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Obedience to authority essay

Obedience to authority essay

He alerts the readers to the seductive comforts of obedience and the discomfort one must endure in order to disobey. This helps obedience to authority essay avoiding violence between those in authority and those under it. America is a country that has forged its own path and very unique national identity. With this in mind, it fundamental to understand the extent we can adjust to be acceptable to our society by doing what is right. However, for such a phenomenon to occur, conscious decisions have to be made, which elicits the necessity of societal decision procedures, obedience to authority essay.

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Obedience to Authority No human social organization can function without some degree of obedience to authority, as the alternative would be anarchy leading to total chaos, obedience to authority essay. Hence we find some sort of a hierarchy in both the most underdeveloped and the most civilized societies where certain individuals exercise authority over others. Almost everyone will agree that obedience to authority essay degree of authority in certain individuals or groups and their obedience by other groups is desirable for the proper functioning of a society. The problem arises when the obedience to authority is obedience to authority essay to extremes. Unfortunately, history has shown that this happens time and again, usually with undesirable results, obedience to authority essay.

It is this blind obedience to authority that every individual with a conscience needs to guard against. The conflict between compliance with the demands of those in authority and individuals having private and sometimes different views, has been a subject of debate since ancient times in religion and philosophy. Many psychologists and writers have thought about, discussed and conducted experiments to understand this human characteristic. The psychology experiments conducted by Stanley Milgram in the s and 70s to study obedience to authority among ordinary individuals are, perhaps, the most significant and startling. In case of an error or incorrect response from the learner, he was to be given an electric shock through a generator. These shocks were to start at a mild 15 volts and gradually increased to an extremely painful and lethal level of volts.

During the experiment the teacher was coaxed to continue giving the shocks to the learner. Milgram repeated his experiments in several other countries apart from the USA, like Australia, South Africa and several European countries. They also explain, to a large extent, the seemingly perplexing behavior of many ordinary Germans during World War II and some American soldiers in Vietnam. Another writer who has carried out work of significance on the subject of obedience to obedience to authority essay is Doris Lessing. Although, not a professional sociologist or historian, Lessing is a brilliant, self-taught thinker and observer, obedience to authority essay. In her book, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside a collection of lectures given by her in she propounds the thesis that groups of people behave in predictable ways under certain given circumstances.

But she passionately believes that instead of going along with the herd, those of us who value independent and individual thinking, can resist the trend, obedience to authority essay. Such pressures include peer pressure, dogma and theories propagated by political and religious leaders and parties. Erich Fromm tackles the problem of obedience to authority from a psychological and moral viewpoint. He alerts the readers to the seductive comforts of obedience and the discomfort one must endure in order to disobey. Meyer has made important suggestions about ways to interview children that would increase the accuracy of their testimony.

The theme of obedience obedience to authority essay authority has even greater significance in the military environment. The film, starring Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, presents both sides of the need for absolute obedience versus the right of individual conscience in the military. The issue of following orders versus human rights in the military has been intelligently handled. The film does not treat the issue in a one-sided or black and white manner but gives both sides of the subject. Similarly, the issue of obedience to authority cannot be a simple black and white question. Obedience to authority essay cannot have a society with absolutely no obedience to authority or even too little authority. It will simply result in disastrous anarchy: Individuals have to relinquish some of their own autonomy for the welfare of the larger group.

On the other extreme when the state refuses to allow individuals to exercise their right of freedom, we move closer to totalitarianism. So the best answer in any civilized society is to take the middle path. This has even more relevance to our circumstances today. The question that we have to ask ourselves is: Are we taking the middle path in the wake of the 11th September events? This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.

Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report. Obedience to Authority. Accessed January 7, Milgram, S. Predictions and Variations Conclusion. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are obedience to authority essay to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match, obedience to authority essay. Home Philosophy Behavior Obedience. Academic anxiety? Get original paper in obedience to authority essay hours and nail the task.

Get your paper price experts online. Study On the Conflict by Stanley Milgram. Conformity as a Way of Behaviour. Need a custom essay sample written specially to meet your requirements? Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report Order custom paper Without paying upfront. Related Topics Psychologist Bias Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Anxiety Groupthink Identity Behavior Modification Problem Solving Oppression Hard rock Phobia Principles Mental Illness Concentration Sigmund Freud Social psychology Forensic Psychology Humanistic psychology Erik Erikson Psychological theories.

You may also find these documents helpful Milgram, obedience to authority essay, S. Actual Authority and Apparent Authority. Outline and Evaluate explanations of obedience, obedience to authority essay. Conformity and Obedience. studies of obedience. Was Milgram ethical in his obedience studies. Obedience to God through Daniel. The Perils of Obedience and The Case for Torture E. Obedience in Society through the Literature. Hi, my name is Amy �� In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Get help with your paper. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible.

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Hill, Spyglass. Notes on Military leadership , n. Kambayashi, Takehiko. Wenker, Kenneth. Need a custom Argumentative Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Obedience and Authority. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. We will write a custom Essay on Obedience and Authority specifically for you! This argumentative essay on Obedience and Authority was written and submitted by your fellow student. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda.

Diagnostic Impression Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Postmodern Social Constructivism. GET WRITING HELP. Cite This paper. Select a referencing style:. People obey the traffic lights so that there are not car crashes of epic proportions everywhere, especially in densely populated urban areas. We cannot rid our society of obedience without destroying the society, yet at the current levels of obedience, there is potential for society to be destroyed because of blind obedience, detachment, and denial of accountability? America is a country that was founded by people who reacted to unjust actions with organized revolution. America is a country that has forged its own path and very unique national identity.

America has not seen a great cultural shift or revolt since the s, a result of which is the assassinations, extraditions, and incarcerations of numerous leaders in counterculture and politics. I think that since then, Americans have really been afraid to speak out against authority. I agree with Milgram: obedience is a problem, but it should not have to be. Critical thinking skills keeps leaders in check because they know that if they send down unethical orders, the subordinates will be alert enough to at least question and maybe even fully hinder such orders from being executed. This would decrease the likelihoods of genocides and other gross crimes against humanity. Critical thinking skills would also help subordinates or followers good material for leadership in the case a leader has to step down or is killed.

Lack of critical thinking skills may have little do to do…. References: Aguilera, Ruth V. Akerlof, George, A. Leveilee, Nicholas P. Obedience to Authority Gladiator I was obediently driving down the right side of the street last week when I dutiful stopped at a red light. I noticed a video camera mounted on the light's pole and thought that the camera must have been there to promote free flowing traffic. I did not think about the light and camera again until later that evening when I watched a very entertaining DreamWorks film by. Obedience: The dilemma of a democratic society One of the most famous studies ever conducted on the subject of human obedience was that of Stanley Milgram's electric shock experiments.

In Milgram's experiments, subjects were pressed to transmit what they believed were deadly electric shocks to fellow human beings. The purpose of Milgram's experiments was in part to understand how Nazi soldiers could have possibly have committed such horrific atrocities during World. He also notes that the distress as well as the level of compliance was unexpected, and some unpredictability of any experiment must be expected by both researchers and volunteers Milgram This type of 'follow up,' while perhaps acceptable in the s would likely be seen as inadequate by modern researchers.

But recently, in an essay in Granta Magazine, Ian Parker has reevaluated the obedience experiments, noting that they cast. Meyer has made important suggestions about ways to interview children that would increase the accuracy of their testimony. The theme of obedience to authority has even greater significance in the military environment. The film, starring Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson, presents both sides of the need for absolute obedience versus the right of individual conscience in the military. The issue of following orders versus human rights in the military has been intelligently handled. The film does not treat the issue in a one-sided or black and white manner but gives both sides of the subject. Similarly, the issue of obedience to authority cannot be a simple black and white question.

One cannot have a society with absolutely no obedience to authority or even too little authority. It will simply result in disastrous anarchy: Individuals have to relinquish some of their own autonomy for the welfare of the larger group. On the other extreme when the state refuses to allow individuals to exercise their right of freedom, we move closer to totalitarianism. So the best answer in any civilized society is to take the middle path. This has even more relevance to our circumstances today. The question that we have to ask ourselves is: Are we taking the middle path in the wake of the 11th September events? This essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.

Choose skilled expert on your subject and get original paper with free plagiarism report. Obedience to Authority. Accessed January 7, Milgram, S. Predictions and Variations Conclusion. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready to help you write a unique paper. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the best match.

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