What can unathletic people do to stay fit without suffering? Anyone of this topic could easily be written about and really there are so many problems, it is a bit overwhelming, but then we must start somewhere. Moreover, essay assignments help one to gain practical writing skills problem and solution essay ideas make sure one can research different topics from various perspectives. What are the strategies to improve their work? Solutions 2: Reduce the intake of spicy meals. Thanks for your comments Gyanedra Mocktan.
Problem-Solution Essay Definition
With the new academic year, you get more and more opportunities to investigate new topics and research some new subject areas. Moreover, problem and solution essay ideas, as you gain more experience, you find out new ways of writing specific essays or narrating a specific topic in a variety of ways. When it comes to the world of academic writing, you may notice that each type of essay writing has its own goals, problem and solution essay ideas, purpose, and value. For example, when you take a look at problem solution essay topics, you will see that such essays deal with providing a way out to a specific problem. If to have a look at the meaning of essay writing by default, you may definitely agree that essay writing is a great training ground for students who plan to continue their academic careers in the future.
Moreover, essay assignments help one to problem and solution essay ideas practical writing skills and make sure one can research different topics from various perspectives. If you do not have a clear understanding so far concerning what a problem and solution essay is, take a look at some problem solution essay topics provided online. They will probably give you a hint of what such essay type should deal with. Specifically, this type of essay writing focuses on revealing the importance of specific social, cultural, ethical, or other issues, identifying some challenges or problems within its realm, and providing effective ways to deal with them.
Problem solution essay topics are not merely educative and interesting — they can also provide room for some innovations or developments on the nationwide level, specifically when it comes to relief programs or writing grants. Inferring from such a serious role of problem solution essays, it can be stated that such an essay should be convincing in nature in order to address significant social challenges. Resultantly, such essays may be a bit complicated and challenging for the majority of students but still anything is achievable when it comes to presenting appropriate solutions. If you have been assigned to write a problem solution essay, be sure that there is a huge and versatile problem solution essay topics list containing pressing problems and issues, problem and solution essay ideas.
When focusing on the ideas development, keep in mind that your topics should not merely problem and solution essay ideas interesting in the academic scope but also regarding what impact they could have on the community. When you have a central problem to focus your essay on, keep in mind that you need to come up with at least three potentially viable solutions and provide their detailed discussion. If the problem is really complex and if you are expected to provide a really long essay, problem and solution essay ideas, then you may choose to discuss more than three solutions. However, problem and solution essay ideas, what is really unacceptable when working on a problem solution essay is to present only one solution.
In such case, your essay will not be argumentative and you will not be able to bring some adjacent solutions for rebuttal. Furthermore, when it comes to the evaluation process, if you provide just one solution to the problem, your professor might think that you have not spent sufficient time on investigating the topic in depth. When it comes for high school essay topics, keep in mind that they should not be overly complicated. It is better to choose simpler topics but make sure you can demonstrate good analytical and critical thinking skills and your problem and solution essay ideas to come up with solutions, problem and solution essay ideas.
Moreover, when working on a high school essay, try to keep in mind your target audience. For example, if you provide an essay in front of high school students, problem and solution essay ideas, make sure that you choose appropriate vocabulary and clearly pinpoint to how different issues may be addressed. As well as that, the topics should be relevant to high school students and evoke their interest in the process of discussion. Problem and solution essay ideas 1. School shootings Investigate why it is a real problem nowadays. Specifically, point out that a school should be a safe place as parents would not like to send their children to a potentially dangerous place, where children spend half the day.
Solution 1: before admitting students for school, the school administration should make sure that students are mentally healthy. In case some students were spotted to demonstrate violent or aggressive behavior, they should undergo counseling. Solution 2: there should be automatic lockdown systems in all educational establishments including schools. If there is a shooting outbreak, students will be able to find a place where they stay safe. Solution 3: the school administration should regulate levels of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs intake by school shooters. Topic 2. Highlight problem and solution essay ideas role of education, namely that it is a backbone of a prosperous society. Consequently, if few people graduate from higher educational establishments, than the society can deteriorate in a variety of aspects e.
Solution 1: Urban areas should be made more respectable, specifically one should care for the overall well-being of people living in a specific area. Attention should be paid to cleaning streets, eradicating crime, and tackling the problem of children dropping out of problem and solution essay ideas. Solution 2: It is essential to make schools more technologically savvy, in particular make sure that students of each school have access to technological tools that make the learning process more interesting and easy. In this way, children will have a reason to go to school since they will be more motivated and interested to study. The more importance students find in problem and solution essay ideas, the more eagerly they will pursue their education. Topic 3: Playing truant: why students skip school on a regular basis?
Investigate why it is a problem nowadays. Solution 1 : Provide conditions for students to be more motivated to attend school. For example, provide them with specific job opportunities even while they are still studying. Ensure they have a chance to receive full-time job offers after they graduate. In particular, parents should be made more involved since students should start learning from home that education is an important asset nowadays. In such a case, teachers and parents should cooperate. Solution 3: Teachers should be more active when it comes to home visits.
Topic 4. Low civic engagement Investigate why it is a problem nowadays. If a democratic society wants to be prosperous and function in an effective way, all its citizens should take an active part in tackling the issues arising within a community. If citizens are not involved, the problems will hardly ever be properly solved. Solution 1: Civic mindfulness should be promoted on all levels, starting from school education and ranging to workplaces, churches, etc. Solution 2: Community members should be kind of motivated when it comes to active civic engagement. For example, individuals actively participating in community life should be given tax breaks or other perks.
Solution 3: More power should be granted to people community level. It is generally better than centering all power within the government. Topic 5. Fragmentation of problem and solution essay ideas Investigate why it is a problem nowadays. Pinpoint to the importance of culture, specifically its role of bringing people together and uniting them. Solution 1: Promote mutual respect when it comes to different cultures. Solution 2: Think of one culture that is viewed by people as an ideal one and try to shape the society based on its values and ideals. Solution 3: Provide limitations concerning the extent contrary values and ideals may be highlighted in the media.
Topic 6: Fake news is around us Investigate why it is a problem nowadays. Analyze reality vs. fake news. Discuss the situations in which fake news are presented as a form of reality. Focus on the tension created in the society concerning the information passed on from one person to another. How to actually differentiate between what is real and what is fake? Solution 1: Focus on the credentials of those who spread fake news. Solution 2: Think of the restrictions on can be imposed to when it comes to spreading fake information. Solution 3: Investigate more in-depth matters that are beyond spreading fake news. Topic 7. The digital divide Investigate why it is a problem nowadays.
Outline how the Internet helps people to stay in touch with each other. Just imagine: if some part of the population was prohibited from using the Internet, it would be cut off from the problem and solution essay ideas of the world. Solution 1: Free access to the Internet for all people. Make the Internet free, which is actually paid from taxes. Solution 3: Come up with ideas regarding what legislation can be passed that would encourage large tech corporations to donate computers to remote areas of the world to help more and more people become technologically savvy. Topic 8. Cyber bullying Investigate why it is a problem nowadays, problem and solution essay ideas. Solution 1: It would be prudent to refer to cyberbullying as to a kind of criminal activity.
Consequently, the abusers detected for cyberbullying should be sent off to juvenile detention. Solution 2: Restrict the usage of social media by children. Since children are really susceptible to cyberbullying and can be most affected by its outcomes, it would be recommended to restrict excessive usage of the Internet. Topic 9. Drug abuse among youths Investigate why it is a problem nowadays. Such drug substances as heroin and opium are the cause of many deaths nowadays. Moreover, drug addictions are becoming more and more widespread. Solution 1: Death penalty should be initiated for all those involved in drug trafficking, problem and solution essay ideas.
Solution 2: Pharmaceutical companies should be restricted from producing opiates on a mass-market level. Solution 3: Medicines containing drugs should be better regulated when being sold to the public. Topic Terrorism Investigate why it is a problem nowadays, problem and solution essay ideas. The problem of terrorism is a vicious circle since people who initiate terrorism are frequently terrorized back. Consequently, problem and solution essay ideas, such activity leads to severe destruction. Solution 2: Take measures to stop bombing in the Arab states. Solution 3: Demonstrate diplomatic approach towards states that take an active part in fighting terrorism.
Single-parent families Investigate why it is a problem nowadays.
science essay topic
The best solutions that prevent suicides the permanent solution to a temporary problem. How can we stop mass shootings? The solution to the illegal immigration problem. Here is how we can stop sexual abuse in schools. The policies that can stop child labor. Problem Solution Essay Topics For College How can we solve the student loans problem? The best ways to control stress in college. College education can be affordable. Here is how! Substance abuse can be prevented on college campuses. How teachers can prevent students from cheating on exams. The best way to become a more efficient student. Education Problem Solution Essay Topics Schools have the means to prevent suicides. The effective methods that prevent cheating in school. How can schools keep up with technology?
Schools can eliminate bullying. The solution to racial discrimination in the US education system. The solution to gender discrimination in the US education system. Best Relationship Topics Here is how you can become confident in just three steps! The easy solutions to an abusive relationship. How can we solve the problem with overprotective parents? How can we stop sexting in high school? Social Problems Topics How can we eliminate racism in the modern world? Ways to deal with illegal immigrants on the border line. We can improve literacy in the United States. The simple solutions to the huge human trafficking problem. Divorce can be prevented. Solutions to the homeless people problem in the US. College Life Topics Here is how you decide on your major quickly.
Do you have problems with your roommate? You can solve them! Colleges can be safer: Real solutions. Why is college so expensive? Any solutions? Crime Issues How can we solve the domestic violence issue? Hopefully, these topics will help you write your problem-solution essay. Participating in a student exchange program is a perfect opportunity to visit different countries during your college years. You can discover more about other cultures and learn a new language or two. Keep in How can you define America? This article will help you dive deeper into this versatile subject. Here, you will find: Early and modern US history topics to write about. Are you looking for perfect feminist topics? With our help, you can be sure to craft a great essay.
Some people think all feminists hate men. Feminists are people of all genders who believe that they If you have an assignment in politics, look no further—this article will help you ace your paper. Here, you will find a list of unique political topics to write about compiled by our custom writing team. Keep reading if you want to: See how to tackle political essay topics in your paper; Choose a topic that will be interesting for you to research; Refresh your knowledge of essential political concepts. A balanced and wholesome diet improves our immune system. It lowers the risk of getting sick and makes us more productive. You see, nutrition topics are more In modern societies, people do everything to live peacefully.
Still, tensions often arise. We call them social issues when they start negatively impacting a specific group of people. Poverty, discrimination, and addiction are examples of such problems. We need to confront them to ensure equal treatment for everyone. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Learn More. Toogle TOC. Provide the definition of the problem, some general background, and thesis statement with possible solutions. Give clear examples on the issue so that readers can understand it better. Two or more possible solutions. Conclusion with a summary of the main points of the text.
What are the ways to alleviate or prevent poverty? What are the ways to ensure privacy in the digital age? A vast number of girls get pregnant and give birth before the age of What are some ways to reduce the teenage pregnancy rate in your country? What are the ways to solve this issue? Despite an increase in public awareness about the adverse effects of racism , the issue persists. How can we eliminate it? Unemployment negatively affects the living conditions of many people. It also facilitates such issues as domestic violence and depression. How can unemployment rates be improved in your country? Education is a fundamental human right, yet many people in some developing countries remain illiterate.
How can we solve this issue? How can we better promote healthy lifestyles? Victims of domestic violence often develop physical disabilities, chronic health problems, and stress. In what ways can we reduce domestic violence in our society? Inequality in payment, sexual harassment, and difficulty getting promoted are some of the issues women face at workplaces. What can our society do to increase equality? How can we promote healthier beauty standards? When children observe violent behaviors, they become more aggressive. In what ways can we prevent them from witnessing violence? How can we improve this situation? The ownership of guns increases the chances of unintentional shootings, which can result in casualties. How can gun control policies be improved? The consumption of illegal drugs often leads to overdosing.
In what ways can people be persuaded not to do drugs? Drunk driving is the leading cause of vehicle accidents. What is the best way to restrict people from doing it? Human trafficking is a grave problem that affects countries all over the world. How can it be prevented? Women often report being sexually assaulted while in college. What can we do to reduce this problem? Homeless people are more likely to engage in abuse or violent behavior. What can be done to solve the issue? Parental divorce is a traumatic experience for a child. How can its adverse effects be eliminated? In the pandemic environment, many students had to resort to online education , often with questionable quality.
What are the ways to make e-learning effective? Many schools fail to provide adequate sex education programs. How can we reduce the stigma around this topic? Numerous students get bad grades due to reasons other than laziness. How can we help struggling learners? For many students, a strict schedule remains a big issue. Should students be offered the possibility of flexibility? Many private and public schools require a strict uniform. A majority of students in schools and colleges admit to cheating. What are the ways to put an end to this behavior? Technology usage in education can be beneficial, as it might improve engagement and individual learning.
How can schools become more adaptable to digitalization? Learning a foreign language can help students develop additional mental abilities. Should it be mandatory in all schools? Students often find themselves delaying or postponing tasks. It leads to lower grades and health issues, such as headaches or insomnia. How can we reduce the levels of student procrastination? Obesity is associated with the leading causes of death in the US. Should the educational system include more physical education classes to build a fitter community?
Students with learning disorders may have a feeling of frustration when mastering a subject. In what ways can colleges adapt to their needs? There are many subjects in school, and not all of them are equally useful for everyone. How can we make sure that students are learning what is best for them? Schools often put more funding into science, mathematics, and humanities. Should they also fund physical education PE? Gifted education allows talented students to learn more and move ahead at their pace. At the same time, it creates inequality.
How can these programs be improved? Disruptive children usually prevent themselves and other students in class from working. What are the ways to deal with these students to make the work effective? The core curriculum for all schools allows all children to be taught all subjects but can be a bit strict. Should all schools have the same curriculum? Should schools focus more on getting students job-ready? Bullying and violence are the major issues at school that affect mental and physical health. What can teachers do to prevent these behaviors at school? Instead, they excel in certain ones and fail in others. Should learners be allowed to choose their courses? Printed books are not easy to update, as new editions are often costly.
Should schools move to digital textbooks? Raising minimum wages might result in the loss of jobs. What are the alternatives? Job dissatisfaction often stems from issues related to wages, career progression, and leadership approach. How can we increase job satisfaction? The high unemployment rate brings an economic loss to the government, as well as causes individual sufferings. What are the possible methods to reduce it? A large number of startups fail in the first year of functioning. How can governments ensure their sustainability? Low employee productivity can create serious setbacks for businesses. What are the ways to increase productivity?
What are the steps to fix this issue? The lack of teamwork might result in efficiency and productivity drop. How can we improve team cooperation in the company? Inflation negatively affects people with fixed wages and large amounts of cash savings. How can it be avoided? Carrying a student loan debt and failure to repay one may result in serious financial troubles. How can we solve the problems associated with student credit? The lack of performance monitoring might lead to unintended behaviors within the organization.
How can we persuade people to start using a set of performance indicators? A significantly high number of people live from payday to payday, failing to accumulate savings. What is the best way to save money monthly? Bad investments rarely bring any profit. How can people avoid poor investments? Financial crisis can lead to mass job losses and businesses shutting down. How can we overcome recessions effectively? The biggest challenge for small businesses during a pandemic is staying open and making a profit. How can governments support small businesses in case of another epidemic? Poor marketing might result in financial problems and low customer volumes. How can you improve an average marketing strategy?
What are the ways to manage a strapped budget? Employee turnover has immediate consequences for a company. How can we reduce it? Business competition can harm small businesses through price factors and labor costs. How can they handle the competition? Poor workflow directly affects the revenue of the company. How can companies manage it effectively? Unsatisfied customers might spread the word about the ineffectiveness of the company. This part of the essay will uncover the issue you write about and its causes. Make sure to explain why this issue is topical and requires settlement. Also, you can review current situation with this problem and evaluate past steps made to solve it.
For instance, use OECD and Greenpeace websites to research about environmental issues and World Bank resource to find out about demographics. Research and discuss all possibilities available to settle the problem. To research ways of problem solution, you can turn to news agency websites, such as The New York Times, The Guardian, and good old Wikipedia. Summarize your essay here and restate your thesis. Evaluate the ways of problem solution you have found. The problem and solution topics listed above will also make great topics for your problem and solution speech.
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