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Essays on betrayal

Essays on betrayal

FAQ What does betrayal do to a person? At that time, the two were young, enthusiastic and full of life. Essays on betrayal one of the judges, Samson then fulfills a somewhat unique role… References Benton, R. By carefully retracing the series of events preceding the actual explosion, including a history of the Centralia… References Hartley, R. Johnson, Samuel: Rasselas. What happened actually?

Essay Example on Narrative About Friend Betrayal

Betrayal 1. Desire It is easy to fall in love with bodies. I Breathe skin, lose time to anticipation and pleasure, hair, lips, thighs; tangled in another person, I am lost in a jungle. Society teaches us to break a body down: we love legs, butts, breasts; we take images and splice them into the form of our perfect desire. Like Pygmalion we are desperate to breathe life into our conception of beauty, our imagination of a perfect creature. Reality is easily redrawn around a body. Mallory Black we can clearly relate with what is happening to characters.

This is because of betrayal. Thesis statement: Betrayal is one of the predominant themes in naughts and crosses. The different types of betrayal shown are family betrayal, friendship betrayal and belief betrayal. First paragraph: Sometimes people who we think our our friends are the ones that can hurt you the most. The theme friendship betrayal is shown when Callum invites Sephy to essays on betrayal beach and then kidnaps her. The beach, where. Betrayal is the result of many situations, in which there are different types of betrayal, but all these different types of betrayal are usually caused by some sort of motivation.

Amongst all these stories there is some form of betrayal as. The Betrayal of Amir According to dictionary. Betrayal is essays on betrayal that is very prevalent throughout the novel The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini which is a story about the betrayal that a young boy named Amir does to his friend Hassan. Amir shows that he is a betrayer to Hassan when he belittles, plots, refuses to acknowledge their friendship, and walks away from Hassan. With each betrayal listed they progressively get worse and worse as Amir. Betrayal has been a problem for mankind for as long as mankind has existed, but what exactly is betrayal?

Many authors, essays on betrayal, psychologists, and philosophers alike have tried to answer that very question with no success. Certain types of betrayal can be beneficial, but more often than not betrayal causes an unfortunate series of events to follow it. One of the greatest examples of this comes from Greek Mythology and the story of Jason and Medea. Jason and Medea lived together as a married couple and had. decides to kill himself "Cursed, cursed creator! Why did I live? The penance is done by the end of the book and the Monster is removed from civilization. However, that is not to say that Victor is absolved of his betrayal.

Victor is in constant sorrow for his creation because it caused the death of so many in his life. In the poem "The Rime of Ancient Mariner," the mariner betrays nature by murdering the Albatross: "I had killed the bird that made the breeze blow". Honest Betrayal in Othello Iago's honest betrayal essays on betrayal left Othello pondering over Desdemona's faithfulness. Believing the words of his most honest ancient, Othello gullibly succumbs to his insinuations of his wife, essays on betrayal, Desdemona, as being unfaithful. Through Othello's soliloquy, he is not the self-confident General formerly portrayed as. Instead, his indecision over his wife's infidelity has caused him to explore his flaws as a human being, showing signs of appearance versus reality.

The Aesthetics of Passion and Betrayal In The Passion of Joan of Arc, Carl Theodor Dreyer uses the visuality of spatial relationships in each shot with the human face and its ability to convey unspoken emotion in his portrayal of the demise of Joan of Arc, essays on betrayal. Unlike most film, the message is almost entirely told by just essays on betrayal eyes and expressions of the actors. There is very little reliance upon props and background. The camera angles and close-up shooting accentuate emotions and reactions. The editing. Judas Iscariot betrayed with a kiss; something essays on betrayal for affection and love between those close to one another. Such stories of betrayal and revenge are as old as the world itself. The story of Cain and Abel contains elements of a sense of betrayal and contains the act of revenge.

The story of Isaac and Esau also tells of a betrayal between brothers. giving him a kiss. The two main characters in this short story are Braggioni and Laura, essays on betrayal. Braggioni is a cruel, powerful leader of Marxist revolutionaries in and around Mexico City. Laura is a beautiful American women, age 22, who took up residence. Home Page Betrayal. Free Betrayal Essays and Papers. Sort By: Most Relevant Highest Grade, essays on betrayal. Satisfactory Essays. Page 1 of 50 - About essays. Betrayal Words 6 Pages, essays on betrayal. Betrayal Thesis Words 2 Pages. Betrayal Thesis. Good Essays. Macbeth Betrayal Words 3 Pages.

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During this period, his wife Penelope and his son Prince Telemachus languishes in pain and suffering, bearing in mind that Odysseus had died in the war tone area. One of the major challenges that threatened disintegration in Odysseus family is a bunch of suitors who seduced Penelope to replace Read more Ulysses Literature Parents The Odyssey Odysseus Family Women Society Men Wife Husband Leadership 5 Pages Example Of Counseling For Adultery And Divorce Essay Adultery and divorce are the factors that require great consideration because they affect the lives of most of people.

In the cases of the adultery and divorce the counselor plays a significant role. Proper guidance by the counselor can help in saving the relations and lives of many individuals. In this paper, the counseling options and effective addressing of the situation involving adultery and divorce cases are discussed in detail from a counselor point of view. In an adulterous relation, people loss their family, job, dignity, trust, self respect, relationship with families and God. The commitment and the loyalty of In his novel the author gives a harsh negative review to the totalitarian regime, which in his opinion presents a serious threat to the existing society and the whole world. That is why the story of the novel happens in the real world capital London, and not in the made up country.

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Sign up for an account Password Forgot password? Please enter your password LOG IN or use your social media account Facebook Google Don't have an account? Register Internal server error. Please try again later. Forgot password? Password recovery email has been sent to email email. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE Sign in. HIRE WRITER PREMIUM DATABASE. Type of Paper. Essay Topics. Educational Tools. Who We Are Contact Us Our Writers Honor Code WowEssays Reviews Blog Our Services. Need more Betrayal college essay examples? GET MORE PAPERS. Example Of Error Infidelity. Introduction Infidelity refers to the act of unfaithfulness by a sexual partner and in most cases a spouse.

Read more. Take This Waltz Essay Examples. Introduction While the beginning of a relationship may feel exciting and effortless, long-term relationships are determined by application of efforts and compromising luxuries by both the partners in the relationship. Good Essay About Dishonesty In Relationships. Dishonesty is one of the most challenging things that occur in relationships. Don't waste your time searching for a sample. Free A Raisin In The Sun Essay Example. Introduction A raisin in the sun cannot be complete without the influence of people who are outside of the Younger family. Free Causes Of Divorce Essay Sample. Social Issues. Example Of Relationship Infidelity: Popular And Scientific Recommendations Essay.

In a lifetime of every pair, there may come a time when their relationship reaches a breaking point, wherein the partners all but separate from each other. Good Example Of Essay On The Choice Of Being An Infidel. Organization: Abstract The institution of matrimony is the one which has to wade through many troubled waters and thereby is considered to be one of the most volatile and sensitive relationships which is quite often threatened by infidelity. United States. Pablo Picasso. Free Napoleon Child Or Betrayer Of The Revolution Essay Example. History Napoleon was a betrayer of the revolution who was overcame by personal ambition that he forgot the main principle of the revolution which was liberty and equality.

French Revolution. Against War Essays Example. Against War. Essay On The Believing Game We Have No Right To Happiness. Dantes Inferno B Essay. Literature A significant part of the Inferno by Dante evidently has a strong emphasis on political commentary particularly on the political scene of the Florence of fourteenth century from which he had created enemies and was exiled. Jesus Christ. Supreme Court. Effect Of Technology On Relationships Essay Examples. Introduction It is fallacious to argue that technology has effect on human relationships. Discussion The internet has both positive and negative effects on relationships. Example Of Rebuilding Relationships: The Case Of Rose And John Essay.

Commonly referred to as cheating, unfaithfulness and having an affair, infidelity is the tendency of one partner in such an intimate relationship as a marriage to violate relationship norms creating sexual rivalry and jealous. The Strength Of Love Essay. The love of Romeo and Juliet remains the ideal for true love even today. Example Of Repression Essay. Sigmund Freud. Sexual Abuse. The World View From The Family Perspective Essay Example. The creative world or the world of one's fantasies is inevitable connected with its author - the person that creates it, on whose experiences and personal perceptions it is based on. Franz Kafka. World Literature Essay Example. Frame narrative form A frame narrative or a frame story is a story or narrative that contains another story or several other stories within the main story Richardson Macbeth Aside Two Truths Are Told Essay Examples.

Because MacBeth spans such a broad range of characters, living, dead and otherwise, it is able to present a unique portrayal of the human condition. The End. Free Essay On The Women Of Hamlet And William Shakespeare's Hamlet features one of the most complex, interesting and tragic cast of characters ever depicted on the stage and in Western literature. George Orwell. Example Of Essay On Layer Cake Book And Film Review. William Shakespeare embeds betrayal into most of his plays. Betrayal is a dramatic device that can lead to many horrible tragedies. Betrayal is one of the worse things a young teenager can experience.

Loyalty and trust can be majorly torn upon betrayal. It can toy Khaled Hosseini had an abnormal childhood. He grew up in Afghanistan in the pre-soviet war era. Both of his parents where college educated. His father was a diplomat for the Foreign ministry and his mother a high school history teacher at an all-girls Highschool. Betrayal: the disloyal action that results in the ultimate feeling of hurt. For there to be betrayal, there must be trust; the breaking of trust is the ultimate way of betrayal. It spurs upon the influence of others and is provoked by the ambitious mind Satan took possession of the sick boy and, as he was accustomed to, the boy tried to bite the person nearest to him.

But as soon as he touched Jesus, Satan jumped out of the possessed boy in…. Neither lust, nor greed, nor vanity, is necessary to account for betrayal: it is the simple and inevitable reflex of the changeability that is the very life of human beings. In fact, her prologue is to be read rather like a purposeful unmasking of the many antifeminist stereotypes circulated in that epoch. As Jill Mann has noted, the fact that the ife of Bath recounts all the things that her husbands have told her, the specific nagging that takes place between men and women: That is, she [the ife of Bath] does not live in the insulated laboratory world of literature, where she is no more than a literary object, unconscious of the interpretations foisted upon her; she is conceived as a woman who lives in the real world,….

Works Cited Allen, Peter L. The Art of Love: Amatory Fiction from Ovid to the Romance of the Rose. Philadelphia: The University of Pennsylvania Press, Geoffrey Chaucer. The Canterbury Tales. New York: Penguin Classics, Mann, Jill. Feminizing Chaucer. Rochester D. Brewer, Fiction's Come a Long Way, aby The development of fiction from its nascent stages until today's contemporary works is a storied one. Many features mark contemporary fiction and differentiate it from the classics of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries: For one, modern writers use different perspectives to narrate: In some works, the narrator switches from third-person omniscient to first person, and in some contemporary works, even the challenging second-person.

Experimentation in styles also marks contemporary fiction: Nabokov, perhaps fiction's greatest ever stylist, has written one novel penned to ladies and gentlemen of the jury, and another as literary criticism on a purposefully mediocre poem. Nabokov: Lolita and Pale Fire. ut one of the most pronounced shifts in fiction over these centuries has been the move from stuffy, high art to a fixation on and immersion in pop culture. George Eliot, for instance, in "Daniel Deronda," interspersed a very staid…. Bibliography Cisneros, Sandra: Woman Hollering Creek. New York: Vintage. Cisneros, Sandra: Mexican Movies. Cisneros, Sandra: Barbie-Q. Johnson, Samuel: Rasselas. New York: Oxford. Othello" by William Shakespeare, "Oedipus the King" translated by Robert Fagles, and Girl by Jamaica Kincaid.

These are dense and rich pieces of writing that have stood the test of time. These works continue to influence and offer insight in the modern moment. These plays and this novel are filled with many themes, motifs, symbols, and other literary techniques. The paper will primarily focus upon themes of jealousy and betrayal, gender and power, vision, and at the heart of it all, fear. The paper will limit the scope of the comparison to the aforementioned themes and mostly primary characters within each. What do these literary texts have in common and what do they teach readers about the human condition? Jealousy and betrayal are rampant in "Othello. He convinces Othello that Desdemona, Othello's fiancee, conducts romantic affairs outside of their relationship.

in "Piaf," Pam Gems provides a view into the life of the great French singer and arguably the greatest singer of her generation -- Edith Piaf. Fildier and Primack, , the slices that the playwright provides, more than adequately trace her life. Edith was born a waif on the streets of Paris literally under a lamp-post. Abandoned by her parents -- a drunken street singer for a mother and a circus acrobat father -- Edith learns to fend for herself from the very beginning. As a natural consequence of her surroundings, she makes the acquaintance of several ne'er do wells. She rises above the lifestyles of the girls she grows up with who prostitute themselves for a living in the hope that they will eventually meet a benefactor with whom they can settle.

Edith has a talent for singing and she indulges this interest by singing loudly in the streets. Bibliography Beauvoir, Simone de, and Parshley, H. The Second Sex. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, lv, Eisenstein, Zillah R. The Radical Future of Liberal Feminism. The Northeastern Series in Feminist Theory. Northeastern University Press ed. Boston: Northeastern University Press, xi, Engels, Fredrick. Lafargue, Paul. Revue Socialiste. Basgen, Brian. New York: Progress Publishers, Origins of the Family, Private Property, and the State. Retrieved April 10, from. In a sense, Paul buried it when he buried the rabbit. She will look back at that place and see it as a time when things shifted in her world. Miranda lost the tomboy little girl and exchanged her for a girl facing all the pains and pitfalls of adulthood.

Again, it is impossible to find blame in this tale. Miranda wanted to see the bunnies as much as Paul wanted to kill the rabbit. Perhaps Porter dismissed the memory because in real life, her bother was punished. In reality, he could not have stopped her from looking. The bright light shining behind his year-old face is a symbol of redemption. As an adult, Porter can see why she told on her brother and she can also see how the event could not have played out any other way. The symbols in this story help us see these truths. Works Cited By Robert H. Brinkmeyer Jr. DeMouy, Jane Krause. University of Texas Press, Gale Group, The whole concept of Christianity is that all people are sinners, but that God will forgive those sins and those sinners if they only ask for redemption.

That lyric is not about the prodigal son, it is about all who have lost their way, which is every Christian. hat this song makes clear is that the idea of redemption as it has been portrayed in Christianity may have its beginnings in the parables told by Jesus, but those parables were broadened by the crucifixion and resurrection, and they changed them in the same way that they changed all of the other traditions of Judaism. orks Cited Bentley, Dierks. Works Cited Bentley, Dierks. Carter, Joe. Luke New International Version. The government official has a legal as well as an ethical responsibility to put the interests of the public first, as a public servant. To fail to do so will result in greater cost to the taxpayer, and perhaps even an inferior product.

This type of waste takes money away from other, more worthy public projects as well, including aid to the poor. Government contracting officers have unique responsibilities and special, additional privileges as a result of their duties: "Of all government personnel, only a Contracting Officer has the authority to enter the government into a binding contract. He or she will be the one to sign the final contract agreement, and only a Contracting Officer has the power to change the terms of the contract" Government contracting personnel: Understanding roles played, , ONVIA. The contracting officer is thus acting on behalf of the entire government, and has unique powers…. References Business ethics in government contracts. To die, to sleep: perchance to dream:" He is doomed to a sleep that is plagued by fear and reprisal, to seek out revenge for worldly actions against him.

The soliloquy reveals that Hamlet is mortal, that he is afraid of the un-avenged death and that he…. He does so to mask his true malicious intentions. Here he shows how his manipulation is actually paying off, "[ Iago shows his audience yet another motivation for his ensuing treachery in this passage as well. Earlier in the play, Iago spoke about his own jealousy towards Cassio when Othello choose him over Iago for the position Iago desperately wanted. Despite Othello's reasoning behind his decision, Iago's jealousy has obviously not subsided at this point in the play, "Cassio's a proper man. Iago reveals that he will commit double treachery, ruining both Cassio and Othello in his plot to frame Desdemona's betrayal with the innocent Cassio.

The last chunk of the passage is where Iago's…. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Complete with exact pages and publication of the version of the First Folio which you used The line numbers cited in the text do not need to be changed. Therefore, a country which is able to produce one good with a lower opportunity cost than another country, should specialize in producing that good which will turn into a competitive advantage. However, when assessing this theory at the level of international trade, it is harder to depict the competitive advantages. The model may seem to be unrealistic.

The resources employed in real world are not restrained to labor and the markets in which the goods are supplied are not perfectly competitive. Moreover, there may be countries able to specialize in the production of one or several goods and other countries unable to find any competitive advantage. Other disadvantages are the ones assembled when trying to form a general framework of the labor costs. Due to the fact that these costs are similar within the boundaries of a certain country and vary from one country to another, it is problematical to…. Bibliography LaHaye, Laura.

The Library of Economics and Liberty. html Mercantilism. html Biography of Adam Smith html Korten C. In Genesis , God said, "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring. He will bruise your head, and you will bruise his heel. This is taken by many as one of the earliest Messianic prophecies describing Satan's brief victory over the Messiah and the Messiah's ultimate victory over Satan. It is mentioned here because the offspring Messiah is described as being of the woman Eve. This is extraordinary as the nation of Israel has always been patriarchal; people are mentioned in terms of their fathers, not their mothers.

Because of this, many see this verse as also being a prophecy of Messiah's birth through a virgin Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus The Book of Genesis also makes reference to the importance of the lineage or the heritage…. Works Cited Alexander B. On the threshold of the New Millennium. One Hundred Years of Old Testament Interpretation. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, handles Rosencrantz and Guildenstern with skill and diplomacy has the accent of command with her son witty and perceptive about Polonius she is not stupid at her job: there she gives out and reserves herself in good proportion. Rosenberg, Julie Christie's Gertrude is morally conflicted about what she has done, and increasingly aware that she might have married a murderer after the confrontation of the closet scene.

But Oliver's Gertrude is simply infatuated with her son. Works Cited Dashille, Chris. html Dawson, Andrew. Shakespeare in Performance Series. General Editors JR. Mulryne and J. New York: Manchester University Press, This feeling of anger and resentment is effectively illustrated through the conflict between Abner and the Negro, De Spain's helper. In this conflict, Abner is seen resisting the Negro's attempt to stop him from trespassing De Spain's home. Evidently, the Negro's status in life is much better than Abner, who has to toil very hard in order for him and his family to survive everyday.

This fact infuriates Abner, and his resentment against the Negro's condition in life is reflected in his hateful statement about his poverty and De Spain's seemingly unfair status as a wealthy man: "Pretty and white, ain't it? That's sweat. Nigger sweat. Maybe it ain't white enough yet to suit him. Maybe he wants to mix some white sweat in it" This statement is Abner's own way of protesting against his condition in life, a bitterness that reflects not only class conflict between the wealthy and…. Bibliography Fox, R. A companion to American thought. MA: Blackwell Publishers. Horton, M. Kartiganer, D. Faulkner in cultural context. Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi. Krevling, M. Inventing Southern literature.

Collin Powell career incorporating the book of the seven habits of highly effective people with the leadership secrets of Colin Powell using his leadership examples. Born on 5 April in United States, Colin Powell became the 65th secretary of states in the U. General Powell was an open-minded member to the party of Republican. This took place between and under George W. Bush presidency. Apart from Powell being the General of the Army of the United States, he also performed the duties of national security advisor from up to Another of his achievement is that he chaired the joint chief of staff and raise to be the highest ranked African-American government official.

Adolescence In Colin Powell's bibliography, few citations support the idea of Powell undergoing adolescence. His story is not…. Levine, S. The leader in you: How to win friends, influence people and succeed in a changing. Reece, B. Effective human relations: Personal and organizational applications. Boston, Mass. Wallace, S. For every manager in FE. London: Continuum. Man's Ability To Treat Humans Like Animals It is a vivid fact that the feelings of cruelty, discrimination and racial distribution are embedded well in to human nature since its very inception.

This world depicts several cases where humans treat other humans like animals and ignore their right of living peacefully and according to their own will. This article highlights the work of several writers who have depicted the different ways in which humans have been treated brutally by other humans. Majority of the cases deal with racial discrimination and poverty-based cruelty issues encountered by humans. The article presents an in depth analysis of the works of seven different writers and how their works represent the ill treatment encountered by the human race.

Charles Chestnutt's "Po Sandy" and its Linkage to Human Cruelty "Po' Sandy" written by Charles Chestnutt is basically the story of Sandy, who is made the slave…. Works Cited Chestnutt, Charles. Charles W. Chesnutt: Stories, Novels, and Essays, USA: Library of America, Esposito, Scott, "The Changeling by Kenzaburo Oe," Los Angeles Times,, 7 March Mackay, Marina. The Cambridge Companion to The Literature Of World War II, New York,. John Greenleaf Whittier's "Ichabod" To understand the poem "Ichabod," it is necessary to understand the historical context that led John Greenleaf Whittier to write it. Whittier was a poet who lived in New Hampshire during the s, during a time when the slavery issue in the United States was a matter of serious and heated debate.

Although he was white, Whittier was very strongly against slavery. However in New Hampshire, which had originally been a slavery state, there were many people who were still in favor of it. The poem was written in after a speech was delivered by the politician Daniel Webster, who publicly announced that he was in favor of a law known as the Missouri Compromise. The Missouri Compromise was a law that would allow the practice of slavery to continue, and Whittier felt angry and betrayed by Webster for his decision to support the act. References Reuben, Paul P.

html "Whittier's Anti-Slavery Ode to New Hampshire. Cyber Feminism, Gender and Technology Cyberfeminism, Gender and Technology Feminist movement found on the internet is known as Cyberfeminism. In recent times, the term has gained controversial status. Cyberfeminism, a fundamental issue from the feminist perspective, is mostly ignored by researchers and academics. It concentrates on empowerment of women through the cyberspace. Furthermore, it deals with female enlightenment and concentrates on creating awareness on how the digital technologies can influence the rights and social status of women. The digital technologies act as a medium of re-embodying the issue of racism and gender. Internet is the new medium used to erase the identity of women; that is; women are the erased race.

However, the internet has played a significant role in promoting Cyberfeminism by pointing out that several feminist studies and internet activities are done by the online media. It cannot be denied that technology plays an important role in promoting…. Work Cited: 1. Chon, Margaret. Erasing Race? A Critical Race Feminist View of Internet Identity Shifting, Nakamura, Lisa. Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, Cybertypes: Race, Ethnicity, and Identity on the Internet. London: Routledge, Wilding, Faith. Where is Feminism in Cyberfeminism?. Cyberfeminist International. movies Gladiator and Braveheart both focus on the highly popular and time-honored, classic theme of humankind's unending struggle for freedom.

Braveheart and Gladiator share numerous similarities, but are very different movies, in several important ways. In both movies, the average man becomes a true hero, after he is horribly wronged, and is thereafter forced to fight for freedom for both himself and others, against what seem to be almost hopeless odds. In these movies, the average man becomes a hero, both through circumstance, and the strength of his individual character. The average, unassuming man who evolves into a classic, but tragic hero is charismatic. It is this charisma that allows him to attract loyal followers, against their common and powerful opponents. In both Braveheart and Gladiator, the tragic and unassuming hero ultimately suffers a horrible and dramatic death, as a result of his struggle for freedom and justice.

Certainly, both…. Works Cited Bradley, K. Slavery and Rebellion in the Roman World. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, Director: Mel Gibson. VHS, Director: Ridley Scott. Goldstein, R. The matter of Scotland: Historical narrative in medieval Scotland. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press, Kilimanjaro For many critics, no other short story by Ernest Hemingway is as overtly autobiographical as the Snows of Kilimanjaro. Richard Hovey goes as far to say that the story "must have been Hemingway's effort to purge himself of long-accumulated guilts" This paper examines how the parallels between the story's protagonist Harry and Hemingway reveal a theme of the conflict between financial comfort and the artistic calling.

It shows how Hemingway depicts a writer, literally rotting from within, as he reflects on his own moral corruption and the loss of his artistic integrity. As the story begins, the reader quickly learns that the protagonist, a writer named Harry, is dying. A scratch sustained earlier has become infected and has poisoned his blood, causing a gangrenous infection. Harry knows that death was coming, but he could no longer muster any horror or fear. Instead, all he feels is "a great…. Works Cited Atkins, John. Katie DeKoster, ed. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, DeKoster, Katie.

Fielder, Leslie. Hemingway, Ernest. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, Othello, by William Shakespeare. Specifically, it will contain a major and minor character analysis. Othello and Desdemona are intertwined in the play, and the tragic fall of Othello could not occur without Desdemona's ultimate betrayal. Othello The major character of Othello in the play "Othello" is a tragic hero who allows himself to be manipulated by those around him, especially Iago and Desdemona. Othello is an interesting character, in that he is a "moor," or a black man in a largely white world, who indeed marries a white woman. He is a strong leader, who is given command over Cyprus, and is generally accepted by those around him, as this passage shows, "And, noble signior, If virtue no delighted beauty lack, Your son-in-law is far more fair than black" Shakespeare Act I, scene iii.

Unfortunately, Othello trusts his "friends" too much, and they plan and plot against him, ultimately leading…. Bibliography Bloom, Harold. William Shakespeare's Othello. New York: Chelsea House, Shakespeare, William. Cohen, Walter, Howard, Jean E. New York: W. Norton Company. March

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