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Essays on obesity in america

Essays on obesity in america

Prev Med, 49 4 Obesity in the USA Words: Essays on obesity in america 2 Pages Document Type: Term Paper Paper : This is particularly true for those who are severely obese. This vast assortment has certainly carried over into the world of food. shtml Koop, C. In conclusion, childhood obesity is a growing problem that is costing children their lives in America today.


Obesity in the United States The extent of the Problem Obesity as one commentator says, is not just a "matter of aesthetics" but has become a major public health problem in the United States. Similarly, Federal health officials have categorically stated that "the growing prevalence of obesity in the United States represents a significant health threat to millions of Americans. Jeffrey Koplan, director of the CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently stated that "the continuing epidemic of obesity is a critical public health concern" and "as a nation, we need to respond as vigorously to this epidemic as we do to an infectious disease epidemic.

Butcher, and Phillip B. Obesity in America: The prevalence of obesity and related health problems has increased dramatically in the past few decades to an extent that it's now regarded as one of the most pressing public health issue in the United States. Generally, obesity and overweight are usually brought by various factors such as socioeconomic, behavioral, cultural, metabolic, environmental, and inherited effects. This health issue contributes to the increase of the risk of several illnesses like heart disease, breathing problems, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and various essays on obesity in america of arthritis and cancer. The main reason for the increased risk is that the prevalence of health risks enhances as a person's weight increases.

Due to its prevalence in the United States, obesity has been identified as a national health objective by the Department of Health and Human Services. This health issue is among the 10 leading health indicators in the national health objectives…. References: essays on obesity in america Plan -- Healthy People Objectives for Prevention and Control of Childhood Obesity. American Public Health Association. htm "Financing Childhood Obesity Prevention Programs: Federal Funding Sources and Other Strategies. The Finance Project.

Obesity in America Many think of obesity as a disease that may need medication to retract, may be genetic in origin and, thus, not the fault of the individual, essays on obesity in america, and, therefore, may be biologically rather than culturally deteremined. However, as this essay intends to show, people with genetic predisposition to obesity can still prevent their obesity from occuring, or can control it, by followign the guidelines of a healthy diet and regular physical activity. It is the American culture, far more than biology, that has created the prevelant tendency to obesity by presenting an environment that promotes obesity and discourages a healthy lifestyle.

In essence, while obesity is a disease, it is one of the most easily preventable diseases for those who approach it proactively, though this may require certain departures from the American lifestyle. Introduction Obesity increases the risk for many fatal diseases, including cardiovascular disease, essays on obesity in america, and recorded in…. References Branon, L. Health Psychology. USA: Thomson Wadsworth. Bray, G. The epidemic of obesity. Wang, Y. Worldwide trends in childhood overweight and obesity International Journal of Pediatric Obesity.

Trends of obesity and underweight in older children and adolescents in the United States, Brazil, China, and Russia. Clin Nutr. Obesity in America Obesity has emerged as one of the most pressing health problems in the United States. Indeed, the overall trend toward obesity in American adults, as well as children and adolescents, has been increasingly identified by doctors, scientists, and the media as essays on obesity in america "epidemic. Although many in the country imagine that their weight problems have much more consequence to their appearance than their health or, at the very least, many give much more import to these issuesthe truth is that the increasing prevalence of obesity in America has far reaching implications, chief among them issues of ethical, essays on obesity in america, economic, essays on obesity in america, political, and population-based significance.

The National enter for hronic…. Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health. htm adults Office of the Surgeon General. Obesity in America: Obesity and Sexual Orientation This study examined the obesity risk for the sexual minority groups in the United States of America. The first part explains the essays on obesity in america epidemic in the United States and its effects on the common man. It also describes the overall national medical expenditures that are attributable to obesity. In the second part, new approximations of obesity rates by sexual orientation have been presented using the data and information from two large representative surveys conducted in America. The first one is taken from the California Health Interview Survey that contained the information associated with self-reported sexual orientation.

The second one is taken from the Behavioral isk Factor Surveillance System that included information regarding the intra-household same-sex unmarried partnerships. esults suggested that gay men are less likely to be obese whereas lesbian women are more likely to be obese when compared with their…. References 1. In: The Columbia Encyclopedia 6th ed. New York: Columbia University Press. Retrieved June 20, Freedman DH. How to Fix the Obesity Crisis. Scientific American Magazine [online], essays on obesity in america. Accessed June 22, Wang Y, Beydoun MA, Liang L, Caballero B, Kumanyika SK.

Will All Americans Become Overweight or Obese? Estimating the Progression and Cost of the U. Obesity Epidemic [online]. Pi-Sunyer FX. The Obesity Epidemic: Pathophysiology and Consequences of Obesity [Online]. Obesity Research. In some cases, doctors can prescribe weight-loss medicines along with a program of diet and exercise. This is particularly true for those who are severely obese. An increase in physical activity is one highly recommended form of treatment for obese people Pories et al, essays on obesity in america. Exercise increases energy expenditure, improves health conditions, combats depression, and helps maintain weight loss.

In most cases, 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity is recommended most days of the week. References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention CDCP. Defining Overweight and Obesity. Gilles, Gary. A Growing Epidemic: Severe Obesity Is on the Rise. Rockhill Communications. Hemmelgarn, Melinda. Foods and Fitness. Missouri Families. Medical Network Inc. What Causes Obesity? As it is, obesity emerges in cultures that become wealthy and start eating fast food. Doctors are also responsible for promoting the myth that obesity essays on obesity in america related more to genetics than to lifestyle by misrepresenting the statistics about the disease, essays on obesity in america.

As ebMD points out, "If one of your parents is obese, you are 3 times as likely to be obese as someone with parents of healthy weight. A child who grows up watching a parent eat potato chips and fast food while watching television might model behavior after that parent. If the parent is obese, the child will become obese not necessarily because of genes but because of behavior modeling. Public policy is also to blame for obesity. It is a…. Works Cited Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Obesity and overweight. htm Sifferlin, Alexandra. Obesity -- Cause. It would be expected that the children would push for increased recess time. Note that no mention essays on obesity in america made regarding diet. Also note that this specific class was selected by the principal therefore objectivity is further corrupted.

The idea about the parent volunteers, for instance, could best have emerged in a focus group environment. Albrecht et al. The two trained moderators were Caucasian whereas the population was of mixed ethnic origin. Nuance of different cultural approach could have been overlooked and cultural misunderstanding involved. The two…, essays on obesity in america. References Albrecht, R. Morgan ed. Successful focus groups. Long: Sage. Asch, S. html Breakwell, G. Research methods in Psychology. Sage: London. One study indicates that "Although fast food provided one-third of some respondents' daily caloric intakes, those meals included almost no milk, fruit or fruit juices, which are important nutrient sources among key food groups.

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The United State obesity epidemic has become a national concern for the last 5 decades. A large number of individuals are not taking into consideration that it is a severe health threat that individuals can prevent; however, it seems people are not taking any effort. A lot of food in numerous places and diverse technology made for diverse reasons are causing individuals to discover their waistlines increasing. People claim their weight gain is as a result of a busy schedule. Individuals ought to begin doing something in their daily life to escape from becoming obese. To understand the issue of obesity in America, it is necessary to analyze its effects and prevention measures.

It appears like today Americans are stressed over their weight like never before. With all the health clubs, and diet pills, one would assume that U. would be in a perfect shape; however, it is the direct inverse. The more assortments of unhealthy nourishments that are available and all the more alternate ways innovation are giving, the more Americans discover their waistlines increasing. Obesity is a major issue in the U. With every one of the inconveniences and stresses on the planet, obesity is rapidly turning into a critical issue to stress over. It can essentially be a life and death threatening situation. Parents who simply sit on a chair eating fries while setting a bad example to their kids, the schools that burn physical education PE , the oily foods which fast food eateries give, and the significant food organizations that keep concocting new inventions to add to unhealthy decisions Americans make are only a couple of the many reasons for this rising epidemic Dawes, Obesity is becoming worse as an ever-increasing number of individuals keep on eating themselves to a point where nothing can be done.

Americans are actually eating themselves towards death and they are not realizing it. The state government keeps on warning that obesity is becoming a serious issue and something must be done. It is difficult to settle on the decision between a fried chicken and pizza from McDonalds. Kids are taught that it is right to eat fast foods, and are not advised to eat vegetables, fruits, and other things that are deemed healthy. As these kids get older, they are unable to distinguish between healthy snacks and unhealthy food Dawes, Soon, United State will discover that obesity has tremendously increased, and they will not be in a position to do something about it.

If nothing will be done to stop obesity rates from skyrocketing, then the aftermath will be a number one killer. Obesity may not be blamed on a single thing; its causes are diverse. Of course engaging in a healthy diet is a definite manner to evade obesity. There are a lot of food accessible, social gatherings encourage overeating, hotels compete amid them through offering bigger servings, plus technology has made people to be lazy as they do not engage in physical activity. So far, studies have discovered that obesity is among the leading cause of evadable death alongside smoking. According to American Obesity Association numerous insurance companies have coverage on behalf of obesity prevention as well as treatment. Obesity is associated with greater risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke, and cardiovascular illnesses.

Healthcare practitioners allege that they are discovering something dangerous than type 2 diabetes among children aged 10 years Eagle et al. For America to fight off this epidemic, children ought to learn how to engage in a healthy diet at a younger age. If children are given healthy food, as well as educated to consume healthy foods during their early age, then the chances are that they will continue with the same habit as they age and this has to begin with the parents or guardians Eagle et al. If parents just sit on a sofa and consume high cholesterol foods then advise their kids to exercise and eat healthy is not going to reduce the obesity rate.

Parents have to do away with sodas that have high sugar concentration and foods that have excess fat. Instead, they should have lots of vegetables and fruits. Parents have total control in what their kids consumes at their early age, however once the kids go to school, it becomes hard to regulate what the kids consume. Here is where the school comes into play. The number of obese individuals in the United States has increased dramatically over the years, generally in children. Many fail to address that childhood obesity is a problem. Cawley and Meyerhoefer reported even higher obesity-related medical costs at Out of all the diseases in the world today obesity is the cause of In conclusion, childhood obesity is a growing problem that is costing children their lives in America today.

Without proper knowledge on the subject, child 's lives could be endangered. Obesity Epidemic is a Threat to Global Health What are overweight and obesity? In , obese adults represented less than 15 percent of the U. Population but by , the obesity crisis had hit an unprecedented high. Today, obesity has fast become a national health crisis, a crisis of vacated immunity when considering approximately two out of three adults are either overweight or obese. Although African Americans have the highest-age-adjusted rates of obesity for reasons to follow, this paper will focus on obesity and its impact on the Hispanic population. They are many causes of obesity, such as hypertension and diabetes; which, has also added an increased in health care jobs in America.

Obesity is also link to heart disease, stroke, cancer, gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. According to U. Bureau of Labor BLS statistics, hospitals have created more than 31, in Healthcare Traveler, 18 12 , To be categorized as obese means you have a BMI body mass index over Obesity is a huge problem in the United States, it is to the point that the government needs to get involved to set restrictions. The United States Government needs to step in and take charge of the obesity epidemic. Obesity can be classified as a worldwide epidemic, with the United States being the leader in this epidemic.

Research has consistently shown that obesity increases the risk for coronary heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and many other conditions. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention CDC , obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths within the United States. Unknown, Adult Obesity Facts, Obesity is known as the excess amount of body fat on an individual. Unknown, Overweight and Obesity Statistics, There are many different factors that play a part in obesity, energy imbalance, eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity is typically the leading factor. However, other factors such as your eating habits, how one lives, attitude and emotion, income, and genes also play a part in obesity risks.

Americans are targeted with food companies and their advertisements that are trying to lure people into purchasing their larger portion, high-calorie foods and sugary soft drinks. These maps show how the body mass index of the United States has gone up drastically between and Home Flashcards Create Flashcards Essays Essay Topics Writing Tool. Essays Essays FlashCards. Browse Essays. Sign in. Flashcard Dashboard Essay Dashboard Essay Settings Sign Out.

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