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Essay on power of positive thinking

Essay on power of positive thinking

We'll not send you spam or irrelevant messages. Thus, practice emptying your mind of fears, hates, insecurities, regrets, and guilt feelings. Do something about it. Do not allow yourself to sulk or indulge in self-pity. Get Your Job Done By a Professional Skilled Expert. For example, a person who is generally a positive thinker might use a more pessimistic explanatory style in particularly challenging situations, such as at work or at school.


A positive attitude maintains happiness. Adopting a essay on power of positive thinking frame of mind helps me stay happy. I believe if you have a negative attitude, failure and difficulties are bound to take place. Staying positive has a lot to do with how my life is turning out. A positive outlook on life makes me happy and full of zest, while being negative makes me unhappy and apathetic. I believe in the power of positivity, that half the battle is won by just believing it will be won. I have experienced and overcome hardship. I was mentally hurt. I was always feeling indifferent.

I was feeling low with self-esteem. I did not want to deal with anymore hardship in my life, essay on power of positive thinking. I was constantly mourning situations and refusing to let go. I was fearful of continuing to live. I grew to learn hard times will inevitably come, there is no way around them. My attitude improved when I distant myself from anything that triggered sadness or anger. I changed bad memories or thoughts into happy memories and thoughts. I began to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. I viewed my problems and unfortunate situations as an incomplete puzzle that needs completion.

Instead, I viewed the situation as difficult and unchanging. I started to become mentally stronger and resilient. I disengaged from any thoughts of fear and improved my courage. Thinking positively has motivated me and helped me with certain accomplishments, tasks, dreams, and goals. Now, obstacles are easier to tackle. Being positive not only helps to accomplish obstacles but, helps me stay optimistic and motivated even if something bad happens. Motivation is also a positive quality. Positivity and motivation are essay on power of positive thinking combinations that pushed me forward, encouraged me, and helped me overcome obstacles. Positivity increased my motivation to succeed in school and other endeavors.

It helped me get what I wanted because it made me believe I could get what I wanted. The more I achieve, positivity keeps me motivated to achieve more. Adopting this positivity has improved the way I feel about myself. Adopting a positive attitude and thinking positively, allowed me to gain a better opinion of myself, which improved my self-esteem. Before adopting a positive attitude, I would always worry and have negative thoughts that deteriorated my personal life and health. I was never optimistic. Essay on power of positive thinking hardships, keeping a positive mindset has helped me cope with my battles more easily than ever. It brought an unlimited amount of optimism and is permanently adopted into my way of life.

My life has forever changed, I have gained much more success, and I am so much happier. Now, I look at myself and view my life in positive ways. Listening to negative people and what they would think and say about me effected my life. I had to learn to tune out negative thoughts and people. Keeping a positive attitude toward myself, no matter what or where I am. By myself or around others. I have noticed I get treated with more respect and get happier with positive people around me. Positive thoughts and attitudes like loving myself, being good to myself, and being happy has helped me maintain positive thoughts. I think positively. Therefore, I am more energetic and healthier than people who think negatively because they are down or distraught.

My happiness and positivity have affected my health, in a good way. The mind has a strong effect on the body and health. My relationships with people have gotten better. I tend to gravitate towards positive people like myself and keep a distance from negative people. The positive people I have encountered bring joy, uplifting energy, and are fun to be around. Positive people bring light, joy, and energizes and brightens the room. Positively or negatively, attitudes can affect the workplace, friendships, essay on power of positive thinking, and family. People who keep positive perspectives and attitude tend to produce more happiness. I want to be a person who exalts positivity and happiness, essay on power of positive thinking. For the future, I want to motivate those who are depressed like I was.

I want to show others how to cultivate a positive attitude because it will lead to a positive life. The Power of Positive Thinking. com, Dec 17, Accessed January 7, comDec The Essay on power of positive thinking of Positive Thinking Topics: Health Overcoming Adversity. Essay, Pages 3 words. Get quality help now. Proficient in: Health. Cite this page The Power of Positive Thinking. Recent essay samples. Blink The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm GladwellIn Pages: 5 words Positive Thinking Pages: 2 words Critical Thinking Is Self Guided Self Disciplined Thinking Religion Essay Pages: 12 words Positive learning enviroment Pages: 9 words Unit Develop Positive Relationships with Children Pages: 2 words My Positive and Negative Traits Pages: 2 words Positive Accounting Theory Pages: 16 words Positive Care Practice Pages: 3 words Environment Negative And Positive Impact Pages: 2 words Positive And Negative Essay Sample Pages: 3 words.

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They also have a tendency to view negative events as expected and lasting. As you can imagine, blaming yourself for events outside of your control or viewing these unfortunate events as a persistent part of your life can have a detrimental impact on your state of mind. Positive thinkers are more apt to use an optimistic explanatory style, but the way in which people attribute events can also vary depending upon the exact situation. For example, a person who is generally a positive thinker might use a more pessimistic explanatory style in particularly challenging situations, such as at work or at school. How to cultivate positive thinking: Persistence: Once a negative thought enters our mind we have to be aware of it and endeavour to replace it with a constructive one.

The negative thought will try again to enter our mind, and again we have to hammer it out. It is as if there are two pictures before us, and we have to look at one of them and disregard the negative one. Persistence will eventually teach our mind to think positively and ignore negative thoughts. b Affirmations: Affirmation is a process through which we assure ourselves that out thoughts and actions are on the right path. Order custom essay Essay on Positive Thinking with free plagiarism report. When we try to review our actions as per the right principles of proper growth of our personalities, we feel assured. Our faith in right thinking and action is an affirmation. c Concentration: With a view to create an ambience conducive to our growth individually and collectively, we have to stay focused on right goals and proper objectives.

Every thought must be logically connected with pointed action. To achieve this we must develop the power of concentration. d Will power: Will power is the strength of our infinite mind. Human mind has great potential. We need to awaken our mind to lead us towards our decided goals. Hard work and firm faith in our endeavours will enhance our will power. e Self-discipline: With a view to keep our will power unwavering we must set certain rules of our behavior and follow these rules without compromise. This is called self-discipline. To keep ourselves positive in thoughts and consequent actions, self-discipline is a must. f Equilibrium of mind: Human mind is like a wind. It wavers when it gets a chance to waver. Sometimes it is overblown with joy and sometimes it is down with depression. Sometimes it is victimized with love positive mind balances all the extremes and stays equiposed.

Benefits of Positive Thinking There are several benefits of positive thinking like 1. Formation of constructive attitude: Positive thinking helps us ascertain the plus side of good actions. It helps us find out the merits in others by virtue of which we became acceptable in every society. Confidence-building: Positive thinking builds our self-esteem and self-worth. It helps the process of self-actualization which boosts our confidence level. Success-orientation: Positive thinker is success-oriented. Nelson Mandela Analysis Essay. Human psychology in Malaysia Essay. Find Free Essays We provide you with original essay samples, perfect formatting and styling.

Cite this Essay To export a reference to this article please select a referencing style below: APA MLA Harvard Vancouver Power of Positive Thinking. Power of Positive Thinking. Power of Positive Thinking [Internet]. Order Now. Please check your inbox. Order now. Related Topics Conformity Essays Morality Essays Procrastination Essays Archetype Essays Deception Essays. Hi there! Are you interested in getting a customized paper? Check it out! Having trouble finding the perfect essay? Hire a writer. Got it. Another way of developing serene and quiet attitudes is to watch your manner of speech. It is important to eliminate from conversations all negative ideas, for they tend to produce tension and annoyance inwardly.

Peale also says to spend some quiet time each day relaxing, and not thinking about anything much. He says picture your mind as a pond and see if you can achieve the state of smoothness and no ripples. Fill your mind with all peaceful experiences possible, then make planned and deliberate excursions to them in memory. He continues, saturate your thoughts with peaceful experiences, peaceful words, and ideas, and ultimately you will have a storehouse of peace-producing experiences to which you may turn for refreshment and renewal of your spirit.

It will be a vast source of power. On fear and guilt he says, the quantity of vital force required to give the ersonality relief from either guilt or fear or a combination of each is so great that often only a fraction of energy remains for living. The result is that he tires quickly. Not being able to meet the full requirements of his responsibility , he retreats into an apathetic, dull, listless condition and is indeed even ready to give up and fall back sleepily in a state of enervation. You must eradicate fear and guilt before you will ever be able to sleep and regain your strength. On happiness , he says, you can be unhappy if you want to. It is the easiest thing in the world to accomplish. Go around telling yourself that nothing is going well, that nothing is satisfactory, and you can be quite sure of being unhappy.

But say to yourself, "Things are going nicely. Life is good. I choose happiness," and you can be certain of having your choice. Peale says, "The happiness habit is developed by simply practicing happy thinking. Make a mental list of happy thoughts and pass them through your mind several times each day. If an unhappiness thought should cross your mind, immediately stop, consciously eject it, and substitute a happiness thought. The way to happiness: keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, and give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter sunshine. Forget self, think of others.

Do as you would be done by. Try this for a week and you will be surprised. And to think about what we are good at. He says that if you talk to your subconscious, you can convince it to change its mind about things. But that it is naturally very reluctant to do this. So you must be firm and persistent. He says to remember that "mighty oaks from little acorns grow". He says that as a clean engine delivers power, so too a clean mind free from negative thoughts, guilt, hate, bitterness, fear, etc. He believed the secret of achievement is to hold a picture of a successful outcome in mind.

Peale gave few problem solving tips which could be summarized as:. Probably several solutions would somehow work out. Irritation, anger, hate, and resentment have such a powerful effect in producing ill-health. It is to fill the mind with attitudes of good will, forgiveness , faith, love, and the spirit of imperturbability. Some suggestions include Deliberately, by an act of will, keep your hands from clenching. Hold your fingers out straight. Deliberately reduce your tone; bring it down to a whisper. Remember that it is hard to argue in a whisper. Slump in a chair, or even lie down if possible.

It is very difficult to get mad lying down. This won't get me anywhere, so skip it "Everything is okay. It is not that big a deal. Everything is all right. It is ok. And find a reason for them not to irritate you anymore. Then cross them off. Do not leave any irritations uncrossed off. In this way you will weaken your anger to the point where you can control it. Don't brood over it for a minute longer than you can help. Do something about it. Do not allow yourself to sulk or indulge in self-pity. Immediately apply the cure Unless you do so the situation can become distorted out of all proportion. So put some spiritual iodine on the hurt at once, by using a healing thought.

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