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Teenage smoking essay

Teenage smoking essay

To implement a series of measures that can prove their efficiency, the state is required not only financial costs but also political will. In fact, teenage smoking essay, television programs such as ER and sports-oriented teen magazines teenage smoking essay been lauded for providing girls with positive role models. Oh yes! CDC's Healthy Community Program Success Story Worksheet modified version Thank you for choosing to share your story! railway to the east and south, and the I outerbelt to the south and west Greater Hilltop Area Commission,

Teenage Smoking Problem

In modern society, problems that are associated with smoking have become particularly acute. It has received popularity especially among young people. Harmful habits have a negative impact both on society as a whole and on the life and work of every individual. At the moment, the problem has become global. In the world, there are people and institutions with a heightened teenage smoking essay of responsibility for their own health and the health of offspring, teenage smoking essay. Taking into account various events or even applications on a healthy lifestyle that are held in some countries by the state and public institutions, more attempts to fight the smoking epidemic become known. Despite various restrictions on tobacco use in the United States, there is a growth of the number of smoking people.

Therefore, there is a need of implementing effective laws and measures that will be aimed at reducing tobacco epidemic in the country. Limitations on smoking in public places, a ban on advertising and sponsorship of tobacco products, increase in excise duties on tobacco should be provided in order to fight smoking habits. In order to protect present and future generations of devastating influence teenage smoking essay human health, as well as reducing social, environmental and economic costs of tobacco use, a number of economic and administrative measures should be taken in the United States. To implement a series of measures that can prove their efficiency, the state is required not only financial costs but also political will. The effectiveness of new measures will largely teenage smoking essay on careful planning and a preliminary assessment of their impact on the whole society smokers and nonsmokersemployers, producers and sellers of tobacco products, regulatory agencies, teenage smoking essay, etc.

Is teenage smoking a teenage smoking essay that we need to be concerned teenage smoking essay Are the laws that prohibit them from smoking effective? Or do we need to implement new strategies to eradicate the issue? Teenage smoking is a huge problem that needs to be considered as a public health issue. The danger of smoking is proved and confirmed by numerous studies, but it is especially harmful for a young growing organism. Usually, severe consequences in the form of getting teenage smoking essay diseases and even disability do not stop teenagers.

Despite the fact that all laws that are prescribing the age, at which it is permitted the purchase of tobacco products, are widely publicized and well-known, anyone can receive access to cigarettes in practice. There are restrictions on teenage buying and using tobacco products, which are based on the law that was passed in the state of Kansas that restricts anyone under the age of 18 from possessing any tobacco product: Kansas Statutes Annotated states that it is unlawful for anyone under the age of 18 to purchase, possess or attempt to purchase or possess any tobacco product. Why to spend days and nights on research if QualityCustomEssays. com teenage smoking essay eager to assist you?

If academic research is too complex for you, do not hesitate to contact us at QualityCustomEssays. com and buy a custom paper according to your expectations. Teenagers, teenage smoking essay, who smoke, may at one point realize that smoking might cause severe health issues. If they start coughing, they will switch to smokeless tobacco or electronic cigarettes, teenage smoking essay, which they think will help them quit. Agadu, et al. The authors also say that It is an indication that that the contemporary laws and regulations are being manipulated and not followed and need to be adjusted. However, a new mean of smoking has been introduced recently to the youth, teenage smoking essay.

The research that was done by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that more than a quarter million young people who had never smoked in their life started using electronic cigarettes in Such number is increasing, which is another indicator of the fact that the laws are not working efficiently. There are many teenagers who start smoking before the age of 18, which is the age limit for banning tobacco teenage smoking essay and use. Based on the statistics shown in CDC website of how many new tobacco users before the age of 18 start smoking their first cigarette every day, it can be stated that new strategies are needed to be implemented in order to decrease the number of teenage smokers.

A number of researches have been conducted in order to evaluate the level of smokers in the United States, as well as the effectiveness of anti-smoking policies. Thus, Berman and Snyder addressed the cause and effects of tobacco use, teenage smoking essay. They paid the greatest attention to the problem of tobacco marketing and its influence on the use of tobacco among the youth. The authors provided statistics and facts that have proved that tobacco use among young people gained features of epidemic in the United States. Aqaku, et al. Every state has particular laws, teenage smoking essay, which prohibit buying, possessing and using tobacco among the youth. Flay studied the effects of school prevention programs that were aimed at reducing smoking among students.

He concluded that using social influence model, as well as interactive methods, including commitment and intensions not to consume, practice and training in refusal of using and other behavioral skills and providing peer leaders with a particular role could be effective in reducing smoking onset. Moreover, Lewis provided evidences that teenagers, who were living with two educated parents, were less likely to teenage smoking essay. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention n. provided statistics and data on tobacco use among the youth. Thus, most smoker start smoking before they are Each day 3, young people begin to smoke. Between teenage smoking essaythere was a decline in the use of cigarettes.

However, electronic cigarette consumption has doubled since Government intervention in the economy in order to reduce the social costs should be carried out in such a way that the benefits from the decline exceed the costs of the taken actions. Such approach, which is called a comparison of costs and benefits, determines not only the overall extent of government intervention but also the choice of tactical goals. Consequently, there is a necessity to systematize the extensive experience of implementation various public policies in the field of smoking restrictions. Moreover, they should be justified and developed on the basis of international experience. A ban on tobacco smoking that is aimed at fighting passive smoking, help in overcoming tobacco dependence, enforcing bans on advertising of cigarettes, reducing the affordability of tobacco teenage smoking essay. At the same time, anti-tobacco media campaigns are the most effective ways to reduce smoking dependence among the youth.

Anti-tobacco media campaigns will be effective if ban is applied to all categories of marketing and sales promotion. However, a total ban will inevitably affect the firms that place advertising and carry out activities, namely the tobacco companies. They include not only the media, but also sports, entertainment companies and sometimes cultural organizations. The assistance in overcoming smoking dependence includes various government policies, such as information consulting and medications. Consulting measures are intended to enable a rational choice to make information about the dangers of smoking available. Raising taxes is considered to be one of the most effective tools in the struggle against smoking.

However, such measure faces the most resistant of population, teenage smoking essay, both smokers and non-smokers. Raising taxes is almost always unpopular. However, if the distribution of additional funds goes to the socially significant objectives teenage smoking essay procedures of their spending are transparent and accountable, it will be possible to achieve substantial growth in the number of supporters of the measure. Passive smoking causes a variety of diseases, including heart disease, lung cancer, etc. There is no fixed level of safety under the influence of passive smoking. Therefore, reducing the risks that are associated with passive smoking is the most important task of the anti-smoking policy, teenage smoking essay.

One of the most effective arrangements to address the problem is the establishment of smoke-free zones. The effective measures to protect from tobacco smoke should include total elimination of smoking in public places. It means that all public areas including offices, bars and restaurants should be completely free of smoke. Only a total prohibition on smoking in public places is able to effectively protect people both non-smokers and smokers from exposure to tobacco smoke. Other measures, such as the allocation of separate rooms for smoking and installation of the ventilation, are costly and inefficient. However, there are many opponents of such restriction who present the particular arguments. Firstly, such measure could not be supported by the population.

The threat of lack of support from the population is often a deterrent to deciding on a total prohibition on smoking in public places. It seems for decision-makers that such measure will be unpopular among teenage smoking essay population. Therefore, there are decisions on limiting smoking, not a total ban. Moreover, hotel business, bars and restaurants could suffer from such decision. Restaurant and hotel business are often afraid of the introduction of full smoking bans and may put pressure on decision-makers, teenage smoking essay.

Another argument against ban on smoking deals with the high costs that are associated with the ban policy. Like any administrative measure, a ban on smoking in public places is impossible without certain costs. The main costs are associated with monitoring the implementation of legislation. Another type of teenage smoking essay is associated with the need to conduct an awareness campaign to explain the importance of the ban and prove the absence of damage to the business. Despite such awareness, the greatest part of public expenditure falls on the first years of the ban, while they decrease with time.

Over time, teenage smoking essay, the support of the population and business will grow and the costs that are associated with the use of the new provisions of the law will be reduced. Thus, being highly effective, such measure requires significant efforts in the initial stage from the regulatory authorities. A major impulse for the development of the American tobacco industry was the Second World War: the soldiers were given free cigarettes. Moreover, women, who started working for the first time due to labor shortages, began smoking. Despite the presence of many laws and regulations that are aimed at teenage smoking in the modern society, there are other factors that play a major role in encouraging teenagers to smoke.

Such factors are very difficult to control unless there are some laws that could be generated and implemented to eliminate their effects. For instance, one of such factors is the advertisement of the tobacco industries that are aiming at hitting the youth population. Based on the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention website, tobacco industries will be spending more than seventy-three million dollars in promoting cigarettes in Maine in current year Partnership for a Tobacco-Free Maine, teenage smoking essay, n. Another research that has been done by Center for Public Health and Tobacco Policy states that tobacco companies spent 9. Marketing of tobacco products has a strong influence on their consumption, especially for habit forming among young people.

Thanks to advertising of tobacco products, a tolerant attitude to smoking is formed in the society. As a result, the positive effect of the effort on tobacco control is weakening. The main reason that encourages children to smoke is a misconception that teenage smoking essay habit will add them courage and maturity. Certainly, it is difficult to teenage smoking essay and not to try smoking the cigarettes. Bright, colorful and attracting tobacco advertising simply overshadows the inscription that modestly warns of the dangers of smoking.

scientific research and essays

Read More. Words: - Pages: 8. Secondhand Smoking: A Community Action Plan This is the part where the plan is implementing, now how do we keep it in place and continue to make it work. Cultural Effects Of Alcohol Abuse Preventions may works to reduce the problems of alcohol use, but preventions are not cures for the problem of alcoholism but a start to the cure process. Words: - Pages: 7. Cause And Effect Essay About Smoking If the person smoking has asthma, the tobacco smoke can trigger an attack. Young People's Death By Smoking In The United States Cigarettes have a huge influence on the lives of us, causing many human diseases such as lung cancer smoking, throat cancer, heart disease, Words: - Pages: 4.

Tobacco Smoking One among them is the addiction caused by nicotine. Words: - Pages: 5. The Tragedy Of Teen Smoking Hawaii wanted to reduce the number of teen smokers because it is a lot harder for teens to stop when they start at a young age. Words: - Pages: 9. Adolescent Brain Maturation And Smoking That shows how people can set different standards for themselves and have cheat days. Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes Essay Smokers have a greater increase of dying from cancer and diseases that could be eliminated if a person did not smoke cigarettes Smoking and Cancer. Cigarettes Financial Analysis Although a pack of cigarettes may cost approximately six dollars, smoking related illness cost the United States a staggering three hundred billion dollars annually.

Related Topics. Smoking Tobacco smoking Tobacco Nicotine Lung cancer Cigarette. Ready To Get Started? Create Flashcards. Discover Create Flashcards Mobile apps. Company About FAQ Support Legal Accessibility. Follow Facebook Twitter. The bases on which such judgments can be made have been subject to systematic enquiry since before the time of Plato. Utilitarianism is perhaps the strongest thread running through the analysis of ethical and policy decisions in the field of addiction. Weissman, reported the following findings regarding tobacco companies and their advertising, He reported that the tobacco companies are expected to meet….

References Pollack, H. Maternal Smoking and adverse birth outcomes among singletons and twins. American Journal of Public Health, 90 3 , Schwartz-Bickenbach, D. Smoking and passive smoking during pregnancy and early infancy: effects on birth weight, lactation period, and continue concentrations in mother's milk and infant's urine.. Toxicology Letter, 35 1 , Weissman, R. The Great Tobacco Bailout. West, R. Addiction, Ethics and Public Policy. Addiction, 92 9 , All participants filled out questionnaires with adolescents and their mothers in separate rooms.

The mothers' questionnaire included question on topics such as parental monitoring habits, parental academic expectations, and on the nature and extent of drug-related activity and crime in the family neighborhood. The adolescents were asked questions on such topics as whether and to what extent they used drugs and whether and to what extent their friends used drugs. Findings The results of the study confirmed the results of prior studies in several significant respects. The principal finding of the study was that absentee fatherhood was a strong predictor of adolescent drug use in adolescent African-American males.

Another important finding of the study was that this apparent effect did not apply to adolescent African-American females. Prior studies had determined that absentee fatherhood was a predictor of early drug and alcohol use as well as aggression and other forms of…. arketing Tobacco arketing: Get Them Young or Not at All The tobacco industry has been in a battle to capture the youth market for decades mainly because of the degree of brand loyalty that is characteristic of cigarette smokers. Cigarette companies have a lot at stake in making sure that their brand is one of the first tried by the young smoker. In its bid to obtain young smokers, R. Reynolds created the Joe Camel campaign with a cool character that youths found highly appealing and the company created fierce advertising, promotional, and sales campaigns to take their message to market.

The Joe Camel campaign proved to be one of the most successful bids to capture young smokers in tobacco history. Ultimately, its tremendous success was in part the reason for the campaign's eventual downfall, as public outcry demanded that cigarette companies stop marketing to adolescents and as courts gained…. Magazine Ads. htm Boyles, Salynn. Tobacco Marketing To Young People, Young People: A Key Expansion Market. html No statistically significant relationship or correlation will exist between high school female smokers and college female smokers at the. No statistically significant relationship or correlation will exist….

CDC's Healthy Community Program Success Story Worksheet modified version Thank you for choosing to share your story! This worksheet will help you gather and organize information. As you read each question, imagine you are telling a friend about your program or strategy. What is the first thing you would tell them that answers the question? Consider this a summary of your policy, system, or environmental change strategy that you'll reference later. Keep your answers short, no more than a sentence if you can. Do you have a name for the policy, system, or environmental change strategy you're trying to implement? What risk factors does it address? It addresses misinformation among school children regarding tabacco use and its popularity by raising children's self-esteem to a high enough level that they overcome unhealthy peer pressure to smoke.

What kind of change are you trying to implement? The goal is to reduce the…. Which of the 7 Areas of Responsibility were demonstrated in the project? Give examples. There was a defecit in education regarding tabacco awareness. Once addressed, the numbers of teen smokers began dropping. Healthy People Settlement of Tobacco During Clinton's Presidency: The first ever initiative by the United States to safeguard its children from tobacco and long-term addiction to nicotine occurred during the tenure of President Bill Clinton. This was through the announcement by the president regarding a comprehensive program that was geared towards accomplishing this purpose in August 23, The comprehensive program commenced with the publication of the final rule on tobacco by the Food and Drug Administration.

The publication was followed by the administration's launch of a process that required tobacco firms to educate children and adolescents regarding the hazards of smokeless tobacco and cigarettes through a nationwide multi-media campaign. According to the legislation, tobacco products were sold to people from 18 years and above with those under the age of 27 years required to produce photo IDs as from February 28, "Clinton Administration Outlines," As part of his outline,…. References: "Clinton Administration Outlines Tobacco Settlement Review Process. Health and Human Services Archive. Retrieved from U. html Reuters , August Clinton Seeks to Boost Tobacco Settlement. National Vital Statistics Reports 54 2. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics.

Hamilton, B. Births: Preliminary Data for National Vital Statistics Reports, 54 8. xls Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System. Ventura, S. And Bachrach, C. Nonmarital childbearing in the United States, National Vital Statistics Reports, 48 Martin, J. Births: Final data for National Vital Statistics Reports, 50 5. National Vital Statistics Reports, 51 2. National Vital Statistics Reports, 52 Births: Final Data for Community Advocacy Project-Health Policies Course Project: Community Advocacy Project-Health Policies Child obesity refers to a medical condition that mainly affects teenagers and children. This happens when their bodies store excessive body fat.

A child can be classified as obese if his or her weight is above the stipulated average for the age and height bracket. Weight gain occurs when energy in the form of drink and food is more than the energy burnt off Koplan et al. Few teenagers and children suffer from obesity because of uncommon genetic diseases. The following study endeavors to identify the existing policies that affect child obesity and explain whether they are adequate or need to be revised based on their limitations and strengths. It also explains the important aspects when addressing the issue of child obesity. Current policies The existing policies include early assessment of risk.

This policy is necessary as early obesity…. References Koplan, J. Preventing childhood obesity health in the balance. Washington, D. Langwith, J. Childhood obesity. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. teenage pregnancy on the family of the effected girl. In addition to that, this paper also highlights the prevailing rates of teen pregnancy in the U. And the adverse consequences of adolescence pregnancy. Furthermore, the strategies to prevent teenage pregnancy have also been discussed by this paper. Setting the Scene Teenagers are forced to confront a crisis because of an unintended pregnancy, which in most cases is an unwanted pregnancy. The unmarried adolescents, who are pregnant, have to make a number of complex decisions.

These decisions include choosing between aborting and giving birth, and choosing between raising the baby by themselves or placing them for an adaption. Simultaneously, other decision in relation to school, work and interpersonal relationships are to be taken by the affected teenagers. References Birthline, Inc. Birthline of central mn:: about us. Chen, X. Teenage pregnancy and adverse birth outcomes: a large population-based retrospective cohort study. International Journal Of Epidemiology, 36 2 , pp. East, P. The first teenage pregnancy in the family: does it affect mothers' parenting, attitudes, or mother-adolescent communication?. Journal Of Marriage And The Family, 61 2 , pp.

Office Of Adolescent Health United States Of America The office of adolescent health, u. department of health and human services. html [Accessed: 10 Mar ]. In conclusion, both juvenile sex offenders and victims of sexual abuse need to undergo treatment and counselling. The importance of treating victims of sex abuse is to ensure that the "cycle of abuse" ceases and that they can recover from their ordeal and lead normal lives. The treatment of juvenile sex offenders is to ensure their rehabilitation, depending on the problem and also separate them from the rest of society.

eferences California Dept. Of Justic, n. Megan's Law - Facts about Sex Offenders -- California Department of Justice. htm Harrison, L. The Ambiguity of Juvenile Sexual Offenders. Internet Journal of Criminology, 7, pdf Herrmann B, Navratil F. Sexual Abuse in Pre-pubertal Children and Adolescents. Sultan C Editor Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology: Evidence-Based Clinical Practice. Pakistan: Endocr Dev, Basel, Karger Hunter, J. Understanding Juvenile Sex Offenders:…. References California Dept. Using a multidisciplinary team approach in order to treat a year-old pregnant teenager who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day would involve using various services.

These would include nurse practitioners, registered nurses, social workers, nutritionists along with other support staff. Using this approach would help address the challenges that young pregnant teenagers may face, both physically and socially. Through group discussions and interactions with other teens, young women and their partners empower and educate one another as they progress from pregnancy into parenting Shetty, This would require an approach that would involve midwives, nurses; community-based young people's services and targeted youth support services. The basis of the program would be to help the teenager to quit smoking in order to improve her overall health and that of her unborn child's.

It should offer advice and support on childcare, parenting and health-related topics. An intervention program should be set…. References American Academy of Pediatrics: Care of Adolescent Parents and Their Children. Pediatrics, 2 , Shetty, Anisha. Adolescent Update: The Teen Pregnancy Center. Retrieved September 8, , from Children's Hospital St. Louis Web site:. Conclusion Qualitative data using individual stories are very important because they give insight into the challenges faced by certain groups such as pregnant teenage mothers. A more comprehensive approach to reducing adolescent pregnancy is needed. Many risk factors including a mother's own history, the absentee father, and misuse of birth control contribute to teenage pregnancies.

These can override the benefits of school activity participation and performance in preventing teenage pregnancy. Therefore, programs designed to prevent pregnancy need to address many factors. ibliography Allen E, onell C, Strange V, Copas, a, Stephenson, J. Does the UK government's teenage pregnancy strategy deal with the correct risk factors? Findings from a secondary analysis of data from a randomised trial of sex education and their implications for policy. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 61 1 : 20 -- 7. Clandinin, J. Stories of…. Bibliography Allen E, Bonell C, Strange V, Copas, a, Stephenson, J. Stories of experience and narrative inquiry: Educational Researcher, 19 5 : Chase, S. Narrative inquiry: Multiple, lenses, approaches, voices. In Codjoe, H. The importance of home environment and parental encouragement in the academic achievement of African Canadian youth.

Canadian Journal of Education, 30 1 : Creswell, J. Research design. London: Sage Publications, Inc. Flandes-Stepans, M. Smoking Hygiene: Reducing Infant Exposue to Tobacco. Biological eseach fo Nusing, 8 2 , Consideing the title of the wok, one would believe that the poblem statement would explain ways to educe infant exposue; when in fact the aticle commences by explaining the lage monetay buden that smoking elated issues has bought about in the medical field. The aticle then begins to explain the coelation that exists between the smoking patten of the mothe and the level of exposue to Envionmental Tobacco Smoke ETS. It is also stated that thee is a distinct coelation between the smoking patten….

references utilized in this article there could have been more useful information provided from these sources. In addition, considering the fact of the redundancy of this research compared to the previous research it would have been an improvement to look at another alternative to decreasing ETS. Though the title of the research would lead one to believe that this will in fact be about ways to decrease ETS, this is not what is truly portrayed in the research in the beginning. The reader is given information as to how much money ETS is costing medically due to health issues and infant related deaths, but very little discusses the impact that breast feeding has. It appears in the beginning that the researchers want to prove that children should be breastfeed and that mothers should not smoke because the infants that are breastfed are protected from the health problems associated with ETS.

However little information is given neither in the intro nor in the review of literature to show what impact there really is for a child that is breastfed by a mother that does not smoke, in relationship to ETS from second hand sources i. cars, malls etc. Another weakness, which I have already discussed several times through this critique, is the sample size. This was a rather small sample and the ways in which the control and test group were handled may not have been the best methods possible. Ultimately, this research left me wondering why one would want to conduct research to confirm the already obvious, while offering no additional information to the resolution or problem at hand. Reference Flanders-Stepans, M. Smoking Hygiene: Reducing Infant Exposure to Tobacco. Biological research for Nursing, 8 2 , Urban Problems and Solutions In the 's, the United States exhibited a decreasing trend in the rates of pre-marital sex and teen pregnancies.

However, the rate of teenage pregnancy in United States is yet considered to be alarming in comparison to that of other developed countries of the world. It has been estimated that about 1 million teenage girls in the U. are being victims of teenage pregnancy every year. Due to the fact that teen mothers and babies are vulnerable to health hazards, the considerable birth rates among teens have become alarming. The ignorance of pregnant youngsters deprives them of taking appropriate medical attention, making them vulnerable to medical complexities.

The teenage pregnancies have tremendous emotional impact on the adolescents. Under feeding, negligence in taking nutrients, habits of smoking, alcoholism, drug abuse etc. which are common among most of the youngsters make their newly born babies prone to health…. References Arthur, Shirley. Surviving teen pregnancy: Your choices, dreams, and decisions. Buena park, CA: Morning Glory Press. Johns, M. Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs: Linking Research and Practice. Journal of Extension. Teen Pregnancy and Parenting: Social and Ethical issues. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Lisa was a sophomore and while in the Alternative school, as was the case in the regular high school, she had been a student who had been in trouble frequently for talking back to and swearing at teachers, skipping class, not doing homework, hanging out after school and violating many of the community rules that were established by the group including smoking on school grounds, lying, being late for classes, and doing drugs.

She hung out with what teachers called "the wrong crowd" after school: kids from a nearby community that were not as well off, and were part of a street gang. Lisa was white, but many of her friends were black, and the kids in this gang were vocally resistant to the inequalities that they saw in wealthy Scarsdale that were not in their poor community. Some of her afterschool friends were dropping out, and others were fighting…. References Lapsley, D. Moral Stage Theory. In Killen, M. Handbook of Moral Development. Lectures, on the other hand, provide information for helping people in Contemplation move into Preparation and Action. Their support will provide the project with direct channels of communication for outreach and ongoing involvement in collective and individual health behavior changes.

Resources: Resources will be gathered through public fundraising efforts and through the charitable donation of meeting facilities and health professional expertise. orks Cited: Adams, J. Are activity promotion interventions based on the transtheoretical model effective? A critical review. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 37, -- Retrieved from: www. pdf Burbank, P. Exercise and Older Adults: Changing Behavior with the Transtheoretical Model. Works Cited: Adams, J. Orthopedic Nursing, 4, Lach, H. Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Heath Education for Older Adults. Health Promotion Practice, 5 1 , Marquez, D. Health Promotion for Successful Aging. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 3 1 , This chapter points out how early environmental influences, however, are also part of the nurture equation, something that is often forgotten.

A baby who is picked up when he or she cries, is given stimulation in the nursery, and is given good nutrition will have a better start in life than a baby who is given none of these advantages, even if the deprived and enriched infants in this hypothetical scenario may have relatively the same genetic material. Nurture, in other words, begins very early on, and nurture can affect the later biology of the brain just as much as genetics. Chapter 6 From birth, it seems as though humans are predisposed to communicate, and to make meaning out of sounds and gestures. Yet despite this apparent hard-wiring to create language, culture also has a profound influence on individual's communication styles, from the words that are used to nonverbal cues.

Works Cited Berger, Kathleen Stassen. The Developing Person through Childhood and Adolescence. Worth Publishers, At any rate, the identity of the subjects may not be significant. hat will be needed are basic demographic information such as age, level of family income etc. A second ethical consideration is the use of other research paper or reports as references. But this can be easily solved by citing all the references that I will be using though a credible citation style. Measurement Summary of the reviewed literature will serve as one major factor for the conclusion. This will provide amble information regarding the subject matter. From the said literature review, statistics and other vital information regarding parent smokers and children smokers will be revealed.

This information is not limited from one country or area alone, because for sure, the epidemiology and…. Works Cited Smoking Statistics. March June 4, What Smoking Does to Your Body? aspJune 4, Embedded Communication in Advertising "There is no evidence that advertising can get people to do things contrary to their self-interest. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief. Corporate conglomerates and other private enterprises ascribe tremendous value to the persuasive power of advertising, bombarding the general public…. Bibliography Altman, David G. Slater, Cheryl L. Albright, and Nathan Maccoby. Belch, George E. Belch, and Angelina Villarreal. Bovee, Courtland L. Laurence Behrens and Leonard J. New York, NY: Pearson Higher Education, De Gregorio, Federico, and Yongjun Sung.

New York Times describes how R. Reynolds Tobacco was found guilty of breaking its agreement to market cigarette products only to adults. The judge found that the company had pursued an advertising strategy aimed at promoting youth smoking. Important to the ruling, is the judges decision that 'actions speak louder than words' with it being reported that "the judge ruled that 'it does not matter' whether Reynolds intended to single out children and get them to smoke. The fact that it did not adopt 'reasonable measures' to shield young people from its advertisements represented a breach of the company's responsibility to help reduce youth smoking" Winter. It is also reported that Reynolds is not the only company accused of specifically targeting young people, a snuff making company is also accused of the same thing.

These issues have several significant implications on nursing practitioners, health practices and on health care. Bibliography Winter, Greg. Alcohol and usiness Ethics Introduction moral society is built on the basis of a number of unspoken, but generally agreed upon social issues. A moral society generally applies the maxim "treat others in the way you would like to be treated" and this proverb, although it's heard more frequently in the school play yard than in the corporate boardroom, should affect business decisions which affect the community at large. Some would say that operating a business within legal boundaries is not an accurate measure of an ethical business. Within the past few decades, advertising has become the focus of ethical pressure. The 'Joe Camel' cartoon character developed as a spokesperson - mascot for the camel cigarette was pulled after community outrage that the furry, cute character was likely an attempt by the company to market their addictive and destructive products to children.

A tremendous pressure has been brought to bear…. Bibliography Carson, S. Review of Business, Vol. Cappel, J. College Student Journal, Vol. Cummings, Christian. org Accessed 25 March at Don't join the alcopop generation , May 21 U. For example, if the mother has a computer at home and uses it regularly the hygienist can suggest some Web sites that contain information about the oral health effects of tobacco use. The mother might want to learn more about oral health in general, which would encourage her to monitor Jason's habits and scrutinize his behavior to the point where she might notice if he had been smoking. If Jason's oral health deteriorated over time, the hygienist might need to make more overt statements to the mother such as, "Jason assured me that he is not using tobacco, but I am concerned about the lesions in his mouth.

Which of the ethical principles apply to this situation? Explain your response from both the dental hygienist's perspective and the patient's perspective. The dental hygienist is experiencing an ethical dilemma. Franklinton is in a river valley next to the Scioto iver and the Hilltop area is just west of that on a rise. railway to the east and south, and the I outerbelt to the south and west Greater Hilltop Area Commission, Motivate your readers on further investigation of your topic. Get an idea. The first step of creating a causes effects of teenage smoking essay is brainstorming topics. Think of the common reasons for teens smoking and analyze the possible outcomes.

Here are some ideas for you:. health problems the risk of cancer, heart and lung diseases, stroke, etc. Outline your paper. This step helps structure your ideas properly. Create a well-organized plan and add there all the proof and examples. Make sure that everything is logical, and start writing your teenage smoking essay. Form a clear thesis. In your thesis statement, state your position and introduce the chosen cause and effect of smoking. Effectively develop your points. Discuss the causes and effects in your body paragraphs.

Also, support each argument with valid evidence from reliable sources or personal experience. For the mentioned above thesis statement, the main points would be the following: The key cause of teenage nicotine addiction is peer pressure and the fear of becoming an outsider among the friends-smokers. One of the detrimental effects of cigarettes on teenagers is health problems. Another adverse consequence of teenage smoking is negative changes in appearance. Polish your piece of writing. After you finished your first draft, revise and edit your essay. Ensure the absence of grammar and punctuation mistakes and double-check if your paper is coherent. To do so, you should know your audience and their preferences. Start your smoking essay by proving to the reader your credibility and the significance of your topic.

For example, if you are writing about smoking students, introduce the shocking statistics at the beginning of your paper and convince them to stop smoking. Show your empathy. Demonstrate that you understand their emotions and, at the same time, convince them to change their beliefs. To make it more clear, see an example: Although smoking might help teenagers be on the same wavelength as their friends, nicotine has a detrimental effect on health and leads to cancer development. Include rhetoric questions. This is a useful persuasive trick that makes readers change their minds. For instance, in your smoking essay, you may ask this question: Smoking helps me to relieve stress, but will I be able to overcome lung cancer later?

Highlight your position. In a persuasive essay, you should be incredibly convincing. These tricks may help you to deliver your message to the reader more quickly and effectively. Smoking among teenagers: an exaggerated problem or a real threat to generation? Is smoking still a problem among teenagers today — an essay to highlight the issue of cigarettes addiction. If smoking in public places was banned , teenagers would be predisposed to cigarettes less. Teenage smoking: a matter of real nicotine addiction or a case of psychological processes inside immature minds? What does the data on smoking in different countries say? Compare the age limitations for smoking, attitude to smoking in America and Europe, for example.

Where the situation is worst, whether the government tries to fight against this, etc. The distribution of cigarettes and other types of tobacco. Is it okay that tobacco machines are available all over the world especially in Europe? Any child can buy a cigarette and start smoking. You should investigate this problem in your teen smoking essays. Opinion essay: present your ideas and attitude to smoking.

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