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Substance abuse essays

Substance abuse essays

Similarly, women are less likely than men to use illicit drugs and to develop drug-related problems" p. Objective Drug overdoses are now the top reason for unintentional mortality in the United States, and prescription opioid abuse is a major contributor to the public health crisis Sun et al. Forgot password? References Pompili, substance abuse essays, M. In this substance abuse essays, the authors used a literature review format to examine a variety of previous studies of substance abuse amongst the elderly.


Substance Abuse Case Study: Multi-Axial Substance abuse essays Substance Abuse Substance Abuse Case Study: DSM-V-TR Multi-Axial System Diagnosis Substance Abuse Case Study: DSM-V-TR Multi-Axial System Diagnosis Al A. is obviously in enough distress that his family felt the need to drag him, kicking and screaming, to the emergency room. Despite having a normal appetite, concentration, energy levels, interest, and sleep patterns, the alcohol abuse, deep despondency, substance abuse essays, and acute family concern suggest that this behavior is abnormal for Al and the family as a whole. This type of behavior would also be abnormal for the general public, therefore a multi-axial system diagnosis is warranted.

Axis I: Axis I When Al was brought to the emergency department ED …. There were also facilities that conducted both substance abuse essays tests and tests based on reasonable suspicion Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Juvenile Correctional Facilities, The survey also found that drug testing was more likely to occur in correction facilities that offered substance abuse treatment Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Juvenile Correctional Facilities, The substance abuse essays also explains that treatment in juvenile corrections facilities differs greatly from state to state.

The report…. References Chan K. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. De Leon G, Melnick G, Kressel D, Jainchill N. Circumstances, motivation, substance abuse essays, readiness, and suitability the CMRS scales : predicting retention in therapeutic community treatment. Drug Alcohol Abuse ; substance abuse essays 4 Drug and Alcohol Treatment in Juvenile Correctional Facilities, htm Hser YI, Grella CE, substance abuse essays, Hubbard RL, Hsieh SC, Fletcher BW, Brown BS, Anglin MD. An evaluation of drug treatments for adolescents in 4 U. Arch Gen Psychiatry ; 58 7 These are startling statistics, which underscore the enormity of the problem posed by the vast number of people who drive while intoxicated. Pena, substance abuse essays, As a result, a number of programs have sprung up around the country….

References ' Traffic Safety Annual Assessment -- Early Results. pdf 'Butte County ReVia® Project. DUI Courts Website. htm 'California Association of Drinking Driver Treatment Programs: An Overview. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. However, in understanding the factors that exist in most substance abuse cases, preemptive solutions to the problem such as education and awareness, as well as early interventions in recently-onset cases can help to curb the issue significantly. Proposed Solutions The key to preventing substance abuse, as proposed by researchers and laymen alike, is awareness and education regarding substance abuse. Beginning in schools, religious organizations, and at home, individuals are better adept at understanding the struggles that stem from substance abuse, and such knowledge can help to eliminate a problem before it arises.

For those individuals who find themselves in the throes of substance abuse as adolescents, research has further found that early intervention or punishment can help to put the severity of the problem into the forefront of the abuser's mind in order to show the consequences of such abuse. For instance, increasing evidence has shown that specific, immediate and…. References Bachman, J. And O'Malley, substance abuse essays, P. Monitoring the future: national results on adolescent drug use. National Institute on Drug Abuse. org [Accessed on 7 March ]. Ilgen, M. Prevalence and characteristic of substance substance abuse essays by U.

Addictive Behaviors, Retrieved from: LexisNexis Database. Kasen, S. Religiosity and resilience in persons at high risk for substance abuse essays depression. Drug related crimes are brutal criminal acts that are committed by persons under the influence of the abused substance. These crimes may include crimes that occur due to the victim's or offender's drug use, crimes that emerge subsequent to the reprobate's need to support his or her drug routine, and crimes that happen as a result of drug trafficking and circulation are all referred to as drug-related crimes. References: Mears, D, P. American Criminal Justice Policy: An Evaluation Approach to Increasing Accountability and Effectiveness. Cambridge; Cambridge University Press. Bean, P. Drugs and Crime, substance abuse essays.

ABINGDON: Willan Publishing. Bennett, T. Understanding drugs, alcohol and crime: Crime and justice. Berkshire: McGraw-Hill International. Reamer, F. Heinous crime:cases, causes, and consequences. New York: Columbia University Press. Research that the authors report in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy -- a peer-reviewed journal -- shows that adolescents abusing substances cause "stress-related symptoms" in parents Yuen, et al. The stress parents experience includes: depression, substance abuse essays, anxiety, fear of danger, guilt, anger, despair as well as grief associated with failure in the parental role" Yuen, substance abuse essays, And so prior to bringing parents into intervention strategies to assist with their children's abuse issues -- which has been proven to be effective in many previous studies -- Yuen explains that parents may need training in terms of allowing them to become "…more emotionally independent from their adolescents' behavior" A peer-reviewed article in the Journal of Traumatic Stress Kingston, et al.

Works Cited Brewster, substance abuse essays, Karin L. Sexual Orientation and Substance Abuse Among Adolescents and Young Adults. American Journal of Public Health, 6 Gingerich, Wallace J. A Solution-Focused Approach to Mental. Substance Abuse Group Psychotherapy Proposal for a Diverse Homeless Population We find several problems associated with substance abuse people in our environment. esearches show that men are more likely to develop a substance abuse substance abuse essays. As a result they lose jobs and homes. Uncountable homeless families depend on substance abuse men. A variety of group treatments are employed to meet the needs of such people during the recovery process.

This essay is a substance abuse psychotherapy proposal for a substance abuse essays homeless population. A group of male gender, having age in between 35 to 44, can be treated employing an activity. A Substance Abuse Group Psychotherapy Proposal for a Diverse Homeless Population Substance abuse is a killing habit and it often begins early in the lives of men. During the teen or young adult years, substance abuse essays, men substance abuse essays start using drugs and alcohol. Initially it is just limited as a casual or…. References Www. Retrieved June 02, Flores, P. Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Substance abuse essays. Substance Abuse Treatment Analysis of David uffin Most people today probably recognize his signing voice from his hits such as "My Girl," but few may remember David uffin of The Temptations music group from the latter half of the 20th century.

Like many of his contemporaries, uffin fell victim to the ravages of drug abuse during the height of his substance abuse essays, leaving his millions substance abuse essays fans with a musical void in their lives. To gain some further insights into his untimely death from an overdose of cocaine, this paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed and scholarly literature to develop a background and an overview of uffin, his use of drugs, and an appropriate screening instrument that could be used to evaluate a similar client's stage of dependence, change or recovery. An application of this diagnostic tool to uffin's unique circumstances is followed by a discussion concerning possible placement….

References Celebrity drug rehab centers. Claghorn, C. Biographical dictionary of American music, substance abuse essays. West Nyack, NY: Parker Publishing. Substance abuse is a significant problem for all Americans. Moreover, psychological counseling and intervention programs need to be culturally sensitive if they are to be successful. Variables such as communication styles, worldviews, family values, gender roles and norms, urban vs. rural living environment, and socio-economic class status will all impact attitudes toward substance abuse essays, treatment decisions, and treatment outcomes, substance abuse essays. References Broman, C. Prevalence of Substance Use Disorders Among African-Americans and Caribbean Blacks in the National Survey of American Life. American Journal of Public Health 98 6 : Carroll, K.

et al. A multisite randomized effectiveness trial of motivational enhancement therapy for Spanish-speaking substance users. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 77 5Oct Crits-Christoph, P.

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Drug abuse is most popular in young adults ages In an interesting statistic people in their fifties are abusing drugs at higher rates than ever. Statistics demonstrate minor fluctuations in drug and alcohol abuse across races and ethnicities. Research in the last twenty years has grown exponentially to study the causes of addiction. Generally statistics are very difficult to read when it comes to addiction. In general people perceive alcoholics as Skid Row bums and drug addicts as homeless people or criminals that live in the ghettos. Many people have multiple addictions or their habits may vary. Many people with an addiction or abuse problem simply are in denial or do not recognize their use as a problem. Many who may have had an addiction at one time have recovered and are now living free from the addiction after intervention and treatment.

The financial burden of substance abuse is great. These figures include health care costs, accidents, crime and courts National Institute on Drug Abuse. Financial costs to both employers and employees with a substance abuse problem are also great. People with addictions often call in sick to work because they are high or hung-over. If they do show up for work they are not as productive or effective as they would be if they were sober. Health insurance rates are on the rise since most companies now offer coverage for the treatment of substance abuse. For those without health insurance coverage, the government also offers assistance to get treatment which costs taxpayers more money. The mortality rate of those with an addiction is astonishing. The rates for alcoholics who die from liver disease and related alcoholic diseases was 88, people in The hidden cause of death from alcoholism is harder to determine: heart attacks, murders and accidents in the home.

Deaths from drug overdoses numbers over 40,, this includes both prescription and illegal drugs. Again, deaths that occurred due to intoxication on drugs but not directly attributed, such as car accidents, murder and suicides is unaccounted National Institute on Drug Abuse. Many addicts are abusing prescription drugs which are much easier to obtain than illegal drugs. Doctors are generally unaware of their patients who may have a prescription drug abuse problem and will continue to prescribe pain killers and benzodiazepines. Often prescription drugs are taken for bona fide reasons at first but for those with a predisposition to addiction abuse can occur quickly and unnoticed.

Many with a prescription abuse problem rationalize the addiction because the drugs are legal and were prescribed for a physical ailment, so taking them, even excessively is alright. Alcohol is a leading choice of addicts. Alcohol is socially accepted and completely legal. It is generally the first substance teenagers abuse when they embark on a career of substance abuse. Much research has been done on this topic over the years. According to Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism is both a disease of the mind and body. Many researcher describe a similar phenomenon in that alcoholics simply cannot stop drinking once they begin. In recent years, the use of cocaine and crack are on the decline. The new drug of choice for many addicts is heroin and methamphetamine.

Both have been on the rise over the last ten years. Heroin no longer has to be injected which is appealing to many drug abusers who refuse to use a needle. Addicts on meth could stay awake for days at a time National Institute on Drug Abuse. Sixty percent of children who experience abuse were victims of someone under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drugs are still coming across our borders, many are now produced within this country. Marijuana is now being grown internally and drugs such as methamphetamine is created within our borders. There are many reasons for addiction.

Many drug addicts and alcoholics have at least one person in their family that has also faced addiction Addiction occurs with any substance because of the way alcohol and drugs affect the production of dopamine in the brain. Drugs increase the production of this natural chemical. This is what produces the high effect of drugs. In order to achieve this high, an addict must consume more and more of their substance. Addiction is also coupled with mental disorders. Most abusers suffer from depression, bipolar disorder or anxiety. Addicts are generally devoted to a particular drug that seems to work best for them. Different people due to their personality and physical chemistry tend to prefer one type of drug over another.

Once they have found their drug of choice, most addict remain faithful to that one. Addicts also tend to engage in specific behaviors or rituals when using their drug of choice, thus cementing the addiction Sandra D. Substance abuse in teenagers is at a record high. Causes for the use of alcohol and drugs are often identified as physical, emotional or sexual abuse and bullying. Teenagers use drugs and alcohol as a way to escape from the painful traumas. They often observe family members or friends that seem to successfully use substances to alter their moods. Peer pressure also ranks as a leading cause for substance abuse. Many adult addicts claim that their addictions began as teenagers and once they started abusing substances they simply could not stop Whitesell, Bachand, Peel and Brown, Substance abusers use complex psychological mechanisms to justify and defend their use of drugs or alcohol.

They may deny that they have a problem altogether denial. The prescription drug abuser may intellectualize the abuse by claiming that the drug is a legal prescription for a real medical problem. Family members may also be unaware of the severity of a substance abuse problem. Often spouses or other family members unwittingly cover up the problems of substance abuse by making excuses or covering up for the abuser. There is hope for those that are suffering with a substance abuse problem. Rehabilitation centers for those that suffer from addiction have sprung up all over the country in the last thirty years.

Addicts and alcoholics have the options of admitting themselves into residential or outpatient facilities for treatment. Many companies offer employee assistance programs that can guide an employee to the right place for treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous has been instrumental in helping alcoholics to achieve recovery. This 12 step program has also given rise to similar programs such as Narcotics Anonymous that help those with drug problems. These programs have met tremendous success with long term sobriety for alcoholics and drug addicts alike. Substance abuse is a serious problem that was once hidden in the closet.

It takes on many forms and levels of severity. In the last thirty years new light has been shed upon the subject. Research in the field to understand the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the disease has opened doors of opportunity for understanding and successful treatment of people who suffer from addiction. Substance abuse affects not only the individual, but their family and friends as well. There are financial implications for businesses who employ people with a substance abuse problem. The judicial system is overwhelmed with criminals who committed crimes to obtain money for drugs or directly acquiring the drugs. Domestic abuse and child abuse and neglect cases are often rooted in substance abuse problems. The important thing to understand that there is now hope for a person who suffers a substance abuse problem.

Treatment centers and a better understanding by the public through education is slowly removing the stigma attached to addiction which can lead to treatment. Alcoholics Anonymous. New York: Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc. Bureau of Justice Statistics. Predictors of alcohol and drug dependence. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 59 4 , Grohol, J. The youth […]. Have you ever wondered what types of drugs are common between races? Sociologist Collect data through surveys and test to figure out what type of drugs are used among different races and ethnicities. Substance abuse causes millions of illnesses and injuries among people who decide to use drugs. According to data collected African American teens […]. When someone decides to start a family, they have a certain picture in their head for how the future will plan out.

Mom and dad will love their child and have their best interest at heart throughout their whole life. Most parents go into it, thinking nothing will break up their bond or make them […]. Sexual re-victimization refers to a form of sexual abuse which is insensitive and causes fear for the victims of violence. Currently, there are many kinds of research concerning the female re-victimization of few sexual assaults, child sexual abuse, and adult sexual abuse survivors. Despite this, there is little research concerning male victimization and any form […].

Substance misuse is an issue that influences numerous individuals, including the individuals who are dependent and ward upon substances and also the general population around them. Much of the time, individuals are dependent or subject to various medications, utilizing numerous medications in the meantime or switching back and forth between at least two medications to […]. One strategy to support the treatment of Rhonda is to provide help with regulating her emotions rather […]. Substance abuse is the leading national health problem, causing more deaths, illnesses, and disabilities than any other health condition p. There are many factors leading to the current opioid epidemic. Predisposing and contributing factors that lead to substance abuse are the substances that are being used, the set, and the setting.

When we are treating […]. Substance abuse has been an issue for society throughout the history. No one race, gender, or people of a socioeconomic status has been exempted from this epidemic. However, prenatal substance abuse has continued to be major issue in America because we believe no other population to be vulnerable than those of developing fetuses and children […]. Including in the article of the topic and discerning the studies to steer readers to be educated on the broad input of childhood maltreatment possibly going hand and hand with abuse of substances.

In surrounding this topic, you can pull out the gist of all the studies and background information to bring a responsible observation […]. Homelessness is becoming a more and more prevalent issue in America as years progress. In many cases, these people have been suffering from homelessness for […]. When adolescents begin experimenting with drugs and alcohol many parents believe their children are just going through a rebellious stage, but that is not always the case 11 Reasons Why Teenagers Experiment with Drugs, There are many reasons why adolescents begin experimenting with drugs and it may lead to a serious addiction. Boredom is […]. Substance abuse among soldiers has increased drastically due to uninformed medical personnel on base, alcohol sales outlets are more prevalent, and soldiers are resorting to alcohol to deal with PTSD instead of seeking counseling.

Individuals from the military are not invulnerable to the substance utilize issues that influence whatever remains of society. Albeit illegal medication […]. A study showed that more than 21 million American citizens 12 years of age and older struggle with a substance use disorder. There are many different conceptions of what it means to have an addiction, […]. Among the many challenges in addressing homelessness lies in how the condition encompasses multiple other social ills. There is an exponential reality to it, in that the state is influenced by, and influences, extreme situations of mental illness, criminality, and substance abuse. These connections are all the move evident when a specific homeless population is […].

Many people argue that media violence is the gateway to violent behavior in individuals but upon closer examination, this argument falls apart. In fact, there are several studies that definitively demonstrate how violence is caused by other factors, with media violence playing just a small part in the outcome. So, while it may be generally […]. The foster care system in the United States is responsible when a child is deemed unsafe in the house they are living in and is put into a group home or private home with parents who have been approved by the government. The Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System estimates that the number […].

Veronica Sutton COUN Prof. prison population suffers from some form of mental illness. As a consequence, each year thousands of mentally ill men and women are sent to prisons because of limited community […]. The glamorization of drugs and alcohol in the media, or with celebrities, peers, or other important people has been detrimental to the lives of the young children seeing this first hand. There are many consequences of drugs and alcohol that are never discussed alongside these influential people. Through research many studies have shown that drugs […]. Nursing is a widespread profession that stretches across the world.

One part of nursing includes the community. Everyone is impacted by the community in one way or another whether it is through screenings or events feeding the homeless. It is important to know about the community and be able to recognize vulnerable populations that need […]. Don't know where to start? Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Plagiarism checker Do the check. Writing Help Ask for help. Paraphrasing Tool Paraphrase my essay. Essay examples. Essay topics. Substance Abuse and Family Struggles People that suffer from substance abuse have a hard time going through rehab therapy due to the lack of support from family members.

Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse Up to 60 percent of chronic schizophrenic patients have been reported to be substance abusers Hambrecht 1. Substance Abuse Related to Depression Depression is a mental health disorder that affects the mental state wellbeing of a person. Depression and Substance Abuse Depression is a very serious mood disorder that can affect and influence your mood, how you might feel and engage in certain activities that you may have once enjoyed before having some negative feelings and emotions that are significant factors when we think about depression. The Role of Social Workers: Counselors in Substance Abuse Drug and substance abuse has skyrocketed in the last ten years. Reviewing the Impact of Informatics on Substance Abuse Disorders and the Opioid Epidemic Objective Drug overdoses are now the top reason for unintentional mortality in the United States, and prescription opioid abuse is a major contributor to the public health crisis Sun et al.

Drug and Substance Abuse One common disease that is prevalent throughout the country is drug and substance abuse.

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