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Essay on fight club

Essay on fight club

Writing Help Ask for help. A young woman experiences sexual trauma as a teen, and chooses a career that…. Private Satisfactions and Public Disorders: Fight Club, Patriarchy, and the Politics of Masculinity. By understanding the political systems better, I can better understand the role of the policymakers. Each of these essay on fight club has been not only pleasing and…. htm accessed Resendes, Raymond.

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He is just as surreal as Palahniuk's Tyler Durden, and yet he is not freeing any hero from consumerist enslavement but -- on the other hand -- burying the reader behind a false and deluded masculine mythology -- namely, that a masculine hero is virile not because he "knows himself" and seeks virtue but because he knows how to drive fast cars, win at cards, be physically fit and agile, and out-step evil doers. Bond does not embody the traditional masculine role or even the omantic hero that Palahniuk's hero represents, but rather the kind of self-centered, egomaniacal machismo fantasy that springs out of the head of Hemingway in the early 20th century, like Athena out of the head of Zeus. Bond is not truly antagonistic to homosexuality because he fails to secure for himself a feminine mate: even though he offers to marry Vesper, she is pursued by something….

Reference List Fight Club DVD Special Edition,motion picture, 20th Century Fox, USA Fleming, ICasino Royale, Penguin, NY Kavadlo, J'The Fiction of Self-destruction: Chuck Palahniuk, Closet Moralist,' Stirrings Still 2 2pp Fight Club The feature movie, Fight Club, directed by David Fincher and starring rad Pitt and Edward Norton seemed as if the entire film was dedicated to the phenomenon of antisocial behavior. This exploration into the mind of an apparently normal man demonstrated the significance and the trials of an individual dealing with the pressures of society. The purpose of this essay is to explain antisocial behavior as it is represented within this movie, essay on fight club.

Specifically, I will describe the climactic last scene of the movie as the culmination of this social psychological phenomenon which entails rebelling against society and finding one's own individual voice. This story centers around an anonymous individual, who, through a series of strange and dreamlike events, becomes "associated" with a more rebellious and inspiring character named Tyler. Throughout the movie, Tyler and the narrator become closer and begin to share in an unique hobby of…, essay on fight club. Bibliography Antisocial Personality Disorder. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, fourth edition.

Copyright American psychiatric Association. htm Nauert, R. Antisocial behavior linked to genes and envrionment, essay on fight club. PsychCentral 6 August It is also important to note that major offenses within the fight club are punished through castration, as if to imply that the punished person is no longer a man and therefore no longer worthy of being part of the violent organization. The roles of women in Fight Club are extremely limited. Marla Singer is the only female character in the film.

She shares qualities that are present in "Durden," yet the narrator is unable to recognize the relationship that he and Singer develop due to his preoccupation with "Durden. Furthermore, the only relationship that she develops with "Durden" is one that is strictly sexual; "Durden" has gone as far as instructing the narrator to not talk about him to Singer. As the narrative of the film progresses, and "Durden" gains power over…. Project Mayhem on the other hand focuses outwardly towards society, rather than the members of the organization. The secrecy essay on fight club Project Mayhem has evolved to being a secret even from its own members, and particularly from the protagonist, essay on fight club, suggested by its first and repeated rule "You do not ask questions.

Instead the focus here is on utmost secrecy and trust. The complete obedience and trust required by the third to fifth rules then form the basis from which Project Mayhem aims to destroy all the elements of society against which Fight Club was a rebellion, essay on fight club. It is only by disobeying, asking questions and relinquishing his trust of Tyler that the protagonist is able to overcome his own destruction, if not the destruction…. They lived in a derelict building with the other white males they recruited -- the army they recruited. They created their own world where everything was masculine and they plotted against the capitalists in order to redefine their masculinity. They continued to engage in violent acts which grew more and more destructive.

Through these, they were able to gain back their power, the power they have lost through the feminization of society. They rejected consumerism and capitalism. This was one of their ways to stop the propagation of the feminized male. They waged their own war and in the end, they used their violence essay on fight club stop the capitalists from further harming their ideal of what should be masculine. Masculinity was also depicted in the relationship that Marla Singer and Jack have. Their on and off relationship was, essay on fight club a way, a reflection of the power of man over a woman.

References Fight Club. David Fincher. Edward Norton, essay on fight club, Brad Pitt, and Helena Bonham Carter. Hemingway, Ernest. The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber. Duke University, n. Fight Club" and the creation of a false urban masculinity in cinematic and real life One of the most interesting aspects of the narrative art is seen in the essay on fight club ways in which individuals are apt to embrace filmic narration and cinematic narrative techniques and to transfer them into the narrative texture of their own lives. Also essay on fight club in this phenomenon is the fact that viewers can develop ways of approaching and understanding films that depart entirely from the filmmaker's original conception and intent.

For instance, in the case of "Fight Club," the evident intent of the filmmakers was to create a film that was highly deflationary in terms of masculine posturing. The film depicts a number of highly paid executive young men who create societies devoted to bare-fisted pugilism. These boxing societies are held illegally and underground. The film is fictional, and began as a fiction. Eventually, the societies…. Works Cited Abbott, H. The Cambridge Introduction to Narrative. Cambridge University Press, Fight Club. While the focus of the paper will be upon Fight Club, in an effort to expand the context of the ideas to be discussed, essay on fight club, the essay will also include analysis of a related Spanish film, Abre Los Ojos Open Your Eyes.

This film preceded the release of Fight Club by two years and went on to later be adapted for an American audience under the title, Vanilla Sky, starring Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, and Penelope Cruz, who is cast as the same character, Sofia, in both versions of the film. The paper will discuss these films, questions they raise, and ideas they execute in relation to Doniger's piece, "Many Masks, Many Selves. References: Amenabar, Alejandro dir. Abre Los Ojos. Sogepaq Distrubucion, Bennett, Robert. The Death of Sisyphus: Existentialist Literature and the Cultural Logic of Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club. Constandinides, Costas. Doniger, Wendy. Gender Studies The central premise of gender studies is that gender is a socially constructed category that is not always aligned with biological sex.

Gender traits are those that are deemed appropriate or acceptable by a culture or society. Discuss the presentation of masculinity in Fight Club. hat traits are deemed ideal for males in the novel? hat are the men in fight club searching for? hat is the significance of this being "a generation of men raised by women" 50? The gender studies field is composed of a multi-disciplinary approach that tries to look at the roles genders play in cultures from different perspectives. Many area of interest in this field include perspectives such as in the fields of literature and language, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, cinema and media studies, human development, law, and medicine The University of Chicago, N.

In the realm of literature, the…. Works Cited Palahniuk, C. Fight Club W. The University of Chicago, essay on fight club. Gender and Communication Fight Club: A world of feminine influence barring open communication David Fincher's Fight Club released in has acquired more than its due share of critical analysis by many critics and viewers while the film embodies a variety of themes including the often uttered gender and communication issues. Among other themes many have found isolation, essay on fight club, consumer culture, violence and even lack of father figure.

In this paper we're going to look through the kaleidoscope of these themes to throw light on the issues of communication and gender Giroux, An effort to have communication among the isolated male folks Isolation has been one of the major themes in this haunting film, essay on fight club. We find that Jack's insomnia and lack of fulfillment branch mainly from his isolation. We never hear about any of his friends, nor do we come across any. The human connection is completely missing in…. References Giroux, Henry, Private Satisfactions and Public Disorders: Fight Club, Patriarchy, and the Politics of Masculinity. JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory Fight Club, or the Cultural Contradictions of Late Capitalism. Journal for Cultural Research 11, 3. Terry, Lee, essay on fight club.

Virtual Violence in Fight Club: This is What the Transformation of Masculine Ego Feels like. According to Bennett, there has not been a sufficient amount of discussion regarding the complexity of the Fight Club text in the sense that critics and supporters alike have limited a full exploration of such a profound text. Although he does not reject the idea - expressed by many critics, that Fight Club tackles issues as gender and class identity, Bennett argues that existentialism, understood both as a philosophical and as an aesthetic practice, essay on fight club, provides a superior critical framework for interpreting Fight Club Bennett: His stance is that Palahniuk's Fight Club essay on fight club a brilliant sample of the "existential literary tradition with certain postmodern differences" Bennett: 68 in the sense that the existentialism of the book is very much adapted to its historical context, i.

The age of "postmodern capitalism" Ibid: In fact, his argument goes a bit further; he draws a parallel between Fight Club and Dostoyevsky's novella,…. Kavadlo, Jesse. Palahniuk, Chuck. New York: Owl Books, While there is a lot to unpack in that statement offense and culture are implicitly linked to essay on fight club and the ability to cope with conflictthe essence of the point made by Palahniuk is…. Sociology Film Review: Fight Club Fight Club was produced in and has a running time of two hours and 19 minutes.

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It opens with him tied to a chair, a gun held to his head by a man named Tyler played by Brad Pitt. The narrator speaks directly to the audience and tells how he arrived at this moment through a flashback which essentially serves as the bulk of the film, the opening scene also serving as the ending scene and setting of the film. Throughout the film, the audience learns that the hero created an alternate ego for himself Tyler to help him address his malaise—his boredom with his work, his home, his life—in other words, his inability to find satisfaction in the materialistic existence he has created for himself.

He introduces…. Fight Club The film Fight Club is filled with Freudian references, especially those related to death wish, masculinity, and male sexuality. If Tyler Durden Brad Pitt and the narrator played by Edward Norton are indeed one person, then the film addresses the psychoanalytic elements at play in a fractured psyche. Death wish is one of the most poignant themes in Fight Club, which explores an ironic, postmodern violence that is directed against both the self and society. Masculinity and sexuality prove also to be problematic elements for the narrator.

The Oedipus complex also surfaces, as it is implied the narrator kills his mother. Aggression is one of the ways that the narrator can act out his homoerotic fantasies. The narrator feels a keen and poignant sense of alienation and isolation. His predictable life gives him such little pleasure that he develops pathological insomnia: for which he seeks treatment and…. decision making points a nonprofit organization. aspx info find. Create a case study utilizing information learned Managerial Decision Making. What is the mission of the organization? The Boys and Girls of New ochelle was initiated in aiming at safeguarding the interests of youth as the big sufferers during harsh economic times.

Through the efforts of well-wishers, the Club has continually made efforts to meet the needs of the youth and the surrounding community Bazerman, The Club continues to attract grants and donations from individuals and organizations with the appreciation that youth empowerment is of great value to the community. References Bazerman, M. Chugh, D. Societal and managerial implications of implicit social cognition: Why milliseconds matter. Social Justice Research, 17 2 Adolescence is an especially critical development stage for any individual. At this stage, individuals not only experience biological changes, but also become more aware of gender roles and expectations and experience cognitive development.

Family and school become social incubators that trigger changes and psychosocial responses in adolescents. The film The Breakfast Club shows how a group of five adolescents go through critical changes in this stage of their life. This paper will highlight the developmental markers observed in one character depicted the film, Claire. Clare will be used as a case study to explore developmental issues related to gender, biology, and cognition. The Breakfast Club features five teenagers detained all day at Shermer High School. Several developmental markers are evident in the film.

One of the markers is…. These poets look at death from differing perspectives and many have argued that it should be fought against while others are more submissive to the concept. In "Do not go gentle into that good night," written by Dylan Thomas , and "Dog's Death," by John Updike , take a stance that accepting death is unnatural and that a person or any living being should fight until the end. In "Do not go gentle into that good night," Thomas argues that death is something that should be fought against and that a person should only succumb to their end when he or she is ready. On the other hand, in "Dog's Death,"…. References Coren, S. Do dogs feel pain the same way that humans do?

Psychology Today. html Donne, J. Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians, and the Struggle for Hispaniola The American writer and free lance journalist Michele Wucker in her first book has written about both Haiti and the Dominican epublic complex relations in terms of their cultures and on the sources of their great effort both in their island home as well as in the United States. According to the book, the Caribbean island of Hispaniola is home to historic, where this continuing conflict between two countries has been intensely separated by language, race and history. However, at the same time it has been forced continuously into argument by their shared geography.

The book is emotional from the beginning with the fighting and posturing of blood sport, as observed by the writer in her first Haitian cockfight 1 : The air cracks with the impact of stiffened feathers as each bird tries to push the other to the ground. References 1. Bob Corbett. Why The Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians And The Struggle For Hispaniola By Michele Wucker. May 2. Rob Ruck. Why The Cocks Fight: Dominicans, Haitians, And The Struggle For Hispaniola by Michele Wucker. A www. Rodgers, Jr. Rodgers, The "no contest" plea, said Rodgers, will "…alleviate the victims' families and broader community from being subjected to an emotional reliving of the tragedy at trial. The Rhode Island Fire Code requires fireproof insulation and foam for buildings like the club in question.

orks Cited Duval, Robert F. NFPA Case Study: Nightclub Fires. National Fire Prevention Association. Madrzykowski, Daniel, Bryner, Nelson, and Kerber, Stephen I. The NIST Station Night Club Fire Investigation: Physical Simulation of the Fire. National Institute of Standards and Technology. Parker, Paul Edward. Tally of a tragedy: were in The Station on night of fire. The Providence…. Works Cited Duval, Robert F. Theoretically speaking though, why is there a constant tension between police unions and local and state governments? Can't they all just get along? ell, to answer this question, perhaps we should briefly examine the differences between police unions in the United States and those in Canada to see if there is some underlying difference between the way the two are viewed by their respective societies.

In a project commissioned by the U. Department of Justice entitled, "Police Labor -- Management Relations , Vol 1 the issue was addressed explicitly, the project states: Labor relations in Canada and the U. share a similar history and similar original legislation. So why are the bargaining regimes and outcomes so different? The one word answer is legislation. hether public sector or private sector, the notable difference between Canadian and U. labor relations history is that Canadian legislators have not eroded or outright annulled the…. Works Cited Blair, G. Policing And Police Labor Relations In Canada: Similarities and Contrasts with the United States of America.

Police Labor-Management Relations Vol. I : Perspectives and Practical Solutions for Implementing Change, making Reforms, and Handling Crises for Managers and Union Leaders. Washington DC: Department of Justice. Clottin, C. The Evolution of the Rochester Police Department Locust Club. Retrieved from www. pdf Kovacic, S. Badge of Honor Association. Symbolically, one could do the same with pink flamingos and accomplish a similar aim -- although this might suggest animal liberation, rather than artistic or human liberation. And here is the insidious suggestion of these anarchic actions that has the potential to actually affirm mainstream culture -- the humorous attitude towards violence, the oppressed of the world, and the use of serious language to trivialize violence recalls the radical reactionary stance of "Fight Club.

But the mainstream media also used the traditional lure violence to sell The Sex Pistols' commodity of music to the young, to make the group's musical product attractive. Perhaps only violence and violent language and theft, rather than acts of transgression that empower the ordinary individual, like the early Situationalists encouraging children to play near churches or passers-by to switch on public…. Works Cited Free the Gnomes! Garden Gnome Liberation Front strikes Paris show. Mainstream Culture The first installment of the Iron Man franchise can be analyzed in the context of whether it either reaffirms or criticizes mainstream culture.

Indeed, the film does a bit of both. The movie script itself as well as the underlying method and motives of the filmmakers and actors in terms of how the film is being marketed and portrayed potentially irrespective of what is being asserted directly in the movie itself will also be assessed.. Iron Man and films like it play a two-sided game of both glorifying and condemning ideas that are political and ideological in nature but often does so in a way that is not even-handed or is otherwise not grounded in reality. Iron Man Observations hat is clear straight away with the interactions and the developments surrounding Tony Stark Downey and Obadiah is that the movie is making a statement about corporate greed and…. Works Cited Fisje, John "The Cultural Economy of Fandom," pp.

html Henry A. Giroux and Imre Szeman, "Ikea Boy Fights Back: Fight Club, Consumerism,. Cultural Review Film and Culture The Grimm brothers began collecting folktales around and began a legacy that has been ingrained in popular culture. Although the tales that they collected were representative of the culture at the time, the brothers worked to canonize some of the archetypes that were present in their day. Instead of seeing them as just random works of literature, the brothers were able to identify various themes which served as the main focuses on their fairy and folk tale. These themes seemed to be generally available in the stories that the two individuals documented just as they are also present today.

These archetypical characters which formed can make one wonder whether it is the culture that shapes the story or whether it is the stories that shape the culture. Very few Grimm's Fairy Tales deviate from the stereotypes of the hero, villain, and damsel in distress…. Cultural in the United States Compare and contrast what Morris Berman, Frank Capra, and David Fincher present as the flaws in our culture's pursuit of material self-interest. Morris Berman, Frank Capra, and David Fincher present the society in postmodern consumer where the masculine identity is lost: the gray-collar male personnel and the satisfaction socially created by the society focused in materialism.

Technology is the baseline for Berman's argument. The argument goes well-known to Neil Postman, and McLuhan Marshal it is not normal, not only does it change the way we connect with the rest of the world, but it also gets our brains wired Berman A normal brain of a person who has been print raised differs with a big margin from that of a person who, most of his time is corrupted by the internet. However, the significance of the internet is making a reduction to our understanding…. Work Cited Berman, Morris. Why America Failed: The Roots of Imperial Decline. Hoboken, N. Frank, Capra. It's a Wonderful Life: A Play in Two Acts.

Woodstock, Ill: Dramatic Pub, Finchers, David. Internet resource. Michel Klein, the local police chief said, "The liberators have failed. The gnomes are now going to spend the rest of their lives locked up in dusty cupboard. THE POBABLE AGENDA OF GLF: In Britian it is said that the GLF might be involved in the re-sale of the gnomes stolen by them and money is the only objective of this organization. However that is not how the objectives of GLF are perceived in the rest of Europe. There appears to be a hidden message or higher purpose behind all these gnome robberies.

The Gnome Liberation Front appears to practice a form of culture jamming. Culture jamming is a form of political communication, which has emerged as rebellion against…. References 1 Anonymous-Title: Culture jamming. Posted on: may Faced with a social system that has no place for him, Tom does not rebel or repress himself, but merely creates a place for himself by dissolving into the background, becoming part of the hidden and criminal world that is a de facto product of any inequitable social system. As mentioned above, Highsmith wrote for a number of comic books in the s, and almost all of them were concerned with white male superheroes who had been given extraordinary powers or technology.

There is a subtle joke about this fact early on, when Tom notes that his most recent victim "was a comic-book artist. He probably didn't know whether he was coming or going" Highsmith Thus, almost from the beginning Highsmith has made a connection between Tom and the world of comic books, a connection that helps explain Tom's eventual narrative journey. hen looking at Tom's story in broad…. Works Cited Haggerty, George. Queer Gothic. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press, Highsmith, Patricia. The Talented Mr. New York: Vintage Books, Tuss, Alex.

Ripley and Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club. American Ideals and the Challenges of the post-WW2 Years America changed quite a bit after WW2. It changed with respect to gender roles, with respect to racial issues, with respect to the economy, and with respect to politics. Everything was in flux after WW2—but it did not happen all at once. What happened first was the Cold War. Immediately the war ended, Americans returned home from the war and returned to the jobs they had held previously. The women who had been in the workforce now returned home—back to the domestic sphere, which was their traditional role. The Baby Boomer generation was soon being born and life was good. Jobs were being created and credit was easier to come by than in the past.

But things were not perfect because the Red Menace reared its head and Joe McCarthy began hunting Communists in the government and in Hollywood. Tensions increased…. rhetorical choices used by Tyler Durden on his website ZeroHedge are appropriate to the audience, judging by the numerous comments in the comment section. The website presents itself as an anti-Establishment blog on financial matters while also touching upon socio-political topics as well. The site is basic in terms of visual appeal: it uses black text on a white background. The only color comes from ads displayed on the pages but those are easily blocked with an ad blocker. The importance of ritual objects to the Shaolin is shown in how they react to the supernatural appearance of an incense burner. hen the survivors of the massacre woke up the next day, they saw on the surface of the water a white incense burner made of greenstone, which had two ears and three feet and weighed 52 "catties, thirteen ounces"; on the bottom of the incense burner, the four words Fan-Qing fu-Ming had been inscribed.

In this regard, the Shaolin monks of the day embraced the popular belief that Heaven could manifest its support of claimants to the Chinese throne or of founders of religious cults through the bestowal of precious objects, such as these incense burners, swords, or books. Works Cited Anderson, Mary M. Hidden Power: The Palace Eunuchs of Imperial China. Buffalo, NY: Prometheus Books, Baoqi, Qin and Dian H. The Origins of the Tiandihui: The Chinese Triads in Legend and History. Stanford, CA: Stanford University, Campany, Robert Ford. October-December The Eminent Monk Book review. Journal of the American Oriental Society, 4 Dominik's Killing Them Softly Andrew Dominik's American film Killing Them Softly is a screen-adaptation of George Higgins' crime novel Cogan's Trade. Indeed, the film's subtext or undertone is really as pronounced as the main drama, paralleling the narrative in the final race to the showdown: the execution of the robbers of the card game and the election of a new ring leader aka President of the United States.

This paper will show how Dominik uses the underground world of organized crime to parallel and criticize the state of American politics and economics. Storytelling, Editing, Style and Directing…. Reference List Bradshaw, P. Killing Them Softly -- review. Killing Them Softly. Chicago Sun-Times. Review: Dominik's 'Killing Them Softly' Drives Message Hard and Well. First Showing. Film Analysis: A Comparison Among Criticism, Interpretation,. Dystopia Discussion on Perspectives of Violence Based on Three Readings Violence and tragedy are a fact of life that the human condition has yet to rid itself off. Misfortune can come from many sources. It can come from within a person, from within a family, or from within a community. It is the way people explain and come to terms with such events that define the life that persists afterwards.

In the three stories selected, violence is portrayed in each. However, the source of the violence is attributed to different causes. It is a natural human response to try to make sense of tragic events and people do this in different ways. In this analysis, three stories will be used to compare and contrast how some individuals cope, or fail to cope, with violence or misfortune. Each story provides a different perspective on this issue. Flannery O'Conner Flannery O'Conner was…. Works Cited Michaud, J. Queen v. Dudley, a group of sailors were hired to captain a yacht from Essex, England to Sydney, Australia.

Dudley was the captain, and Stephens, Brooks, and Parker were his mates and seamen. When The Mignonette capsized, the four men climbed aboard the lifeboat dinghy but had no water or supplies. Several weeks into the ordeal, Captain Dudley suggested that one of the men be sacrificed as a food source for the others so that at least three of them might remain alive rather than having them all die. Dudley first suggested they draw straws to see who would be chosen, but then decided that Parker, one of the seamen aboard, showed signs of sickness and would make an ideal candidate for sacrifice. Dudley killed Parker and the three other men ate Parker's body until they were rescued several days later. When the men returned home to England, they were…. References 60 Minutes. Evidence of Concealed Jailhouse Deal Raises Questions About a Texas Execution.

The New York Times. Feb 27, Peer Responses Peer 1 Borderline personality disorder feels like one of those disorders that almost everyone has to some degree; that is probably why people who have it—i. Other extreme examples of this disorder could include Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye and Marla from Fight Club. I think we all probably even have friends or family members who would fit this diagnosis. Why is it so common? While psychotherapy would be a helpful treatment approach, I myself would be more inclined to cognitive behavioral therapy. One of the things I think people who are bipolar probably resent is being probed by a psychiatrist.

They know how they are and they are not interested in exploring the reasons with a stranger. Maybe some are, but I think the character in the film you are talking about would…. References Carlson, E. Journal of personality and social psychology, 1 , — edu File, A. Borderline personality disorder: Neurobiological contributions to remission and recovery. The Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 29 3 , A Retrieved from. Street Fight by Marshall Curry reveals insipid corruption in the city of Newark, New Jersey. In , city councilman Cory Booker ran against year incumbent Sharp James. From the start, Cory Booker has a few strikes against him. He is from a relatively affluent suburb, and not from Newark itself. Although he is an African-American man, the community of Newark trusts Sharp James in spite of the corruption scandals that have plagued the mayor's career.

Of course, Cory Booker also suffers from being young and relatively unknown. He is running primarily on the platform of reform, primarily from the perspective of the people on the streets. The residents of Newark do not trust Cory Booker, in part because they are unfamiliar with him, and in part because do not see him as having a vested interest in Newark. Furthermore, his campaign budget is much lower than the incumbents. Public relations…. After all, when Marcellus is raped, the audience has witnessed the murder of two college students by Marcellus' hit men, and knows that Marcellus had a former ally thrown off of a roof for an unknown reason. In addition, it is because of Marcellus' orders that Vincent, whom the audience has grown to like, is killed at Butch's house. Marcellus is clearly not a good man, and yet, nothing in the movie suggests that he deserves to be raped by Zed and Maynard.

It was significant that Tarantino chose Marcellus, the most criminal person in the movie, as the rape victim. It was even more significant that Tarantino chose Butch, the person with the most motive to see Marcellus injured, as Marcellus' rescuer. ather than dehumanizing people, the violence in the movie humanizes the monstrous Marcellus, both by depicting him as a victim and by showing him getting revenge. Referenced Scorsese, Martin. Taxi Driver. Scott, Ridley. Los Angeles: Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer, Tarantino, Quentin. Pulp Fiction. Los Angeles: A Band Apart, Winner, Michael. Universal City, CA: Dino De Laurentiis Company, Government Budgeting for Kelsey: Budget Changes Needed to Better Protect and Serve the Community "We're not going to use the budget as an excuse.

We're not crying about it. But I'm going to push as hard as I can to get as many people on the streets as I can. We need all hands on deck," so were the words of the Philadelphia Police Chief when faced with a similar situation to what Kelsey faces now Steele p 2. Police strength is an absolute necessity in the effort to fight crime, both on local and larger federal levels. Without the appropriate funding resources, many local police forces around the country are beginning to suffer in terms of just how effective they are at fighting crime overall. Limited budgets mean limited capabilities, and that is exactly what the city of Kelsey is experiencing right now. Essentially, the budget is already…. References Budget of the United States Government. Budgets and taxes. Almanac of Policy Issues.

shtml City of Kelsey. Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year University of Phoenix. pdf City of Kelsey. Kelsey profile. City Government. doc DeWeese, Adrianne. Police say safety tax is needed to help alleviate 'blackout. On the other hand, we might be able to "incubate" a cable network by playing a Thursday night series of cable games, and such a network could be a long-run success that would strengthen our product as well. As previously mentioned, commoditization is ultimately very negative in a channel universe, and the challenge we face is how to balance the need for revenue and viewers to ensure the long-run success of our sport. In theory, greater revenues are available from cable television, which is both advertiser and subscriber supported, than from broadcast television, which…. And Rondey, Maya The Business of Football.

html Barros, Carlos Pestana and Barrio, Pedro Garcia-del nd Efficiency Measurement of the English Football Premier League with a Random Frontier Model. Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia. Brenner, Adam Welcome to the Club. The Business of Football. Forbes 2 Sept html English Football and its Governance All Party Parliamentary Football Group. April career path of being an entrepreneur in the health and fitness industry. In pursuing my career in the field of health and fitness I aim to open a personal training studio that offers the clients personalized care and approach and helps them to stay fit and healthy along with alleviating the stress and pressures of day-to-day life. As also discussed in detail in part one, my marketing objectives and business plan is quite clear, whereby during the first 12 months of my career I would like to start and own a fitness and training center offering various specialized health and fitness services to my clients.

I would also provide my clients with value added services like physical therapy and rehabilitation services. As far as the three-year approach is considered, after the three years of my business I see myself approaching new markets and expanding my clientele and business in various…. References: Active Marketing Group Health Club Industry Review. Biz Plan Corner Sample Business Plan. com aspx [Accessed: 27 Oct ]. gov Thus, the television shows, or their producers would have us think, do not actually promote violence and sexual promiscuity, they simply depict it as part of the reality of the particular people they chose to show on their programs.

The problem, however, comes with what such depictions teach those people for whom identity is yet to be determined - our youngest boys and girls. Before MTV's the Real orld, popular culture's images of boys and girls was managed through a scripted experience - a lens that showed only what the writers, directors, producers, and television executives wanted you to see. Therefore, shows gave people what other people thought they should and would like, and nothing else. hat reality shows have capitalized on is a hunger for the non-scripted, for the spontaneous, for the unpredictable. and, as society is still managed by people who were brought up by people who generally…. Works Cited Adams, N. Growing Up Female. NWSA Journal, 6.

Clark, T. Let's Misbehave. Multichannel News, p. Mantilla, K. Boys Girls will be Boys. Off Our Backs, 48 8. Moss, L. The Good Fight. Multichannel News, 28 26 , p. That is why I became Treasurer of the ives Club, out of gratefulness for this extended family. I know many people of my generation struggle to find 'who they are' but the structure of the military offers a potent and compelling answer to that question. To serve means always to be at home amongst people who understand exactly what you are going through: "Home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in" Frost Being in the military does not mean, contrary to conventional wisdom, that one must obey an unthinking policy of 'my country right or wrong. In fact, soldiers think more about the great questions of life and death,….

Works Cited Frost, R. The death of the hired man. Perkins Eds. New York City: McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Iyer, P. The empire. In The global soul: Jet lag, shopping malls, and the search for home. New York: Alfred A. However, over the years, history book publishers have not followed suit and described the soladeras in a positive way. For instance, one of Casaola's most well-known photos is of a harried soldadera in a train station. The photograph's saturated colors make the scene deeply emotional and compelling, with a feeling of urgency and dynamic motion. The spontaneity of the picture and transparency of reality provide an historical accuracy and high degree of precision.

Yet, the caption of one history book, for example, relates how many of the soldaderas were forced to ride on the rooftops of the trains, instead of inside the wagons. Many of the women died early deaths when the train sped through dangerous ravines and cliffs. This was anything but a supportive interpretation of the photograph and not why Casola took the photographs. On the other hand, Casola's photographs, especially this one in the train station, did…. Bibliography Coerver, Don M.. Suzanne B. Pasztor and Robert Buffington. Mexico: an encyclopedia of contemporary culture and history Santa Barber, CA: ABC-Clio. Fuentes, Andres. King, Benjamin. pdf Accessed May 3, Macias, Anna.

Against All Odds: The Feminist Movement in Mexico to Westport CT: Greenwood Press, psychological concepts. In some questions, specific scenarios were also given and we had to analyse them with reference to psychological concepts. Over all, this assignment broadened our knowledge of psychology and improved our thinking skills. To answer this question, first we have to understand the meaning of gender. While sex refers to the biological differences between males and females, gender refers to the sociological differences between males and females. Gender however can be influenced by biological differences but it basically is a social phenomena.

Gender differences can vary in different cultures and societies. For e. most of the females work in the U. But many women in Asian countries do not go to work. So if women and men were classified on basis of going to work, then women in U. would be very different from women in the Asian countries. Let us now talk about gender roles. Gender roles…. And there are always a few racists in any town. But I believe we have a great, open, accepting community. e entertain tourists from all over the planet, and many of them are from ethnic cultures different from ours. They say they feel welcomed here. Q: hat use does the community foundation make of the local AM station KMHS-AM? M: I'm glad you asked. e have learning programs for parents and students.

And students make up their own little reports and broadcasts. Topics range from the environment, world news, California news and Coos Bay news. Q: Typically what news items from Coos Bay do you use on KMHS? M: e interview people who are doing interesting things in town and with businesses. Biologists from the college and local fishermen. The news in this town isn't really very earth shaking. Look at the list of news items on the orld's ebsite…. Works Cited City of Coos Bay, Oregon. Welcome to Coos Bay. The film, Fight Club exemplifies various ethical dilemmas relating to cultural standards, organizational structure, and ethics systems. These ethical dilemmas are presented through both personas of the main character, Tyler Durden.

The situations that he faces can be related to real-life ethical issues that are relevant today. Fight Club illustrates many ethical notions that tie…. Like women, men in Fight Club are expected to express themselves through the material goods they labor to buy. While both the book and the film versions…. His works include: Aliens 3, Seven, The Game and Fight Club. Each of these films has been not only pleasing and…. Just last night I saw the movie, The Joy Luck Club JLC , which played on television for the first time in Los Angeles. I had been meaning to see this movie but never got around to it until now.

Since many female friends recommended this movie to me, including my own sister, I was…. The movie portrays the…. Even considering the complicated format of the book, David Fincher managed to almost perfectly illustrate the novel Fight Club, by Chuck Palahniuk, in his movie of the same name. Although tempting to compare a book and its film counterpart on even grounds, as a substitute of one another, the tools used to create each one…. You are not the contents of your wallet. This brings me to my point…. But the use of these support groups is ruined….

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