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Essay about culture

Essay about culture

Internal server error, essay about culture. C AD carried… References Minster, C. It is manifested through our art, music, dance, architecture, technologies, and writings. cms Rai, S. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. Holidays such as Halloween and Christmas are part of a larger culture.

Culture is learned

Culture of Interest: Japan Theoretical foundations of cultural and cross-cultural analysis: Japan and America Japan: Mildly collectivist culture American culture American: An individualistic culture Similarities and differences in Japanese and U. culture Potential biases of researcher Appendix I- Hofstede four Dimensional Theory Edward Tylor defines culture as a collection of customs, laws, morals, knowledge, and symbols displayed by a society and its constituting members. Culture is form of collective expression by groups of people.

Since the dawn of industrial revolution and later, due to an increased integration of cultures across nations, cross-cultural analysis has assumed much import in scholastic discourse within psychology, essay about culture, and psychology. Present study is an endeavor to make a cross-cultural assessment of American and Japanese culture. More differences than similarities have been found in both the cultures. Where Japanese culture fosters Aimai, meaning ambiguity and vagueness, Americans are intolerant to this characteristic. ased on Hofstede's…. Bibliography Cardwell, M. Psychology A2: The complete companion. Nelson Thornes. Davies, R. The Japanese mind: understanding contemporary Japanese culture.

Tuttle Publishing. DeAngelis, T. Why we overestimate our competence. Monitor on Psychology, 34 2 Donahue, R. Japanese culture and communication: Critical cultural analysis. University Press of Amer, essay about culture. Culture and the Work of Lahiri Focusing questions: After looking at three or four definitions of culture from different dictionaries, what do these definitions have in common? In essay about culture United States, some members of ethnic groups who have been in the country for several generations or more may feel distant from their cultures or even without a culture. What are the various factors that account for these feelings? The Four Definitions of Culture: "Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving" Tamu.

Today, in the United States as in other…, essay about culture. Americans going to Singapore to entertain the possibility of establishing business there, need to know each of the three cultures prefers to deal. Religion plays an important part in the cultural life of every country, and a peer-reviewed article in the Journal of International Business Research points out essay about culture cultural realities regarding the essay about culture styles of Muslim Iranians, essay about culture, Buddhist Taiwanese and Christian Americans. The independent variables in this research -- religion, collectivism, education, age, gender and work experience -- were tested through empirical surveys of the three cultures.

The "devotion to religious rules" is far more prevalent among Muslims than among Christians and Buddhist groups Farazmand, et al. hile negotiators should be aware of this cultural fact, this does not mean that any Muslim negotiator would rely more on religion than on "analytical, normative, factual or intuitive negotiation styles"; what matters is the degree of devotion the negotiator has…. Works Cited Farazmand, Farideh a. Is Religious Culture a Factor in Negotiation: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Iran, Taiwan and the United States. Journal of International Business Research, 10 1 Osman-Gani, AAhad M.

Thunderbird International Business Review 44 6 Culture Psych Culture and Human Psychology: An Examination of Gift-Giving in Different Nations Culture is a complex phenomenon that evades being defined in terms that are at once comprehensive and concrete -- any entirely firm definition of culture is bound to leave out some elements of some cultures, and any definition that is all-inclusive is necessarily unspecific in certain regards, essay about culture. In other words, culture influences everything humans do, as everything humans do takes place within the context of culture -- a painting, for example, will have a specific meaning within the culture that…. References Aktipis, C. Risk-Pooling and Herd Survival: An Agent-Based Model of a Maasai Gift-Giving System.

Human Ecology 39 2 : Cheal, D. The Sociological Review 35 1 : Minowa, essay about culture, Y. Social Change and Gendered Gift-Giving Rituals: A Historical Analysis of Valentine's Day in Japan, essay about culture. Journal of Macromarketing 31 1 : Culture pervasiveness and the difficulty of defining it is one of the reasons why it is attributed for many merger failures. The problem considered in this study was the unstable operating environment that existed following the acquisition of INTEC Engineering by Worley Parsons which was likely caused by differences in organizational essay about culture. WorleyParsons acquired SEA Engineering in and INTEC Engineering April and combined these organizations to form INTECSEA.

The capabilities found in these organizations were needed for WorleyParsons ability to facilitate a comprehensive solution for their clients working in deep waters. However, one year on and INTEC's entire management team resigned and essay about culture retention remains a major issue. To understand why this trend is occurring, essay about culture, essay about culture analysis will review and apply theory to the transition process to the case of INTECSEA and provide insights to the causes by identifying the effects. Contents Introduction Problem Statement 2. Culture is quite a broad term and encompasses a essay about culture of different things.

The oldest way of describing a culture is basically talking about the different aspects linked to it. This means that the oldest way includes the mention of the music, sculpture, literature and paintings of that certain kind of culture. It has been noted that a culture of a region becomes more prominent and profound if it is carried out and exhibited by the intellectual and the upper class. This brings us to talking about the second aspect of culture. This is merely the way of life of the people living in a certain area. This sort of culture can even be used to describe animals if one thinks…. References Mead, M. Cultural patterns and technical change. New York: Mentor Books. Skelton, essay about culture, T.

Culture and global change. London: Routledge. Sumner, W. Boston: Ginn and Company. Culture of a Nursing Home In order to qualify as a culture, a group or subgroup of people needs to have sufficient characteristics to differentiate it from the surrounding society. This paper examines a nursing home in the community in order to determine whether the people at the nursing home constitute their own culture, essay about culture. The paper examines whether their rituals, physical space, artifacts, social habits, music, and arts are sufficient to establish the nursing home as a culture separate and distinct from the overriding culture in the area.

Furthermore, it examines the role that the various members of the nursing home community play in forming and continuing the culture. Of all the aspects of the nursing home environment that differentiate it from the prevailing culture outside of the nursing home, the element of control is probably the most defining of it as a culture. The residents of a nursing home…. In the more informal and low-context culture of United States, closer physical essay about culture and more intimate exchanging of personal information is accepted between strangers, essay about culture. If individuals violate these rules of symbolic communication -- for example, if a Japanese subordinate playfully jokes with his or her boss, or a person in an American office never volunteers personal information about his or her personal life, that person may be viewed as possibly 'suspect' or strange.

Although culture may be occasionally viewed simply as "the essay about culture deposit of knowledge, experience, essay about culture, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, essay about culture, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and group striving," this locates culture in the past, essay about culture, as a repository of knowledge, rather essay about culture locating it a contemporary context of human behavior and constantly evolving symbolic language….

Works Cited Choudhury. Culture Cuisine in Australia "Australia is one of seven continents and constitutes most of the Pacific region, essay about culture, both in terms of size and population. The indigenous people influence food and Australian culture and people immigrated into Australia from other part of the essay about culture. Typically, multicultural influx of the people from other part of the world settling in Australia greatly influences the contemporary Australian cuisine, essay about culture. Objective of this paper is to discuss culture cuisine in Australia. The paper uses cultural capital theory and theory of social differentiation to discuss how cuisine has been used to establish hierarchy in Australia.

Cultural influence on Australia Cuisine Concept of culture is the social norms, custom, morals, belief and traits guiding people conduct within a society. On the other hand, "food culture is the ensemble of shared knowledge, attitudes and practices that people bring to selecting, preparing and eating…. References Bannerman, C. Compton, L. Food Technology. Goody, J. Cambridge UP. The media that is technological in nature also demonstrates a standardization and homogeneity. The aim of the television is to synthesize both film and radio. This is the reason why the culture industry is developing at a very fast rate and this progression has directed this industry to predominant impacts, essay about culture.

References Benjamin, W. The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. USA: Prism Key Press, Blakley, J, essay about culture. Galloway, S. Hesmondalgh, D, and A. C Pratt.

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It was neat to watch the way he did traditions and to see what he valued. He was adopted when he was ten years old. While time has progressed, it has been established that over the course of history different cultures developed either binary or nonbinary societal constructs. Introduction As we look at every decade, each one leaves its signature imprint on the cultural landscape: the rise of second wave feminism in the 70s, the birth of MTV in the 80s, supermodels of the 90s, and a low-rise waistline in the early s.

Each decade has its heroes, role-models that people we look […]. However, this is not to say that […]. When the world thinks about art we think about paintings and sculptures. But what comes from it? When art is tied with culture you create this everlasting piece of work that has an impact on those who come across it. The significance of each work of art differs from the next. In this research paper […]. The period of the Harlem Renaissance was a time of great change and exploration for American culture, specifically African Americans. Early in the twentieth century, African Americans were exploring their cultural and social roots Harlem.

Hughes more […]. The fashion industry is one which is evident in all areas in the world. In Jamaica, for instance, modern day fashion is encompassed within the ordinary dress code of people all over the country. Most of the clothes worn by people in Jamaica reflect a significant part of their cultural and religious beliefs. However, this […]. Today I will talk to you about black heroes and their importance to culture as well as their importance to black history month. The three heroes we will mainly be focusing on are Martin Luther King Jr, Harriet Tubman, and Rosa Parks.

We will be focusing on three important topics influence, culture, and unsung heroes. At present, Thai culture and society are changing dramatically when compared with the past. However, the issue of sexual relationship, especially among women, is still forbidden due to the value and culture of Thai society. It is known to everybody that sexual topics are considered as something really private and not be discussed openly. Thai […]. In The Digital Age, by Astra Taylor, presents two significant views that Taylor argues against the debate of how social media takes effect in the work of social production.

The first view of position is the techno-optimist view which illustrates a positive view and can also be described as the Utopian view for technology and […]. Between the 14th century and the midth century, European culture experienced drastic changes involving literature, painting, politics, science, religion, economics, and world exploration. Each century added a new piece of innovation to the european culture, some in more ways than others. Each and every one of these seven pieces have affected one another in a […]. Art is and has always been an important part of various cultures and countries, time has never weathered this fact. We are able to feel and understand different emotions, as well as point of views through art- while learning along the way.

I have learned to appreciate the many aspects contained in art, such as […]. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. DOI: Canadian Nursing Association Social Determinants of Health and Nursing: A summary of Issues. Canadian Nursing Association. Castillo, M. Caring in the Diaspora: Filipino Immigrants, Health Care, Healing, and Religion. Religious Healing in Boston. McBride, M. Health and Health Care of Filipino Elders. Stanford Geriatric Education Center. Culture's Impact On Healthcare Culture: Midwestern, White Female The following are the top 5 characteristics of my culture: Conservative political values.

May cause a closed mine and limit the imagination. Political lines are dogmatic and prevent free thinking. Family orientated. This bias may cause the individual to be too loyal on one's family. It is very difficult to see our families for who they truly are. Open minded: Too much open-mindedness may lead to foolish mistakes and jumping on any bandwagon that may come along. Love of the outdoors and social activities. Too much of this behavior, may lead to not refining the indoor skills that are important in life. Trusting to new experiences. Too many new experiences may lead to becoming ungrounded. Part Question 1 The Midwestern culture is very conservative and many within the culture base their decisions on popular notions and ideas.

Health care to Midwestern culture…. References Arterberry, K. Cultural Competence. Provided by customer. Hearnden, M. Coping with differences in culture and communication in health care. Nursing Standard, 23, 11, Culture and Politics Germany: How Culture and Politics Bring About Social Change German history and culture are complex, and the country has been through a lot of changes, both in the past and more recently. In order to understand the cultural and political issues today, it is important to see where they have originated from and where they appear to be headed. That can also help foster social change and development, which is needed in every country in order to keep that country moving forward. Here, the political system of Germany will be addressed, followed by a cultural problem that is being seen in the present day.

Once those two areas have been discussed, it will be shown how the German culture and political system can come together to create solutions to the problem, including the development of new policies and procedures. Germany has a rich history and there is…. References A German Underclass? What Underclass? Spiegel's article on the German underclass addresses the issue from the standpoint of German politics. In general, the upper classes are looking the other way and avoiding acknowledging that there is a problem with people in the country who do not have money and who need assistance.

Until and unless this issue is acknowledged by the government, nothing will get done that will make things better for those people. Dempsey, J. German Politics Faces Grass-Roots Threat. The New York Times. The political parties in Germany are facing some threats from smaller organizations and coalitions that want to see real change. The multi-party system Germany has is valuable, but there are two parties in power and that can stifle other options for people who want to see change. Because of that, grass-roots threats are starting to appear sporadically as they lobby for changes to the political system. Culture In this briefing new employee human resources, we will be considering cultural management issues in the tourist industry and how they impact upon our business.

Our company, Beach Bum Ltd. is a travel consultancy Agency which was recently hired to provide a critical analysis on whether or not sustainable tours can attract American ecological tourists to travel to countries such as Tanzania and Namibia. We are a culturally eclectic group of advisors specialising in all aspects of tourism. Cultural sensitivity is not only our watchword, but our bottomline. Please do not feel overwhelmed by all of this information. Some of you may feel as though you are back in college. est assured, the difference between profit and bankruptcy in our business is the ability to sell in that person's culture. People like to feel important and an acknowledgement of their importance is not just being nice. It is also…. Reference: Managing an International Workforce.

San Francisco: Pfeiffer. Hofstede, G, and Hofstede, GJ Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. New York: New York. Intercultural Training and the Expatriate Assignment. Last accessed 24 Nov Thomas, D Readings and cases in international management: a cross-cultural perspective. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Wang, X and Wall, G. Cultural Tourism: an Assessment of Marketing Strategies in Dalian, Nanjing and Hainan, China. Available: lin. In rare cases, mothers taught their daughters reading and writing. At 15, girls were expected to marry men their fathers chose for them. Interestingly, this was only the fate of wealthier girls. Peasant girls chose their own husbands when working in the fields Fisher and Harlan. Japan According to Tomoko Shimoda, the traditional Japanese family is regarded as very important, also with specific roles for women, men and children.

Although Western influence has standardized education and emancipated women, they are still generally regarded as mostly active and highly important in the household. Women maintain the family finances and care for the children, while the role of men is to be engaged in work, which mostly constituted the family business. Both girls and boys are educated, although boys are steered towards taking over the family business while girls are taught housekeeping and accounting skills. In the past, marriages were generally arranged,…. References Crystal, Ellie. Ancient Greek Education. html Fisher, Grant and Harlan, Cheri Beth. The Roles of Men, Women and Children in Ancient Greece.

html Shimoda, Tomoko. Representations of Parenting and Gender Roles in the Shoshika Era: Comparisons of Japanese and English-Language Parenting Magazines. Electronic Journal of Contemporary Japanese Studies. We could speculate fom othe books pehaps but those wods ae outside this stoy. Given that stict constaint, we don't eally know. Saty watches De Spain and his hose vanish in the distance and heas thee shots, which he assumes kill his fathe at least, and pehaps olde bothe. This is the widest possible assumption but a fulle analysis would have to exploe othe possibilities.

The esult fo Saty is the same: He uns away fom fathe, bothe and the women's cultue egadless who pulled which tigge s at the De Spain ban. Abne Snopes will appea hee as 'AS,' De Spain as 'DS' and 'Saty' as 'CSS' fo bevity, but also abstaction, because Faulkne 'WF' sets up abstactions, though symbolic equations that pemeate the…. references and habits; she is only one but the men single her out for different reasons, which were ultimately provoked in fact by an unusual weather event. If the workers ever fry and devour "an egg from some woman," it will not be she who caters to their taste for human flesh.

Someone kicks a dog. esponse: The person should go back and check if the dog is okay! This person may either drunk or extremely cruel and hates dogs. In any case, it is wrong to kick a harmless dog. A woman carries a heavy jug of water on her head while her husband walks in front of her carrying nothing. esponse: He should stop and help her with the jug of water. Her husband is not being a gentleman. He is not being a very good husband if he makes his wife carry heavy items and walks ahead of her though he not carrying anything, himself. A male guest helps a female host carry dirty dishes into the kitchen. esponse: The male guest should be thanked by the hostess because he is being courteous and polite by helping her carry out the dirty dishes.

A young…. References Holloway, Kris 20 July, Long Grove, Illinois: Waveland Press. Holloway, Kris 20 July, Holtz, Carol and Grisdale, Suzanne Not meeting them is not only a sin according to the tenets of the religion, but it also causes damage to the spouse with whom a partnership was made and the children that are a result of that partnership. More precisely, failing to live up to familial obligations is a sin because it causes damage to the spouse and children. Jewish daily life, as Mrs. Baron explains, is built around a constant devotion to God.

Making sure your family is cared for in the best manner possible is part of this, and this explains the different roles that exist in her family. She acknowledges that the roles have changed somewhat since her grandparents…. She kills Homer so she will have eternal love, as unreal as that seems, and to placate the townspeople who think she will commit suicide because of Homer's desertion. Southern women had few choices other than marriage, and for Emily, killing Homer was a rational act that gave her control and reason over something. In her town, that would not have been possible for a single, unmarried woman. Her culture limited her, and so she made the only decision she could to remain sane in a limiting and irrational world.

This is a sad story not because Emily lived so long contentedly with a dead man, but because the townspeople were so uninvolved with her and her plight. With some support and understanding, she might have lived a rational and happy life, but the culture did not support that for her or for other women. According to Connerton , people remember things based upon the management of their current identity and ongoing processes. Forgetting then is part of the process by which new events in ones life lead to new memories that get discarded because they no longer have a relevance to ones present identity. It is thought that old memories do nothing but clutter up ones mind and thus be discarded in order to make room for new and fresh things that are going on in ones life.

This means that a person is constantly replacing old memories with new ones, as their association and identity with their current culture is ever evolving. eferences Assman, J. Collective Memory and Cultural Identity. pdf Connerton, P. How Societies emember. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Connerton, P. The Seven Types of Forgetting. Memory Studies January, 1 1 , p. Coser, L. References Assman, J. How Societies Remember. Such an inclination to dismiss work like Hofstede's might rather be defined as bad science, because the definition of validity that is used in the human sciences now is one that has been imported from the hard sciences in an attempt to transfer to the human sciences the prestige of the hard sciences. However the concept of validity is not based on a single research methodology.

Instead it refers to a specific epistemological approach, which is that to be valid a study has to be able accurately to answer any question s that it is intended to provide a response to. Experimental validity arises from the fact that the research methodology and design provide an accurate way to measure what it is intended to measure. This last specification, which is accepted to the point of being nearly universal, has a certain circular quality to it, and this criticism is as true…. Other beliefs that characterize the religion are the original sin; the forgiveness of sin; the second coming of the Lord; and life after death CIM, Given its belief in sin, the religion offers the hope of salvation through its sacraments and baptism.

Infant baptism is encouraged to erase the original sin and as a start to a spiritual life through the Church. In addition, the Roman Catholic Church holds that the mass is a continuation of the sacrifice made by Christ and thus teaches the doctrine of transubstantiation or that the bread and wine at communion actually become the body and blood of Christ Biblical Discernment Ministries, Generally, the religion has no dietary restrictions. However, it advocates abstaining from meat…. Culture, Continuity and Change The Mayan people In A. D there existed the Maya Empire that comprised of many powerful city-states that spread south to Mexico and North to Honduras. The Maya culture was at its peak with massive temples lined up However a hundred yeas later the cities were in remains, unrestricted and just left alone for the jungle to reign.

It still remains a great mystery of how the Mayan civilization disappeared. This in fact remains as one of the greatest mysteries in history. one among the mighty civilizations in ancient America just fell within a short period of time. No one is certain about what happened to the Maya people. However there are many theories which include varied alternatives that try to give an explanation of this abrupt and mysterious disappearance. Some of these theories will be discussed below. The famine theory Preclassica Maya B. C AD carried…. References Minster, C. What Happened to the Ancient Maya? htm Del Sol, L. Mayan Mystery solved in Baja. The athlete takes a sip from a glass of whisky and begins walking. This in a way appears to suggest that consumers of this particular brand of whisky can cover long distances after taking this whiskey.

Information pertaining to alcoholic content and how the brand is matured are not clearly visible on the ad. The only visible thing is the image of the person who has endorsed the brand making some strides. Assumptions made by the authors of the ad The authors of the ad try to make the ad to be more appealing to the motives and desires of the consumers. They give form to people's deep-lying desires. They assume that they will best arrest the consumer's attention by tugging consumer's…. CA: Sage. Petracca, M.

Common Culture: Reading and Writing about American Popular Culture. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. Culture As ai points out, just a generation ago, women had far fewer options in India. Even when they attended college, their job prospects were low and they were more frequently diverted to family life and domestic servitude. Now, increasing numbers of Indian women are empowering themselves through the IT services industry. As much flack as outsourcing receives in the United States, the truth is that Indian women are largely the beneficiaries, while Americans are being increasingly challenged to discover creative ways of contributing to the economy. Social norms in India for women differ greatly from those in the United States, where it is much easier for a woman to start a business and avoid marriage and childbirth.

In India, a woman is steered in the direction of motherhood at an earlier age and could be socially shunned if her path seems more career-focused than family focused. In many…. References Lewis, M. Population bomb? So wrong. South India lags behind national fertility rate, slows population boom. The Times of India. cms Rai, S. How outsourcing is boosting prospects for Indian women. Outsourcing to India: How call centers improve local economies. This also has major implications for military operations, both within a military unit and in the interaction between the military unit and another culture.

Essentially, the problem of ethnocentrism can be seen at the root of the other cultural problems discussed in this context; it implies both a lack of understanding about the impacts of the unit's culture on the people of a foreign culture, as well as a lack of appreciation and understanding for that culture Hoskins Conclusion Culture is strange, in that it is both constant and always changing. The only static culture is a dead one; as the various elements and generations of a culture interact, change is bound to happen. When there is no longer any interaction within a culture or between a given culture and other cultures, there is no longer any point to that culture, and indeed that culture could not realistically exist….

References DiMarco, L. Traditions, changes, and challenges: Military operations and the Middle Eastern city. Diane Publsihing. Harrison, D. Cultural anthropology: Our diverse world. New York: Wadsworth. Hoskins, B. pdf O'Neil, D. In this instance, the stronger culture can easily consumer the lesser culture. Employees tend to be more receptive due primarily to the lack of culture and also by the prestige and power of the acquiring firm. Assimilation often occurs will smaller, less established companies being acquired by much larger competitors. As the company is just beginning to emerge, many culture qualities have not become entrenched. Assimilation however, is very rare in the context of mergers.

What is a more common strategy is that of deculturation. This is due primarily to the fact that employees usually resist organizational change, particularly when they are asked to throw away personal and cultural values. Under these conditions, some acquiring companies apply a deculturation strategy by imposing their culture and business practices on the acquired organization. The acquiring firm strips away artifacts and reward systems that support the old culture. People who cannot adopt the…. They wanted to know the best places to go after work, and expected him to help them in that regard. Hanes finally told his Japanese trainers "he preferred not to mix business with pleasure.

The critical issue here, one can quickly discern, is that Hanes did not do his homework on the Japanese business culture; if he had, he would know the Japanese are intensely committed to their work, on duty and off duty. The "Miscue No. He arrived and was picked up at the airport and surprised to learn that the meeting had been postponed for two days " so that Ray could rest after the long trip" and also have…. Works Cited Hult, G. Tomas M. A Three-Country Study. Journal of International Marketing, 15 2 , Keeley, Timothy Dean. Kim, Youngok, Gray, Sidney J. This number however is not reflected in lower numbers for life style disease and so it must be given greater scrutiny at another time See table below. Fruit and vegetable consumption by ethnicity Lifestyle diseases There are a number of diseases and health conditions that have been linked to life style behaviors and belief systems.

The prevalence of these diseases demonstate that while persons may report a certain behavior emperical evidence suggests that another behavior may be taking place. This may occur principally because respondents may over estimate what they do on a daily basis since they are not taking active records of their behaviors. On several indicators African-Americans have higher rates of the disease and death as a consequency than White populations. The data for diabetes shows that African-Americans are twice as likely to report having diabetes than…. aspx Department of health and senior services New Jersey. htm Dowd, K. Dietary patterns and physical activity among New Jersey adults.

Center for health Statistics 1 3 Learning Tools Study Documents Writing Guides About us FAQs Our Blog Citation Generator Flash Card Generator Login SignUp. Filter By:. Keyword s Filter by Keywords: add comma between each. Most Relevant Recently Added Most Popular. Home Topics Social Issues Culture Essays Culture Essays Examples. Having trouble coming up with an Essay Title? Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. ased on Hofstede's… Bibliography Cardwell, M. Today, in the United States as in other… References Lahiri, J.

Interpreter of Maladies. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: America , United States , Culture , People , Development , Perspective , Social Issues , Slavery. Sociology is a social science that seeks to create the impetus for the utilization of objective standards and views for the review and analysis of concepts and ideas. This include the use of empirically proven methods and theories to examine and critique ideas and pointers. Several approaches and methods are used for the evaluation and analysis of different cultures. The emic framework is one that presents the absolute perspective of a given culture and defines what the culture is in its own sense and its own unique features.

This involves critiquing and defining what makes a given group what it is and what the group does that makes them what they are. Taking the discussion deeper, it can be said that culture is the way a group of people live and what they do and how they do it becomes the basis for the emic framework of a given group of people. African-American culture is made up of a number of traditions and practices of the descendants of persons of African origins who came to the United States mainly against their will. African-American culture is rooted in the oral traditions of each family and how the family lived in Africa and how they carried out their activities.

Almost every African-American has some kind of tale about how their ancestors moved to the United States because that is the only way each person could trace his origins back to Africa. This is due to the fact that the nature and means through which African-Americans came into the United States was against their will and they were often seized and captured and brought on an uncertain journey. The African-American culture is deeply influenced by the activities and processes of slavery. Slavery forced African-Americans to develop a unique dialect of English which is different from native English speakers by way of the fact that it is based on tenses that were constructed due to convenience rather than convention.

This is because the ancestors of African-Americans had to find a way of communicating with other people in the New World when they were brought in. Thus, in the process of having to speak within a hostile environment, the African-American Vernacular English AAVE which is sometimes called Ebonics developed. It has traces of African languages and has features of words from the Caribbean islands which influenced the way African-Americans speak. Slavery also shaped an African-American identity through things like songs which were developed as a form of escapism from the challenges of day-to-day life on the slave plantations.

This is because the livelihood of most African-Americans were cut off by the fact that they had no rights under American law after independence. Life was based on only one routine — work for plantation owners. Thus, these African-American style of singing were developed as a fundamental means of creating some kind of escapism. Religiously, African-Americans also developed a different form of Christianity. This is because African-American worldview was based on the African philosophy of carrying out religious activities, focus on miracles and the presentation of strong messages in the AAVE dialect of English. Based on this, many African-Americans are still members of what has become known as Black Churches in America and around the world.

Modernism has had an impact on the African-American cultural identity. For instance, the events of the 20th Century like the Harlem Renaissance caused the African-American identity to be one that was developed to create a new Black American. This is found in the mechanization and modernization of most of the traditional practices of African-American groups. This has culminated in a secular life which includes the development of blues and jazz as a means of modifying the Negro Spirituals of the slave plantations. This has caused African-Americans to retell their stories in different ways and forms that is done with modern systems.

Jazz developed further and rap music showed major ideas and concepts. Liberal African-American cultures developed in New York and other parts of northern United States in the s. This created a system whereby African-Americans created cultures that were close to other Americans. However, African-Americans retained their distinctiveness in terms of religion, maintaining extended family processes, utilization of AAVE as a vernacular, and creating a distinctive African-American literature and lines of business. Towards the s, African-American culture grew significantly and instead of having a predominantly southern USA influence, African-American expanded to include several minorities like Black Caribbean migrants Haitians, West Indies and others , Continental Africans, Black Latinos and others.

Another significant minority that developed amongst the African-American cultural system were the Black Muslim movements that mainly sought converts in American jails where they targeted all Americans including African-Americans. African-American culture is now diverse, but based on the adoption of cultures that are common in Africa and the Caribbean like food, clothing and other philosophical views. African-American culture encourages the maintenance of Black businesses which are made up of Black managers and Black investors. There are Black entertainment lines that are often made up of Black musicians reggae, rap, jazz and blues and Black actors who act films with a majority Black cast. This has created a distinct identity and culture where AAVE is used as the main lingua franca for interactions and discussions.

This is often done by the examination of the culture from what other people see the culture to be and from there, draw labels and identify the way a culture is and what its features are. First of all, African-American is equated to Black skinned people in America. Thus, to most people, the idea of being an African-American is that it is a culture for anyone who is in America and has a Black skin. However, this is not true. There is a distinct African-American culture that is different from the culture of a Nigerian or Ghanaian or Senegalese or Bengali or Arab who lives in America. In the etic perspective, there is no separation of the African-American culture from other Black cultures.

African-American culture is the same as Black culture. African-American culture is often viewed in relation to what is shown on the television to the mainstream viewers. The first and observable pointer of the African-American culture is that it is based on a system whereby family values are fundamentally challenged. African-Americans are more likely be born to single mothers. African-Americans are more likely to have families outside wedlock because the nature of the treatment meted out by African-Americans, they have not been allowed to marry and they are almost always likely to be single and not able to marry because of different pressures. This is based on the intertwining of slavery and discrimination with the African-American culture.

Another aspect of African-American culture in the media is the fact that it is depicted as violent and full of crime. This is because most media outlets present nothing about African-Americans but their violence and their crime and poverty. These are things that gain better television ratings and due to that, they are more likely to be shown than other positive aspects of African-American culture. For instance, many people are willing to associate African-Americans with gangster rap and violent gang movies that are shown about African-American communities. This is seen in the form of jazz and the blues which is a modification of classical music in a way that allows African-Americans to enjoy this genre of music.

African-American dressing is also viewed as the wearing of old clothes of White Americans and this is a depiction of the economic disadvantage African-Americans suffer in relation to White Americans.

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