization benefits from this type of study because the organization can analyze through numerical data how its members actually perceive the training they receive. The data can help discover whether the training is effective or needs to be improved upon.

esearch Topic This thesis…. References ATLAS. Milley, J. An Investigation of case study as Ethical Issues. Be sure that your paper includes an assessment of how you will deal with potential ethical issues that might arise in your study. Palena Neale, P. Monitoring and Evaluation -- 1. Under this approach, personal histories or experiences of more than one individual are collected to have a deeper and at the same time, expanded understanding of the phenomenon under study. The higher the number of sources of information, the higher the chances of the researcher of generating an insight that would truly provide a meaningful understanding of the event or phenomenon.

Like narrative research, phenomenology is also interested in specific details of the phenomenon; however, in phenomenology, the specific details are highlighted as this approach seeks to answer the "what" and "how" of an event or phenomenon. Ethnography involves an understanding the lived experiences of a homogenous group. It shares similarities with narrative research and phenomenology, but the homogenous group component in its approach sets it apart from the others. Since it studies a homogenous group, the researcher's data analysis is more concerned about identifying specific socio-cultural elements in the….

Human Trafficking Opening Statement Over the last several years, the issue of human trafficking has been increasingly brought to the forefront. Depending the region, these returns will vary with some having greater rewards from: socially acceptable practices, a lack of regulation and the ability of criminal groups to move with impunity in certain regions. The below table is showing, those areas with the highest returns and levels of human trafficking. References An Introduction to Human Trafficking. pdf Human Trafficking.

UN Global Compact. pdf Bales, K. What Predicts Human Trafficking? International Journal of Criminal Justice, 31 2 , pp. Only Pai survives, which might be seen as a sign of the girl's strength, but is instead interpreted by Koro as a kind of curse or at very least an unfortunate event for the Maori tribe's future. In the hospital room, while his son is still overcome by grief, Koro can only think of his public role in the tribe, as is typical from someone from older generation. His more modern, independent, and individualistic son is still too overcome, psychologically, with has transpired, to tolerate the older man's different generational perspective.

This conflict between individualism and collectivism is at the heart of Maori intergenerational conflict. Koro's granddaughter wishes to realize her own dream of becoming a leader, which she believes is her birthright. Her grandfather puts tradition ahead of such individualism, as can be seen in his schooling of all of the local boys in the same fashion, without regards…. Of course, Western culture often holds material consumer products in high regard as status symbols, such as homes, automobiles, elaborate clothing, and the like. In the case of the Nepalese, however, the case is vastly different. In the mountain villages, land is the primary commodity that is held in the highest regard as a symbol of status, wealth and power.

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