Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Essays on examination

Essays on examination

This is a vital necessity for the healthy growth of love for education. Footer Categories History of India History of Mughal Empire Modern History of India Important India Indian Geography Blog. They doubt the efficacy of this system in the light of the evils that have crept into the system. It is a motivating force to work. There are always doubts in their minds. Examinations are important for a vast number of reasons, but one can understand the significant role they play in helping society maintain essays on examination certain level of education by noting the following reasons:. An examination can be conducted via oral, written or digital medium, essays on examination.

Education System and Exam

It proves what standard of learning a person has acquired during a specific period of time in a specific syllabus. It is the most hated and most essays on examination things for some students who never like to indulge in it with pleasure until they have a charm of acquiring a degree. Otherwise, they compare it with a nightmare. The system of education of mostly examination ridden which aims at the test of essays on examination and success. The examination is the center of studies and hard work, essays on examination. It is a motivating force to work. Its importance and efficacy have been called in question.

The most important point is that examinations are not the real test of knowledge and understanding. They are the test of ignorance or cramming. Still, we can say that examinations are necessary evil which cannot be avoided. Examinations have many uses, essays on examination. They help us find the most efficient individual among many, essays on examination. we can distinguish between the scholar and the dullard, the genius and the dunce. In this way, they help us discriminate between the genuine gold and the sparkling brass. Secondly, the examinations compel us to work hard. the careless students become serious near the examinations. They buy books they had no intention to buy and gird up their loins. It is a fact that many students read for the sake of examinations.

Thus, examinations are a very effective way of goading students to read. An employer can safely entrust a job to the degree holder. Without a degree, no one will higher his services. Similarly, we do not ask everyone to prescribe medicine for us. Only the person holding a degree enjoys the right to operate upon our body. Hence, if we abolish examinations, we shall have to abolish degrees or diplomas, essays on examination. Examinations have certain abuses as well. Many students consider it a curse.

They consider them to be a game of chance. The students are never sure of their success, essays on examination. There are always doubts in their minds. Success does not depend upon preparation. Even a student with selected studies may pass and the student with thorough preparation may fail. Some students keep studying the whole essays on examination but fail. On the other hand, many others who buy help books and cheap notes near the examinations and cram a few questions, pass. Such examinations are a curse for the shining students.

The examinations are a test of nerves. All examinations have a limit of time and place. A student is tested at a bad place and in a bad manner. Some students essays on examination to use unfair means to pass out the examinations. The innocent, hardworking and intelligent remain in the background, essays on examination. But in spite of all this, we cannot say that there should be no examinations. There must be some proper way of judging the real worth of the students. So proper changes are required to avoid the abuses and increase the usefulness of the examinations.

The assessment criteria of the examinations must be improved in such a way that all the students can show their abilities and can pass them without any fear.

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In a typical examination, there is either a test or a series of tests, where the student or the candidate is tested over different parameters to understand his performance. They could be descriptive tests or multiple choice questions. Some examinations are purely competitive such as the administrative examinations. Here the success in that exam depends largely on the performance of all the other candidates as well. The first commonly known instance of examinations taking place occurred in China. It was the first time standardized testing of aptitude level was introduced.

This model was later adopted by England and Europe. It proved quite beneficial in terms of military recruitment and certification. Later, this practice was applied in all fields of knowledge. Its importance is felt quite adequately in the strength it granted to each field. By withstanding tests and exams, a field was deemed respectful and worthy of pursuit. They serve as a rite of passage, allowing students to discover their talents and skill. Exams are a necessary evil of sorts. They ensure that a person is quite capable of performing their assigned tasks in their professions. For instance, the public would prefer the justice system were governed by an educated judge instead of an illiterate one. Examinations are important for a vast number of reasons, but one can understand the significant role they play in helping society maintain a certain level of education by noting the following reasons:.

Thus, examinations are a very effective way of goading students to read. An employer can safely entrust a job to the degree holder. Without a degree, no one will higher his services. Similarly, we do not ask everyone to prescribe medicine for us. Only the person holding a degree enjoys the right to operate upon our body. Hence, if we abolish examinations, we shall have to abolish degrees or diplomas. Examinations have certain abuses as well. Many students consider it a curse. They consider them to be a game of chance. The students are never sure of their success. There are always doubts in their minds. Success does not depend upon preparation. Even a student with selected studies may pass and the student with thorough preparation may fail.

Some students keep studying the whole session but fail. On the other hand, many others who buy help books and cheap notes near the examinations and cram a few questions, pass. Such examinations are a curse for the shining students. The examinations are a test of nerves. All examinations have a limit of time and place. A student is tested at a bad place and in a bad manner. Some students try to use unfair means to pass out the examinations. The innocent, hardworking and intelligent remain in the background.

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