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Essay on e waste

Essay on e waste

References Bartholomew, Doug This approach has been regarded as one of the best and safest approaches. Use our essay title generator to get ideas and recommendations instantly. Once the articles of incorporation have… Works Cited Killam, Deborah. Plenty, The health problems arise through cathode ray tubes CTsessay on e waste any device that might hold them. All of them are quite expensive and do not bring desired return.

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They also have to use the media to do advocacy. A barrier like knowledge of impact has the most potential to be reduced in order for the venture to realize its goal. Majority of people resort to damping their electronic wastes into landfills or even use earth as a waste basket because they do not know the impact of engaging in such activities. Essay on e waste even essay on e waste up burning such waste oblivious of deleterious effects of engaging in such acts. Take an example of the components of a computer motherboard. It is highly probable that they contain heavy metals like mercury and lead. Scientific research shows how dangerous these heavy metals are to the lives of human beings especially when they find their way into the human diet UNEP, When key partners like Lower East Side Centre….

References Heylighen, F. Environmental Conditions. html Kozlan, M. What is E-waste and how can I get rid of it? Tips and tricks for recycling. Political Economy of E-Waste Introduction to E-Waste While developed countries and the west, in general, continue to take pride in applying modern technology in their activities, some parts of the world seem to be losing because essay on e waste the same developments in the west. The countries in the global north are pursuing modern technology in all respects possible. There are hundreds of thousands of electronic waste products that are generated from such pursuits. The electronic devices developed in these countries are largely sold in countries with a ready market to receive them. The devices come with a limited life span.

They often stop functioning after their lifespan has lapsed. It follows that such devices and equipment has to be disposed off. It is this aspect of handling the products of technology that causes a major problem in some countries. Most of the devices contain metallic parts and toxic constituents. The toxins…. Bibliography "Chapter 5 -- Environmental and Health Risks: Unusual Expansion of Waste Incineration in China Needs Attention. Accessed February 7, E-Trash Most of the world's electronic trash -- especially old computers -- is dumped in the third world countries, resulting severe environmental problems and illnesses among residents.

The large amount of electronic trash dumped in Chinese cities has created serious health hazards for residents living across these cities. Although Chinese authorities have listed Guangdong's towns of Guiyu, Longtang and Dali and other areas as the country's major collection and distribution centers for electronic trash, these areas now have become a health hazard. The health problems arise through cathode ray tubes CTsand any device that might hold them. Essay on e waste contain lead and other chemicals that leach from landfills into groundwater. The pollutants are released into the air during burning. References Bartholomew, Doug E-Business Commentary -- PC Makers: Haul Your Own Trash, essay on e waste. Industry Week, August, pp. Berger, Sandy Compu-Kiss, pp. Chandran, Rina Trash e-trash.

Business Line, April 10, pp. Markoff, John Technology's Toxic Trash Is Sent To Poor Nations. Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, pp. The role of the leader is to inspire vision, demonstrate confidence and set examples for the group to follow. Our leader will need to create a positive environment to energize our group towards achieving our objectives. To reach common consensuses, our leader will be given the power of final say after the group has deliberated and debated on an issue. To reach our goal, we will be very careful when choosing a leader. We will choose a leader based on several qualities that our leader must possess and these qualities will include: Communication skills Written skills Ability to convince other people efficiently and effectively Education qualification Good personality.

ased on the strategies that we will use to select our leader, it is envisaged that our leader will assist the group to reach a better decision. Team Work While our leader is to assist the group to reach a better decision…. Bibliography Environmental Protection Agency. Electronic Reuse and Recycling. EPA WasteWise Update. pdf National Research Council. Advancing the Science essay on e waste Climate Change. National Research Council, essay on e waste. The National Academies Press, Essay on e waste, DC, USA.

Environmental egulations and Industry Best Practice for Efficient Use of esources The inappropriate disposal of electronic or so-called "e-waste," including office consumables such as laser printer and photocopier toner cartridges, represents a major environmental threat. In fact, according to Taylor, "E-waste' is growing in landfills at three times the rate of general refuse, essay on e waste. For instance, "Printer cartridges contain valuable metals such as steel, aluminium and copper, as well as ink, toner powder, plastics, rubber, silica and foam, much of which can be recycled. References Gray, Gerry. The Old Gympie Times, Taylor, Rachel. What is e-waste? What is so dangerous about e-waste? Many well-meaning individuals thought that recycling essay on e waste the answer to the e-waste problem.

But why hasn't e-waste recycling yielded the results hoped for? E-waste electronic waste refers to the discarded electronic or electrical devices that are no essay on e waste being used, are unwanted, non-working, and obsolete. All used electronics that essay on e waste destined for resale, reuse, recycling, salvage, or disposal are also considered to be e-waste. Recycling of e-waste is still the answer to the e-waste problem, but recycling has to be carried out in a laid-out manner and not just anyone should be allowed to recycle e-waste. Recycling of e-waste is labor intensive and recycling employees…, essay on e waste. Technology As scientist come up with new technology for the welfare of mankind in this world they end up producing luxuries.

The attitude of the people towards the environment is changing due to the fact that they need more and more luxuries and this makes them destroy the environment, essay on e waste, and this make environment to be polluted in different forms. In the act of mankind living luxuriously, they sometime use instruments such as air conditioners, fridges and others that do release C. Cs in the environment leading to deplete of the ozone layer, essay on e waste, Paul Kennard Deforestation uncontrollable for the purpose of building with the aim of accommodation tends to raise the content of….

Reference and Education: Science Tania Branigan 25 November Retrieved Recycling pogam should not be limited to the ecycling of CRT monitos, as thei ownes ae moe likely to bing the whole obsolete compute system to the ecycling, not just compute monitos. The benefit of integal pogam of ecycling is that it allows using a vaiety of mateials used in the electonics manufactuing like pecious metals, semi-pecious metals, and some electonic items in the euse. The most impotant pat of the e-waste management is seach of the most appopiate and qualified patnes in the technical o pactical pat of the poblem solution. This poblem is of the essential…. reference: being reused repaired and modernized; being recycled and the most ecologically disadvantageous solution is simply being land filled.

But the realization of these practices faces a lot of obstacles mainly of financial character. All of them are quite expensive and do not bring desired essay on e waste. That's why scientists and economists agree in the following: recycling of e-waste has to be the concern of electronics manufacturers, essay on e waste. Loop industry is the most optimal solution to the problem as the manufacturer becomes responsible for essay on e waste recycling of the products he makes, essay on e waste. Introduction of such practices has the negative outcomes of course. Because technological process becomes more complicated and intensive, requires involvement of additional equipment and facilities on the hand with new labour the net value of the production increases and so the customers would have to pay more for electronics.

Another direction in the solution of e-waste problem is export of e-waste to the developing countries, where the process of recycling is cheaper and the possibility of e-waste to be reused, repaired and modernized is higher, essay on e waste. Moreover some third world countries use unpopulated territories for e-waste. Anyways, this kind of solution is not appropriate again, because most of these practices somehow avoid law regulations of these countries and cannot have a mass character. It only creates additional problem which would have to be solved in close future. As most of experts agree that recycling of e-waste has to be the problem of e-products manufacturers they have to develop different effective strategies and technologies for the most optimal solution of this problem: starting form transportation of e-waste from customer to the process of recycling.

At this point global environmental community has to cooperate and share new practices and approaches in solving this problem. It refers both to technology and legislative regulation of the problem. And in developing own strategy for e-waste management the officials of different countries have to work together and adopt practices of each other that are being effective. Countries of European Union had already made the first steps to the solution of this problem, making manufactures to be responsible for the waste caused by their products. The United Sates and Canada should start to introduce these practices as well, if they want to achieve ecological balance and safe coexistence of scientific and technological progress with health of humanity.

Cross-functional team dynamics require leaders who can be transformational in their ability to essay on e waste compelling missions, goals and objectives for the teams, not just managing by action item lists and project plans Santa, Ferrer, Bretherton, essay on e waste, Hyland,

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Business Strategy and the Environment 18, no. Barrett, J.. Demand-Driven is an Operational Strategy. Industrial Management, November 1, ,5. C Boks, and a Stevels. Essential perspectives for design for environment. Experiences from the electronics industry. International Journal of Production Research 45, no. Bongsug Kevin Chae. Developing key performance indicators for supply chain: an industry perspective. Supply Chain Management 14, no. The net effect of these trends on the environment is mixed. According to Kohler and Erdmann , the expanded use of ICT applications will ultimately result in both benefits to the environment, as well as some new problems associated with their use.

According to Lan and Thomas , there is no escaping the fact that information and communication technologies are fundamentally changing the nature of commerce and hold important promise for economic development in the future. These authors are quick at add, though, that proceeding with these technologies is a complex enterprise and there are still a number of unknowns involved concerning how…. References Cyr, C. E-waste not. Plenty, Daly, J. ICT and ensuring environmental sustainability. Communication Initiative. In particular, it states that Joffe-Walt's proposal of having developed countries take responsibility for their own waste to solve China's e-waste problems won't necessarily work.

Liu explains that China banned the import of e-waste way back in Thus, the continued import of e-waste is from black market trade fueled by China's abundant, cheap, and skilled labor force. The e-waste is shipped to Hong Kong that then smuggled into China where local authorities are willing to look the other way because it is such a hugely profitable business. According to Liu, the efforts of developed countries to discontinue the export of e-waste will only serve to make the problem worse. For example, the European Union created the European Directive on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in This Directive "holds producers responsible for financing the collection, treatment, recovery, and environmentally sound disposal of waste electronics.

However, the author contends that,…. Bibliography Joffe-Walt, Benjamin. Dubuque: McGraw Hill: Contemporary Learning Series. Liu, Yingling , May 4. This approach has been regarded as one of the best and safest approaches. Despite this, there is widespread concern about proper radioactive waste management. National esearch Council U. Leaks and spills at such facilities are not very uncommon. In fact, the radioactive waste storage facility at ichland has reported around 18 leaks in a period of 20 years discharging approximately , gallons of radioactive wastes, shows the enormity of the situation. Leaks have also been reported in Kentucky, New York State, and in Tennessee. Gyorgy, it has been reported that the U. generates radioactive PCB wastes at a rate greater than 5 million tons annually.

Moreover, the U. References Brown, Lester R; Earth Policy Institute. Earthscan, Cember, Herman. Introduction to Health Physics. McGraw-Hill Professional, The WITE initiative was a collaborative approach that drew upon industry, state, local governments as well as the EPA's isk eduction Engineering Laboratory with the overall goal of developing more effective pollution prevention technologies that could assist the electronics manufacturing industry in developing a "crade to grave" approach to managing these products appaport, Besides these earlier efforts, in more recent years, increasingly rigorous laws and regulations have been implemented by the EPA with the goal of minimizing the impact of electronics and electrical device waste on the environment have began to make a major difference in recovering these toxic substances before they ever have a chance to become waste.

For instance, pursuant to the above-mentioned esource Conservation and ecovery Act, it is now illegal for companies in the United States to simply discard hazardous waste, including electronics and electrical devices, in normal trash receptacles The importance of recycling computers,…. References Brown, V. Electronics, lead and landfills. Environmental Health Perspectives, 13 , Gaba, J. Rethinking recycling. Environmental Law, 38 4 , Gebrewold, F. Current hazardous waste management and disposal practices among small quantity generators. Journal of Environmental Health, 57 2 , production and consumption of material resources is an often overlooked but very important aspect of human life on earth, as we are increasingly fighting to maintain sustainability of the global population.

The capital of natural resources is being drained as economic and political factors influence the production and consumption of material resources. Developed nations have fared much better than poor undeveloped nations in terms of moving towards being able achieve sustainability. Two production habits related to material resources that can be discussed and that are important for the sustainability of the global population; are the production of vehicles for transportation and also the production of electrical appliances. These two types of material resources have great impact on the potential sustainability of the world's population.

The production habit of vehicles for transportation, specifically cars is driven by a global economy that demands the production of millions of new vehicles every year. References Eljarrat, E. Brominated flame retardants. Berlin: Springer. Mulvaney, D. Green technology: an A-to-Z guide. Thousand Oaks, Calif. Amazon could follow in order to be socially responsible in marketing its Kindle fire family of tablets. This demand for such social responsibility has been coming for sometime for the secretive Amazon to reveal long-awaited information about its environmental compliance in the case of the new Kindle tablet. Amazon has long been seemingly more secret than that CIA about facets of the company and the Kindle has been no exception to this rule. equests for this information have been repeatedly denied requests for information about the Kindle.

Examples of this included an attempt by Joe Hutsko of the New York Times who tried to learn more Kindle's carbon footprint and reported that "phone calls and e-mail messages to Amazon inquiring about the materials in the popular Kindle device have thus far gone unanswered Godelnik, References Amazon. Godelnik, R. Why amazon needs to come clean about its carbon footprint. Google, mcdonalds and amazon dodge carbon disclosure. Kaye, L. Amazon resists pressure to participate in carbon footprint disclosure project. Green with Information Technology There has been a corresponding growth in innovations in information technology and the recognition that companies of all sizes and types must reduce their impact on their environment by adopting so-called green practices.

For micro-businesses with just one or a few employees, this may mean something as simple as recycling aluminum cans and paper, but for larger enterprises, going green may mean the investment of significant amounts of resources up front with the expectation that the payback on these investments will be worthwhile, both in terms of energy savings as well as through an improved corporate image. To determine how companies can benefit from going green today, this paper provides a review of the relevant literature to provide a definition of going green with information technology, an analysis of the impact of going green with information technology on the environment, and a discussion concerning the pros….

References Basile, T. A green formula. PM Network, 4, Chen, A. Developmental neurotoxicants in e-waste: An emerging health concern. Environmental Health Perspectives, 4 , Salient stakeholder voices: Family business and green innovation adoption. Journal of Management and Organization, 15 3 , Morey, T. Going green beyond the greenhouse. The Agricultural Education. Computer Disposal Our organization is considering the replacement of our computers due to the fact that they are outdated and the advancement of computer designs. They have become obsolete and therefore it warrants for their replacement with new cones in the market and in use. Therefore this paper will ok at a plan on how this computers will be disposed and at the same time limiting any environmental impact of the computers when they are being disposed.

First I would ensure that the hard drives of the computers are thoroughly wiped. This is to ensure that no personal data of the organization is stored in the computers prior to their disposal. The biggest concern will be if the old computers are disposed with private data which might end up in the wrong hands. Alternatively the hard drives can be destroyed completely through crushing them. Once the hard drives have…. References Meyer, J. Disposal of old computer equipment. htm Conjecture corporation. How do I dispose of my old computers? ethics of discarded computers. Discussed is John Stuart Mill's philosophy. Response scenario: I have just worn out my fourth computer. I love a high speed computer, but I feel guilty when I buy a new one.

A new computer is my top priority for a purchase, and I begin saving for a new one almost as soon as I have purchased one. I know that many people are just like me. There must be junkyards full of computers. hy is there such a waste with hardware and software in the computer industry. Should I try to get by with less? Two sources are used. Computer Junkyards Computer trash is certainly becoming a problem for societies everywhere. Some people try to make use of them by creating art, but that is a miniscule use of the millions of old computers one can see set out for the garbage men or…. Works Cited Bergstrom, Bill. May 7, Fackler, Martin. March 01, iPad -- a Greener Option? There is much debate on whether the iPad is a greener option than printed books.

Where some believe that iPad is the greener option, some still believe print books are still the better option, especially when borrowed from a public library that spreads the carbon footprint over an entire community. Print books use 8. The iPad uses much less at production, but carbon dioxide emissions are spread over the lifecycle of the product and are not as easy to calculate due to how consumers use the device, electronic power sources, and the toxins involved in the materials used to produce the device. Print book waste stems from large print overproduction in manufacturing, editorial error, and how consumers dispose of unwanted print books.

Manufacturers print large quantities of books that may are not all…. Bibliography Are eReaders Really Green? Book Buzz - e-reader vs. paper books. Environmental Impacts of E-Books. E-readers, are they Green? urban area of Tampa, Florida, and serves as an instrumental case study of how an urban locale can address problems of environmental health and safety. Specifically, this study assesses the failures and successes of Tampa to regulate and reduce water, air and waste pollution through various programs. Through quantitative analysis of city managers' statistics and survey of the population random sampling , findings indicate that positive steps have been taken through initiatives like S. and the attention given to Tampa's estuaries and water sources so as to maintain healthy ecosystems.

However, air pollution has yet to be addressed, as the state has eliminated its vehicle emissions testing. Coal-burning power plants like Big Bend also contribute to air pollution and a discussion of the beneficial impact of wind power is provided as a recommendation for addressing this issue. Environmental Health and Safety Case Study: Tampa, Florida Introduction Urban areas in the U. References Ackermannn, T. Wind energy technology and current status: a review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 4 4 : Boyle, G. Renewable Energy: Power for a Sustainable Future. UK: Oxford. City of Tampa. Solid Waste Recycling. Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design: Choosing among. This practically also pays big dividends for manufacturers as they continue to strive to keep their Energy STA Compliance ratings on products, leading to lower costs for power supply, electrical system integration and less product wear due to more efficient use of energy.

Studies also indicate that Energy STA compliance, when designed in as part of the DfE initiatives in a PLM system, can have an exceptionally high accumulative impact as well Preston, Integrating DfE into PLM frameworks then not only alleviates the unnecessary and often high costs of noncompliance to federal and global mandates, this integration has also been shown to reduce the net amount of new product components necessary, further creating higher levels of reliability in products over time Mascle, Zhao, There are many additional benefits to integrating DfE product development practices into the broader PLM frameworks manufacturers use for designing, launching, managing and discontinuing products.

References Abramovici, M. Future trends in product lifecycle management plm. Springer-Verlag Publishing, London, UK. Mike Adami-Sampson. Design for environmental compliance. Control Engineering, 54 2 , Vidhi A Chaudhri. The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 23 , Deathe, A. E-waste Management Programmes and the Promotion of Design for the Environment: Assessing Canada's Contributions. Brownfield Development Over the last several decades, China has been going through tremendous amounts of economic growth. Since the 's, various Chinese cities have seen an increase of million people. hile the economy, has expanded by five times as measured in GDP growth.

However, the nation has also been experiencing challenges associated with the need for housing and sustainable development. One possible strategy for dealing with these issues is brownfield development. In the United States, this has been shown to be an effective tool for dealing with urban blight and managing growth inside a particular region. This means looking at specific cities in comparison with each other. Once this takes place, is when specific insights will be provided as to how China can deal with future economic development. Over the…. Works Cited "Analysis, Tables and Figures. Cox Communications Telecommunications Innovation Status of the Sustainability Movement The telecommunications industry, supported by the United Nations and the International Telecommunications Union, launched a formal cooperative effort to promote sustainable business practices and technology in June The Global e-Sustainability Initiative GeSI was officially launched on World Environment Day with the vision "to help improve the global environment and to enhance human and economic development, and thereby make a key contribution to a global sustainable future" Thomsen, Members implemented various programs to achieve environment-friendly business practices.

For example, British Telecommunications calculated that employee use of audio and video conferencing contributed to saving over one million tons of CO2 emissions the…. For telecom industry, energy efficiency is only half the equation. The Jakarta Post. ULE creates sustainability standard for cell phones. com Web site. dialogue between theory and praxis has changed since the 60s. Dialogue between Theory and Praxis since the s Jeff Koons is among the most controversial and intriguing artists to have emerged in the past decade. Like Marcel Duchamp and Andy Warhol before him, he is concerned with the transformation of everyday objects into art and takes such post-modern issues as high and low culture, context, and commodification of art as the central focus of his work erger Jeff Koons, the self-proclaimed "most written-about artist in the world," now headlining at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, has indubitably attained a certain "star" status.

However, the Koons phenomenon - Koons himself, his objects, and the…. Bibliography Berger, J. Ways of Seeing. New York: Viking Books, Burger, P. Debord, G. The Society of the Spectacle. Zone Books, Marcus, G. Lipstick Traces. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, Many times if equipment is not working properly, it is seen as more convenient to let go of it instead of repairing it. The often prohibitive costs of repairing as well as the costs of the parts can be a reason for it. The result is a growing problem of e-waste disposal. The growing piles of discarded electronics or parts are leading to environmental pollution.

More importantly, the components such as lead, beryllium, cadmium etc. are a health hazard when left unexposed. The workers at the waste site and the neighbouring areas and the residents can be exposed to radiation from these carcinogenic elements. Apart from the radiation there are other health risks to being in close contact with the components from this waste. Some of them are non —destructible, such as the Cathode Ray Tubes used from display screens. The only possible solution to this problem is recycling of the waste. The small component parts are not necessarily all damaged and the one that are new or are in working condition can be easily extracted and reused. If the appliance is entirely damaged then the raw material such as metals can be recycled, e.

the copper wires from the cables can be extracted for remoulding into wires. Advantages of recycling e-waste are manifold. First of all the natural reserves are conserved. The extraction of the metals will cut down the necessity of mining them. The reuse and recycling will reduce the exposure to the hazardous components like cadmium, beryllium, lead, etc. The emission of greenhouse gases while manufacturing these parts will go down if the need to manufacture them is curtailed.

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