Friday, January 14, 2022

Family life essay

Family life essay

So, our appearance really matter a lot to us and the way we dress. Introduction This speech is intended to provide the audience with total peace of mind, family life essay, psychological and emotional breakthroughs in their daily life routine. It is through family that we learn the basics family life essay social interactions and socialize ourselves, i. My dad says that the world is like a river, we would eventually flow into one another later and you do not know the future, family life essay, the person you helped today might eventually be of help to you tomorrow. We are a species as reliant on our emotions as our intellect. My family is a blessing for me and I value everyone in my family with equal respect and love.

Family Essay Topics & Writing Prompts

We all are well aware of the role our families play in our individual lives. There is no difference of opinion on family life essay point that our families play a very significant role in our lives. A family provides much needed emotional, social, financial and other support to us. Without a family life would be unimaginably difficult and everyday tasks would have been impossible to achieve. The feeling that someone loves you and waiting for you to return safe and on time, can better be experienced than stated. Being all alone in this big world is the worst thing to happen to someone; on the contrary, having a family is the best.

The essays have been written in simple yet effective English so that you can easily remember them and present them when needed. After going through these importance of family essay you will know what the importance family life essay a family is, what makes a family so important etc. The essays family life essay be extremely helpful whenever you are asked to speak about your family or write an essay on it. If one looks at the strict definition of family, family life essay, it is the people you share genetic material with, the ones who are related to you by birth.

This starts with your immediate family — your mother, your father family life essay your parents and your siblings. Then there is your extended family — grandparents, uncles and aunts and cousins. Marriage, for example, is one of the most common ways to join a family. Adoption is another. The one fact that cannot be denied is that the family is important. Regardless of what form family might take for you, family life essay, one thing is certain — family shapes us. Our family is our first introduction to the world. It is also our first interaction with it. We learn the most basic and the most important social skills from family life essay family.

In addition, we also fulfil our emotional needs through them. Human beings are social animals, something that means that it is not possible for us to lead entirely solitary lives. Modern life is tough and stressful. Handling it becomes a lot easier if you have family life essay support system behind you. That support system is your family. Love them or hate them, families are a very essential part of our lives. They play crucial roles in teaching us how to deal with the world. While the strict definition of family states family as being those people who are biologically related to you, in real life the term is much vaster than that.

Families can come in many formats — from the traditional nuclear family to those in which children are raised by relatives to same-sex partners with their children. Many people turn to their friends for love and support and, therefore, consider them their real families. Regardless of what each one family life essay us defines as family, one thing is pretty certain — we need our family. One of the main reasons family is essential to me family life essay that we provide support and security for each other. Another reason family is very important to me is that they are the ones who love and understand me. Everyone has emotional needs.

We are a species as reliant on our emotions as our intellect. For our well-being, both mental and physical, we need emotional connect. My family provides that to me in spades. They understand why I do the things I do and love me anyway. My family gives me unconditional love. My family also gives me the feeling that I belong somewhere, family life essay. They give me my roots. Knowing where I belong gives me the family life essay I need to deal with everything the world throws at me. Having a family is such a basic necessity that often we take it for granted when we have it. Our families stay with us from our first breath to our last. They provide us with the foundation upon which we build ourselves.

To me, my family is an extension of myself. Family is our foundation. It is through family that we learn our first interactions with the world. It teaches us how to love and be loved, how to offer and receive support and how to respect others while earning their respect. It provides the framework for our views of the world. The socially acceptable version of family is the people who are biologically related to you. However, when you look at what a family actually means, you realize that family can be anyone, the people you were born to or the people you choose to be with, family life essay.

Love them or hate them, you cannot deny the fact that your family is pivotal in your life and there are quite a few reasons for that. A family provides us with a sense of security. It acts as the bulwark against the world that we need. On a purely practical level, family life essay, we are unable to care for ourselves when we come into the world. It is our family who takes care of our basic needs and protects us. As we grow older, that protection expands to give us a place where we can find emotional security as well. Our first social interactions are with our family.

Hence, a family has great influence over how we interact with each other and society at large. Family life essay any kind of productive interaction, we need to follow certain rules and norms. Our family imparts the knowledge of these norms to us and these norms are called values. They determine not just the interactions but the thinking that goes behind those interactions. Imagine having no one to talk to about it. You decide to go on a vacation. Imagine having to do it all alone. You lost your job or had your heart broken. Imagine having no one who can listen to your sorrows. A family does all of this for us and so much more. It makes us happy and fulfilled. Without a family we end up navigating the calms, the storms and the choppy waters of life all alone. If we do not have a family to anchor us, we often fail at this navigation and drown under the force of everything life throws at us.

Family gives us the strength we need to get through the bad times and celebrates the good times with us. If family life essay looks at the old definition of a family, what a family was a hundred years ago, it is pretty clear cut. A family was a unit consisting of a father who took care of it financially, a mother who looked after hearth and home and family life essay or more children. Depending upon which part of the world you were in, this could also expand to include extended family members such as grandparents and uncles and aunts and their families. This system was called a joint family. We have come a long way since then. Family life essay the emergence of feminism, family life essay, nuclear families and many other societal changes the traditional version of a family is no longer completely true.

This has led many to believe that the concept of a family is dying out. However, family life essay, nothing could be further from the truth. It is not that the family is dying out; instead, the fact family life essay that our concept of what constitutes a family has changed. A family can consist of single parents, same-sex partners and even friends. In other words, as society has changed, so has the idea of what a family is. The prevalence of divorce has led many people to believe that the family construct is no longer valid and is crumbling. This, family life essay, however, is just not true.

The fact of the matter is that the concept of what a family is has evolved to keep up with the changes in modern society, family life essay. This then means that family still is at the foundation of society. The only thing that has changed is the type of family that holds society up. The basic needs of such members can only be met when they have value to a society and that value comes through family. A family is essential to our need for love and belonging. We need to feel love and we need somewhere to belong to. A family provides that foundation. A family is the first social environment that we interact with. It is through family that we learn the basics of social interactions and socialize ourselves, i.

learn to interact productively with society. It is through family that we learn how to survive and thrive. Times have changed. Our attitudes towards marriage, family life essay, relationships and what constitutes a family have also changed. Relationships that were taboo once are now considered normal.

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She has made the members of the family make many sacrifices for her. Lee's sister has just resigned from her work in New York and their father who normally saw patients until eight or nine in the evening was now arriving home at four-thirty Lee She is the dominant figure in the family and even after her death ; the family members do not know how to live without her. The writer says that, after the death of her mother, they used to drift through the house with his father like ghosts. The writer points out that, after his mother's death, they lived like ghosts, not knowing what to do Lee The kind of life that Didion lives would serve as the best representation of what home would be for me.

This attributes to the fact that the family members go away, and separation comes as, a result. I also identify with the constant allure and beauty of the home where I grew up, and the continuous gossip of home and the characters that have shaped our lives. In addition, other factors like people being difficult does greatly resemble home for me. Drifting apart of families is whereby members of a family through various reasons start moving out of the family home and the family slowly breaks apart. The two texts both contain examples of families drifting apart. In the case of Lee, his going away to attend boarding school in New Hampshire takes him away from his family and even causes him to become less familiar with his mother.

He writes that her mother would sometimes sit with him for an hour or two after his father had gone to sleep before she would kiss him goodnight. This is a sure sign that the writer has grown less accustomed to his mother and that they are drifting apart Lee The drifting apart of Lee's family becomes mitigated, unfortunately, by his mother's illness. Her illness has forced Lee's sister to resign from her work in New York City and come back home. His father who normally would have worked until late in the evening now came home early, this is a sign that the family drifting apart is checked and that they are coming together again.

When Lee's mother took him to boarding school, she says that it was better because if Lee had not gone, he would not have liked her much later. Lee's mother was afraid that if Lee had stayed close to her for a long time, he would have grown to dislike her. She knew that taking Lee to boarding school would cause a rift in the family, but she chose this over her son's dislike of her. This decision haunts her to the last of her days, and we see that even after death, the question of his mother allowing him to go to boarding school still seems to trouble Lee. He says that he still at times think about if it had been a mistake to go to boarding school.

We can see here that the mind of the author troubled by the idea that his having gone to boarding school had been a mistake. The family of Didion, her father's family has experienced drifting apart. Didion moves away from the family home and goes to live with her husband. She raises a family with her husband but then goes home. She finds that she is a little strange to the place not having heard the latest developments, so she speaks with her brother about the real estate and gossips on the people they know. It is evident that the family is drifting apart as a visit to her great-aunts reveals that they have started to forget that she has lived in Los Angeles for three years, and they still think she lives in New York.

The concept of drifting apart of families portrayed in these texts shows our society as having loose familial ties. The ease to which characters shift from one family to the next reveals that the binds that tie families are weak. It is also important to note that the members of these families also stick together through their struggles. For example, once Lee's mother becomes sick and is about to die, the family is brought together, and they make huge sacrifices in order to ensure they are together. Nothing in this world can be stronger than the bonding of the blood. The members of the same family may have differences of opinions, may quarrel often for silly things but in spite of all these it is our family that supports us during our ups and downs. Contrary to this saying, we cannot choose our family as we choose our friends.

My family is very small with four members — my mother, my father, my elder sister and me. My family is a middle class family and my father is officially the bread winner of our family. My mother supports him financially by taking tuitions for school children. We do not have much money or wealth but what my family has in abundance is love for each other which cannot be replaced by anything else in this world. My father and my mother are the role models to my sister and me. They struggle a lot to give us a better life. More than anything they have taught us discipline and morals of life which is helping us to lead our lives in a righteous path even today. I cannot ask anything more to God since he has already showered me with my family which I treasure the most every second and will safeguard even in the future.

I love my family very much because all of my family members stand in my good as well as bad times. From moral teachings to love and support, my family has always helped me without any demand. There is no doubt that we experience our biggest triumphs when we really connect to them. My family is like a strong pillar for me, on which I can rely blindly anytime I require support. My family consists of my grandfather, my grandmother, my mother, my father, two young sisters and myself. My grandparents are the pillars of my family and my grandfather is the head of my family. He is the one whose decision relating to any matter is final and all of us do respect it. In addition to this, all of my family members help and serve each other at times of need.

These qualities that I have learnt from my family has helped me to shape my adult life in a right manner. I am really very attached to my grandfather. He holds an excellent life experience because he has already faced so many ups and downs. My family has always been there to motivate and encourage me to overcome all difficulties in life and achieve success. The role of every member in my family is unique and important in their own way. I thank God that I have grown up in a family full of love and discipline. My family values will definitely help me in becoming a better person. I am complete and happy with my family that includes five members. My family is a group of five including me, father, mother, brother, and sister. Family bonding is a unique type of love that gives you every lesson needed to live a harmonious life.

Growing under the supervision of a caring and loving family will increase our social values and overall well-being. Each member of my family carries out equal responsibility in sculpting the strong bonding needed for a better future and develop moral importance in each other. My father owns a successful business of office stationery store. He uses the money to cover all our expenses and give a better lifestyle to the family. He works hard day and night to get us better education, food, home, etc. He hides all his tiredness when he comes home after a long day to spend quality time with us.

My mother is a talented homemaker who also does a part-time tailoring at home. She does all her duties with at most interest, from taking care of us to all the household chores and finds time to pursue her passion as well. She is a multi-tasker and does all the tasks from helping us in our studies to preparing delicious healthy foods to sculpt us into a better human being. My brother is an engineering graduate and does a job in a well-known company. He is my best well-wisher and helps me in all ups and downs. My sister is also an engineering graduate and an employee in an IT company. She always finds time to help me with all my difficulties and she is my secret keeper too. My family is a lifeline to whom I can run to, whatever may be the situation I am facing.

My family guides me to be a good person and help me in nurturing good values. We, humans, are animals that live together spreading love and care for each other, and this togetherness is called family. The absence of such a divine bonding make us equal to animals. Family value and growing in such a caring surrounding helps me to pass all the struggles and hardships that I face in my daily life. Whatever be the situation we are facing, our family will never leave us alone. My family is a blessing for me and I value everyone in my family with equal respect and love. Most of the people in the world are blessed with having a family. A family, with whom you can share all your joys and sorrows, who is there to guide you through your growing years, who stands by you in the toughest of the situations.

I too am blessed to have such a family. My family is one the most bizarre family in the world. We are four people, my mother, my father, my younger brother and me. While my father is the one who does work for a living, it is my mother who is the boss of the house. My father is a humble person. He is an officer in a government department. My mother is a housewife. It is our mother who takes care of our studies as our father is often busy with his official assignments and even travels for days together. We just miss him when he is not at home. He never scolds us. But, our mother is just the opposite. She wants us to remain disciplined and we often get scolded by her.

However, our father comes to our rescue most of the times. My brother, still in school is the one with whom I love to spend my time the most. Not because I love to play with him, but because, being the elder sister, I enjoy instructing him and showing him who is more powerful at home. He, at a time, seems so helpless when our mother says to obey his sister. I just love that moment. But not all days are the same. I hate having to study all along while he gets to play more than me. We largely have a peaceful atmosphere at home. After school, our time is spent on studying, playing and watching television, which of course our mother does not like. Unlike other couples, my mother and father seldom have a fight. In fact, as soon we see an argument brewing up, one of them just withdraws and it is just rare to see a heated conversation between them.

This is what I like the most about them as I feel that my parents are so cool. It is only me and brother who love to fight with each other. However, we know that behind those fights, it is actually our love for each other which binds us together. I just enjoy being at home spending time with my parents and my brother. I just feel how bad it would be when tomorrow I and my brother shall move on for our professional lives and we shall not be able to spend much time together. However, it is the memories of today which shall be with me forever and will bring a smile on my face anytime when I feel low. A family is said to be the first school of a child. It is from here you start to learn how to speak, walk and interact with the world.

It is the elders of the family who at any given of time would know the world better than us and we should all respect our family members and love our siblings as well. It is the family who builds our character and we should feel fortunate to have a family around us. My family values are what I take so dear to my heart because they have made me what I am today and I plan on passing these great values to my children in future. Every family has those things, acts and values that they hold in high esteem and they cherish so much. These vales have become a part of them: most times, it is what distinguishes the traits in each family and in some ways it makes or mars the future of the family members.

Same applies to my family, we have some set values that has become a part of us and it has made my life a lot better because I have become a better person who is not only valuable to himself but also to the society at large. I will be sharing some of these values with you. This is a principle that is highly protected in my family. Sometimes, my parents even test us in ways we were not expecting and a reward is given to the person that comes out honest. This is one of my family values that I cherish so much and I am proud that it is what my family hold in high esteem. This is not a common trait to all. My mom has this belief that if the world and everybody in it shows love and kindness to one another, there will be no hatred and wars will be eradicated.

This is a family value that we cherish so much. I learnt to show love to everybody. Even when we did not have much, my parents will still give to those who are needy. My dad says that the world is like a river, we would eventually flow into one another later and you do not know the future, the person you helped today might eventually be of help to you tomorrow. This is a value that has been passed from generation to generation in my family. My dad would say that education is the best legacy you can give to a child. My family does everything in their capacity for you to get a sound and benefitting education. The acquisition of knowledge is also quite important. This is a religious value we cherish in my family. My dad would say that you are addressed the way you dress.

I do not want to be address wrongly and give out a wrong impression. So, our appearance really matter a lot to us and the way we dress. Every family has one thing or the other that they hold in high esteem and tend to pass on from generation to generation. You lost your job or had your heart broken. Imagine having no one who can listen to your sorrows. A family does all of this for us and so much more. It makes us happy and fulfilled. Without a family we end up navigating the calms, the storms and the choppy waters of life all alone. If we do not have a family to anchor us, we often fail at this navigation and drown under the force of everything life throws at us. Family gives us the strength we need to get through the bad times and celebrates the good times with us.

If one looks at the old definition of a family, what a family was a hundred years ago, it is pretty clear cut. A family was a unit consisting of a father who took care of it financially, a mother who looked after hearth and home and one or more children. Depending upon which part of the world you were in, this could also expand to include extended family members such as grandparents and uncles and aunts and their families. This system was called a joint family. We have come a long way since then. With the emergence of feminism, nuclear families and many other societal changes the traditional version of a family is no longer completely true.

This has led many to believe that the concept of a family is dying out. However, nothing could be further from the truth. It is not that the family is dying out; instead, the fact is that our concept of what constitutes a family has changed. A family can consist of single parents, same-sex partners and even friends. In other words, as society has changed, so has the idea of what a family is. The prevalence of divorce has led many people to believe that the family construct is no longer valid and is crumbling. This, however, is just not true.

The fact of the matter is that the concept of what a family is has evolved to keep up with the changes in modern society. This then means that family still is at the foundation of society. The only thing that has changed is the type of family that holds society up. The basic needs of such members can only be met when they have value to a society and that value comes through family. A family is essential to our need for love and belonging. We need to feel love and we need somewhere to belong to. A family provides that foundation. A family is the first social environment that we interact with. It is through family that we learn the basics of social interactions and socialize ourselves, i.

learn to interact productively with society. It is through family that we learn how to survive and thrive. Times have changed. Our attitudes towards marriage, relationships and what constitutes a family have also changed. Relationships that were taboo once are now considered normal. Those resistant to these changes have predicted the breakdown of society and said that families are under attack. However, all that has really happened is that our concept of what a family is has evolved along with the social changes of the last years.

Families are still the foundation of society and they always will be. The modern world has a different definition of family than has been the norm for thousands of years. No matter what the type of family unit — single parent family, same-sex partners, nuclear family, joint family or step family — care for each other is the foundation of family. To further this, in order to keep families strong the relationships amongst the members of the family have to be strong too. Each member of the family is unique and has his or her own personality. The interactions each of them has with other members of the family are unique. Nevertheless, the interactions need to nurture and strengthen the bonds between family members or the family will drift apart.

There are quite a few factors that help strengthen family relationships. Some of the most important ones are:. Love — This is the factor that comes to mind first. Love is what is at the heart of the family. Everyone has the need to love and be loved and the family is where they give and receive that love first. In fact, the family is where we learn to love. Through love we learn about intimacy, privacy, belonging, caring and sharing. Loyalty — Some would say that this is a natural offshoot of love. A family that is strong is devoted to each other. When dark times come, the family stands together to face them.

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